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Ikkaku Madarame (斑目 一角) is the current new lieutenant of the 11th Division.

Bleach 218-068

He was former 3rd Seat of the 11th Division in the Gotei 13. His captain is Kenpachi Zaraki. While the 3rd Seat is his best friend, Yumichika Ayasegawa.


Not much is known about Ikkaku Madarame's own early childhood history. He was born on the day of November 9th. Ikkaku mostly came from the streets of the Rukongai district. At some point, he met Yumichika Ayasegawa, and the two became best friends. The two would frequently go from village to village, by looking for opponents for Ikkaku to face in combat.

They had an encounter with Kenpachi Zaraki, and Yachiru Kusajishi before they all had entered the Seireitei. Yachiru honestly told him that messing with Kenpachi while he was in a good mood was a very bad idea, but Ikkaku did not take the warning too seriously. When face to face with Kenpachi, he, while becoming alarmed by his Reiatsu, was happy to finally have a real challenge. Kenpachi attacked him with enough force to crater the ground under neath Ikkaku, in which somewhat alarmed Yumichika. Due to Kenpachi's strength, Ikkaku, while being forced on the defensive, held off his relentless strikes. The two continued to battle, with Ikkaku trying to overwhelm Kenpachi, though unable to wear him down, he was only succeeding in receiving wounds while Kenpachi remained untouched by his blade. Stating that he was having so much fun, Kenpachi decided to finish Ikkaku off with one strike, therefore resulting in Ikkaku losing the fight.

As Ikkaku became very mad that Kenpachi would just walk away without finishing him off, Kenpachi, while calmly telling him that he had no interest in weaklings who cannot fight, also states that he did not have any obligation to finish Ikkaku off. When Ikkaku, by thinking he was toying with him, angrily demanded Kenpachi to kill him, Kenpachi, after losing his patience, grabbed hold of Ikkaku. Asking why he was just screaming for death if he loved to fight so much, Kenpachi explained to him a philosophy to follow for people just like them: only admit defeat after death, and when you survive, you just consider yourself lucky and only think about killing the man who failed to kill you. Smiling at him, Kenpachi stated it was not like he went easy on him; he was just lucky to escape death. He said Ikkaku should live, and come back to kill him. As Kenpachi left, Ikkaku, asking him for his name, was told that he was Kenpachi from Zaraki.

Afterwards, when he had rehabilitated from his wounds, Ikkaku, went searching everywhere for Kenpachi in order to challenge him again, but could never find him, until one day when Yumichika came to him with some good news. He had heard Kenpachi had beaten the captain of the 11th Division of the Gotei 13 in a single blow, which made him the new captain of this division. Taken aback by this revelation, having to seen protecting others as not really Kenpachi's style, Ikkaku set out to find his old opponent.

During an address to his division, Kenpachi was greeted by Ikkaku and Yumichika, who had also become Shinigami and joined the division. Ikkaku told Kenpachi he had come back just as he had suggested, which prompted Kenpachi to smile. Later on, they were present when the division battled a caterpillar-like Hollow. After the division lost several members, Ikkaku, showing up to fight it, was stopped by Kenpachi, who decided to kill it himself. After the Hollow was dispatched, more came, which prompted Ikkaku and Yumichika to join in the fight. Initially against it, Kenpachi was persuaded upon realizing the two had fighting traits similar to his.

Sometime later on, Ikkaku, while walking around the 11th Division barracks, was greeted by Renji Abarai, a fresh transfer from the 5th Division. When Renji asked Ikkaku to train him, the two battled. Impressed by his new student's eagerness to excel. Ikkaku asked Renji why he wanted to become strong so badly. After Renji stated he had someone he wished to surpass, they continued to train well into the evening, advancing as far as using their Shikai against each other. Ikkaku told Renji they had finished training, and if he wished to learn any more, he would have to figure it out on his own, for Ikkaku did not want Renji to end up mimicking his style. When Renji asked him if he had his Bankai and why he did not use it, Ikkaku, while stating he had his reasons, alluded he was chasing someone as well. Telling Renji his name, he instructed him to remember it, for the next time they fight will be to the death. Explaining to him why he gives his name to his opponent, Ikkaku left as Renji thanked him.


Ikkaku Madarame is seen as being violent, a fight loving person, and rude, which has been noted by Tetsuzaemon Iba, among others. He loves fighting so much, as he is unwilling to travel anywhere without a sword, resorting to carrying a wooden one when posing as a student at Karakura High School. Ikkaku is very self conscious about his baldness, by often insisting he is not bald and his head is "shaven", and will threaten anyone who points this out.

