Inuyasha: The Final Act (犬夜叉 完結編, Inuyasha Kanketsu-Hen) is a direct sequel to the Inuyasha anime series and is based on the last twenty-one volumes of the Inuyasha manga series by Rumiko Takahashi, continuing where the first adaptation left off. The series follows the half dog-demon, half human named Inuyasha, the fifteen-year-old junior high school student Kagome Higurashi and their close companions Miroku, Sango, Shippoand Kirara as they search for the last fragments of the Sacred Jewel of Four Souls and approach their final battle with Naraku. Viz Media licensed the series as InuYasha: The Final Act. The original staff and cast from the first Inuyasha anime adaptation were brought back together for the new series. The series premiered first on Nippon TV on October 4, 2009, and concluded first on Yomiuri TV on March 30, 2010. The English dub, Inuyasha: The Final Act, began broadcasting in the United States on Viz Media's online network, Neon Alley, on October 2, 2012. On October 24, 2014, Adult Swim announced that Inuyasha: The Final Act would air on the Toonami programming block beginning on November 15, 2014.
Theme Songs[]
- Opening
- Closing
Voice Cast[]
- Japanese
- Kappei Yamaguchi as Inuyasha
- Satsuki Yukino as Kagome Higurashi
- Houko Kuwashima as Sango
- the late Kouji Tsujitani as Miroku
- Kumiko Watanabe as Shippo
- Akiko Yajima as Kohaku
- Shigeru Nagashima as Jaken
- Ken Narita as Sesshōmaru
- Kenichi Ogata as Myōga
- Mamiko Noto as Rin
- Mitsuaki Madono as Mugen no Byakuya
- Noriko Hidaka as Kikyo
- Taiki Matsuno as Koga
- Toshiyuki Morikawa as Naraku
- Yukana Nogami as Kanna
- Ai Kobayashi as Akago
- Akiko Nakagawa as Sota Higurashi
- Asako Dodo as Ms. Higurashi
- Katsumi Suzuki as Grandpa Higurashi
- Chiwa Saito as Young Miroku
- Daisuke Kishio as Hakkaku
- Hiroyuki Yoshino as Ginta
- Hisako Kyouda as Kaede
- the late Jouji Yanami as Totosai
- Kaori Shimizu as Yuka
- Yuki Masuda as Eri
- Nami Okamoto as Ayumi
- English
- Richard Ian Cox as Inuyasha
- Kira Tozer as Kagome
- Kelly Sheridan as Sango
- the late Kirby Morrow as Miroku
- Jillian Michaels as Shippo & Yuka
- Aidan Drummond as Kohaku
- Don Brown as Jaken
- Michael Daingerfield as Sesshōmaru
- Paul Dobson as Ginta, Myōga & Naraku
- Brenna O'Brien as Rin
- Michael Adamthwaite as Byakuya
- Willow Johnson as Kikyo
- Scott McNeil as Koga
- Janyse Jaud as Kanna
- Chiara Zanni as Akago
- Rebecca Shoichet as Sota Higurashi & Eri
- Cathy Weseluck as Ms. Higurashi, Ayumi & Young Miroku
- French Tickner as Grandpa Higurashi
- Alistair Abell as Hakkaku
- Linda Darlow as Kaede
- Richard Newman as Totosai
- Due to Moneca Stori's retirement from voice acting and David Kaye moving to Los Angles California, they are the only English dub cast members from the English dub of the original series not to reprise their roles as Kagome Higurashi and Sesshomaru. They were replaced by Kira Tozer and Michael Daingerfieldrespectively. However, David Kaye would later reprise his role of Sesshomaru for the English version of the later spin-off series Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (2020).
- This series is a sequel to the original Inuyasha (2000) series, which by its conclusion had already caught up with the releases of the manga and therefore had no more material to work with. After the manga had finished, this series was produced to tie into the original anime in order to adapt the remaining chapters to an anime format, and this series mostly has no filler.