Ikkaku considers fighting to be fun, and tries to get as much fun out of it as he can, even taking deadly risks to drag out fights for as long as possible. He limits his skills in order to make fights last longer, by using his Bankai, or even his Shikai, as a last resort against his opponents. Ikkaku constantly smiles when engaging in a fight with a formidable opponent.

Ikkaku considers the only honorable battles to be those fought one on one. Even the threat of death is not a reason to ignore this fact, for he believes the winner is only determined when the other dies. In his fight with the Arrancar Choe Neng Poww, Ikkaku was losing badly, and yet refused to surrender.

Ikkaku has a sense of loyalty and responsibility, and is fiercely loyal to his captain, under whose command he wishes to die. He considers surviving an otherwise lost battle good luck, which his captain taught him, and carries a blood clotting ointment in the hilt of his Zanpakuto.

He also has friendly fights with Ichigo to prove who is the smarter one. He also even gets along with Iba. When it comes to drinking alcohol they enjoy each other's company but when the alcohol runs out they fight to see who will buy more.


Ikkaku Madarame is a tall, and muscular man. He is has black eyes, two thick eyebrows and is bald, a fact made fun of by many people, especially 11th Division Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, who calls him "cue ball", "chrome dome", or "pachinko-head" (as a result of her fondness for giving people nicknames or when he questions her direction skills). Ikkaku's bald scalp is very reflective while under the sun, causing the members of the 8th and 11th Divisions to mistake it for a full moon at one point, much to his angry chagrin. His eyes each have a small red marking at the outer corner. Ikkaku has a scar, which he gained while fighting Ichigo Kurosaki during the Ryoka Invasion, as it's running down the left side of his chest. He wears the standard Shinigami robes, with the exception of no tabi with his sandals. Seventeen months after Aizen's defeat, Ikkaku sports a gold plated shoulder plate on his right arm with the kanji for dragon (龍) printed on it.

Ten years after the defeat of Yhwach, as a lieutenant, Ikkaku now wears a lieutenant's badge on his left arm.


Master Swordsman

Despite being ranked as the 3rd seat officer in his division, his rank does not reflect his fighting abilities, in which are of near-captain level. According to Yumichika Ayasegawa, Ikkaku is the 2nd strongest man in the 11th Division. He uses a fighting style that is noted to be rough, but powerful, and complex movements which allow him to lunge with his sword from the left and defend with his sheath at the right, though he is ambidextrous and can switch between the two techniques. Ikkaku commonly fights with his sword held in a normal grip and the sheath held in reverse grip, showing his mastery of the two variations of sword-fighting. He uses misdirection in his attacks, and even though doing so allows for holes in his defense, he can make up for it with surprise attacks. His mastery of this skill is great enough for Renji Abarai to beg Ikkaku to train him.

Naginatajutsu Master

Ikkaku Madarame's Zanpakuto is a naginata-type weapon while in Shikai. Ikkaku uses iperfectly against other sword-type weapons.

Bojutsu Master

Though Ikkaku's Zanpakuto is a naginata-type weapon while in Shikai, it can split apart into a three-sectioned staff and back into a naginata. While in its split form, he is highly proficient in the use of techniques similar in use to that of bo to take advantage of its versatility.

Shunpo Practitioner

Ikkaku uses Shunpo frequently, though he only uses it to keep up with stronger opponents so he can fight more.

High Spiritual Power

Though only a 3rd Seat, Ikkaku boasts a high spiritual power, and has the spiritual power level of a lieutenant of the Gotei 13. His spiritual energy is red.

Enhanced Strength

Ikkaku possesses a high level of strength. He blocked a punch from the Arrancar Edrad Liones in his released state, even while severely injured.[94] Ikkaku sent Hōzukimaru flying several meters away and through solid rock with a single attack.[95] Several of his opponents have commented on the strength of his blows. His muscle control is highly developed, for after having a shoulder dislocated, he reset it by flexing his muscles.

Enhanced Endurance

Ikkaku has an incredibly high level of endurance, being able to ignore most injuries without noticeably affecting his performance. During his fight against Edrad, despite taking great injuries, he still fought on, used his Bankai, and ultimately defeated the Arrancar. During his fight against Moe Shishigawara, even after taking several critical hits to the point of coughing up blood, he still fought on and defeated Moe.

Hakuda Expert

Before he became a Shinigami, Ikkaku was always roaming around looking for fights. Most opponents did not have swords, so he frequently fought barehanded. He won against everyone he fought, and upon seeing his strength, most people fled from him.[99] When Moe broke his Zanpakuto, Ikkaku resorted to fighting unarmed, and swiftly defeated the Fullbringer.


Hozukimaru (鬼灯丸, Demon Light): Though Hozukimaru resembles an ordinary katana, its hilt is hollow to store a small vial of healing ointment, which Ikkaku can access by removing the hilt's pummel. Its tsuba is an oval, with what look like three small teardrops in relief on both the top and bottom end. Rarely wearing it at his side like most Shinigami, Ikkaku usually carries Hozukimaru's sealed form in his hand to enable him to quickly access it in battle, and wields its sheath in his other hand to serve as a secondary weapon.


Its Shikai command is "Grow" (延びろ, nobiro; "Extend" in the English version). The Shikai of Hōzukimaru is unusual in that Ikkaku slams its hilt (and sometimes its pommel) into its sheath to activate it when saying the command phrase. Once released, Hōzukimaru takes on the form of what initially appears to be a Kikuchi Yari (spear) with a wax wood shaft. The pommel has a red horsehair tassel.[101] While able to deliver powerful blows, it is not very durable, and tends to break against particularly strong strikes.

Shikai Special Ability

Ikkaku uses the command "Split" (裂けろ, sakero; "Split apart" in the English dub) to separate his naginata into its true form, which is a Sansetsukon (三節棍, Three Sectional Staff), after which the sections can independently reconnect and separate again at will. This special ability surprises his opponents when they first attack. These chains can extend a fair length, allowing Ikkaku to swing his weapon like a flail for mid-range attacks.


Ryumon Hozukimaru (龍紋鬼灯丸, Dragon Crest Demon Light): To activate it during his battle with Edrad, Ikkaku slams the two broken pieces of his Shikai back into the spear-form and says Bankai. Its two main weapons are a Chinese Monk's spade and a standard guandao. Both have a traditional horsehair tassel at the hilt, and a long, cylindrical weight for a pommel. The pommels are connected by a heavy chain to the center section, which resembles an axe blade, with a parallel handle forged into the blunt end and a dragon crest on one side of the blade. Ikkaku usually holds one blade in each hand and lets the central portion float behind him, though he will occasionally spin the entire configuration about using the center handle as a pivot. According to Mayuri Kurotsuchi, it is considerably weaker after having been destroyed by Edrad.

Bankai Special Ability

Ikkaku's Bankai, like his Shikai, is quite unusual. Aside from the increase in power, his Bankai does not offer any special abilities or special defensive properties, but releases some Reiatsu, which starts to grow in strength. Ikkaku treats Hozukimaru different than other Bankai users treat their Zanpakuto, for they just let theirs slumber and use it when they want to do Bankai. If he forces it to awaken suddenly, cutting the enemy and not getting cut becomes a lot harder to handle than it should be, so his Bankai gets increasingly more powerful as the fight drags on. After he activates his Bankai, Ikkaku's Reiatsu rises as the dragon crest slowly fills with crimson dye. It fills faster when he spins Ryumon Hozukimaru with the center handle. Ikkaku states his Zanpakuto is very lazy in battle and needs to be woken up through causing or receiving injury. When the crest is completely filled, Ryumon Hozukimaru is at its full power. The force of unleashing so much power can leave his Zanpakuto's edge brittle under excessive stress.

Bleach (Anime)

Soul Society arc

Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa encounter Ichigo Kurosaki and Ganju Shiba upon their intrusion into the Seireitei. Doing his Tsuki-Tsuki dance to give Ichigo and Ganju time to exit their sand pit, Ikkaku becomes irritated when they just stand there looking at him. After Ichigo and Ganju get into an argument about possibly fighting, Ganju runs away. As Yumichika chases after him, Ikkaku is left to fight Ichigo. After resolving why Ichigo did not run away as well, Ikkaku attacks. After clashing, resulting in both of them receiving small cuts near their eyes, they exchange names. After applying ointment from the hilt of his sword to stop the bleeding and telling Ichigo he is not sure what to make of him, Ikkaku asks Ichigo who his teacher is. When Ichigo reveals he was taught by Kisuke Urahara, a surprised Ikkaku states if he is Ichigo's teacher, it would be very rude of him to kill him so easily.

After Ikkaku releases his Shikai, he and Ichigo clash once more. When Ichigo thinks he has the upper hand, Ikkaku, swinging his Zanpakuto at Ichigo's head, says a second release command, causing his Shikai to split into a three-sectioned staff, forcing Ichigo to react before the spear head can hit him square in the face. As he blocks with his forearm, creating a deep wound, Ikkaku states Hōzukimaru isn't a spear, but a sansetsuken. Though he believes Ichigo will be unable to use his wounded arm any longer, Ikkaku is forced to dodge when Ichigo attacks. As the wall behind him is destroyed by Ichigo's slash, Ichigo states it seemed like Ikkaku finished talking, but he does not know Ichigo's sword, and next time, he will be the one who will not be able to hold his weapon.

As they continue to battle, Ichigo notes he is getting used to fighting against his weapon. When Ichigo cuts Hōzukimaru in half, cutting deeply into the center of Ikkaku's chest at the same time, Ikkaku, laughing, tells Ichigo he should give up since he can still hold his sword. Spinning the bladed end, he advances, prompting Ichigo to yell at him to put it away, having already lost. Refusing, Ikkaku states he will only lay down his weapon when he is dead, and he will never walk away from a fight like a coward. The two collide, resulting in Hōzukimaru breaking further, and a grievous wound is dealt to Ikkaku's arm. Falling to the ground, an unconscious Ikkaku states Ichigo was too strong.

After Ikkaku wakes up, he is greeted by Ichigo, who reveals he used the ointment in Ikkaku's Zanpakuto to heal their wounds. As a surprised Ikkaku becomes irate at the thought of having been saved by his own enemy, Ichigo asks him where he can find Rukia Kuchiki. After laughing at the notion of 5 people and a cat saving Rukia, Ikkaku, after telling him where she is being held, tells him if he is the strongest in his group, he should watch out for his captain, who will surely be looking for him. When Ichigo asks Ikkaku if his captain is strong, Ikkaku states he will know if he sees him, and he will know his strength if he survives the meeting.

When the 11th Division decides to help Orihime, they are met in resistance by the captains of the 7th and 9th Division, along with their respective lieutenants. Intervening, Ikkaku and Yumichika wish to fight against the lieutenants, for they think they are not good enough to take on Kenpachi. Ikkaku is called out to fight by Tetsuzaemon Iba, who states it has been some time since they last saw each other, and his insulting loud mouth has gotten sharper. Stating he is one to talk, Ikkaku notes Iba left the 11th Division because he could not become lieutenant. The two leave to fight elsewhere.

Later, Ikkaku and Iba, resting after their battle, drink with each other. When Ikkaku comments on a lightning strike, Iba, scolding him for being ignorant, states it was not a lighting strike, but Kido, and it would not have reached them, for it was a targeted attack. When Iba states Ikkaku has not improved one bit, for he still knows nothing of Kido, Ikkaku, telling Iba he was never interested in Kidō anyway, states unlike him, his mother did not make him a "do it all" type of guy. Iba explains he was not always so good, but instead of focusing on one thing, being well rounded means a better chance at a promotion to lieutenant. After engaging in a small argument about Iba always drinking too much of Ikkaku's booze, they fight again.

Soon afterwards, Ikkaku hears the message from Lieutenant Isane Kotetsu about the traitorous actions of 5th Division captain, Sosuke Aizen.

Sometime after Aizen's defection from Soul Society, 6th Division lieutenant, Renji Abarai, approaching Ikkaku, asks him to take the vacant captain's position of the 5th Division. When Ikkaku refuses, an adamant Renji states there are not any other lieutenants who can use Bankai, and even if there were, he would be the only one qualified. When he affirms Ikkaku could have any vacant spot and should be the next captain, Ikkaku reminds Renji he already told him he has no intention of telling anyone besides him and Yumichika he is capable of Bankai, for if it got out, he would have others telling him the same thing. Stating he has no intention of becoming a captain because it would mean he could no longer fight under Captain Kenpachi, Ikkaku says just as Renji's desire is to surpass Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, his is to fight and die under the command of Captain Kenpachi. He tells Renji if he understands, he will not ask him again.

Bounts arc

Along with Yumichika, Ikkaku leads the 11th Division after the Bount invade Soul Society. Sensing Maki Ichinose's presence, Ikkaku, preparing to fight him, is unable to strike back, since he is invisible, and is defeated. Approaching him after Ichinose's escape, Kenpachi states the intruder is a coward to fight in that manner.

Zanpakuto Unknown Tales arc

Along with all other Shinigami who have learned their Zanpakuto's name, Ikkaku is called to Sokyoku Hill believing Captain-Commander Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto called them, which proves to be a trap set up by a rogue Zanpakuto Spirit named Muramasa, who, having called them and captured Yamamoto, somehow "frees" all the Zanpakuto Spirits from their spiritual bond with their Shinigami partners. The spirits begin to attack the Seireitei. Later, after hearing Ichigo got his Zanpakuto Spirit back, Ikkaku goes to Ichigo for answers. Together, they find Hozukimaru. To prove to Ikkaku he is who he claims to be, the two of them do their "lucky dance" together, and Hozukimaru agrees to fight one-on-one. As Hozukimaru takes control of their battle with his Bankai, the Onmitsukidō, appearing, drives Hozukimaru away.

Later, at the 6th Division Barracks, some of the Zanpakuto show up for Byakuya. The Zanpakuto are surrounded by the Onmitsukidō, Sui-Feng, Ichigo, Yumichika, and Izuru. As Ikkaku and Hozukimaru take their fight outside of the area, Ikkaku, able to release his Shikai, gains the upper hand, cutting Hozukimaru on the shoulder. Hozukimaru retaliates by releasing his Bankai, using the three weapons separately. When Hozukimaru's dragon crest finally lights up, signaling full power, he, using his axe-like weapon, unleashes a large amount of spiritual energy. As he and Ikkaku clash, creating a giant crater in the ground, Ikkaku wins using his Shikai. He grin happily when he senses Kenpachi's Reiatsu. After the battle ends and the remaining Zanpakuto Spirits escape, Ikkaku is found by the 4th Division and taken in for treatment.

After recovering, he joins his fellow Shinigami in the Human World to fight Muramasa again. Both he and Hozukimaru fight the numerous Hollows which arise from Muramasa's unstable form.

Beast Swords arc

After Muramasa is defeated, Ikkaku resumes his day-to-day activities. When the Gotei 13 learns there are rampant Zanpakuto known as Toju running around, due to their Shinigami being unable to force them into submission, Ikkaku assists in dealing with this threat. When it is discovered several items from the 4th Division barracks have gone missing, Ikkaku is recruited to be part of a team consisting of 7th Seat Hanataro Yamada, Lieutenant Nanao Ise, and Hozukimaru to investigate and find the culprit in the underground waterways. When Ikkaku asks why he has been called on, Captain Shunsui Kyoraku states it is simply a precaution, due to the possibility of the culprit being a Toju. When Hozukimaru states it might be a good way for the two to kill some time, Ikkaku agrees.

In the sewers, Hanataro accidentally triggers a trap, creating an explosion and prompting them to take extra precautions. Hanataro accidentally triggers another trap, releasing a large amount of water which whisks them to a large open chamber. While they argue, Ikkaku, grabbed by a large tentacle, is pulled out of sight. After Hozukimaru tells the others Ikkaku is fine because he, Ikkaku's Zanpakuto, is still alive, they continue without Ikkaku. After the group finds the thief, they are interrupted by Ikkaku being sent flying down the waterway. Emerging, the Toju reveals himself to be a large monster with tentacles. Using his Bankai, Ryumon Hozukimaru, Hozukimaru is knocked away. With Nanao's Kido rendered ineffective as well, she asks Hanataro to use his Zanpakuto, but he states it is a healing type and he had left it back above ground, thinking he would not need it.

As the Toju grabs Nanao in its tentacles, Hanataro, going over to Ikkaku, sees the mysterious being stab the latter with a sword. As Ikkaku relishes the feel of being healed, Hanataro recognizes the sword as his own Zanpakuto, Hisagomaru. As the gauge on the sword fills to the top, a large ray gun, popping out of Hisagomaru's chest, fires a beam at the Toju, killing him and rescuing Nanao. Later, after making it back to the surface to report the Toju's death, the group, stating Hisagomaru had been the one stealing the items from the 4th Division, realizes he must have gotten lost yet again.

Later, Ikkaku, along with a number of other officers of the Gotei 13 and their Zanpakuto, confront Zabimaru and Senbonzakura when they accidentally destroy the buildings of the SRDI. Like many other Shinigami, Ikkaku has his Zanpakuto return to its original form when Hozukimaru runs out of Reiryoku from helping defeat the final Toju.

The New Captain Shunsuke Amagi arc

Leading the 11th Division around Seireitei in order to respond first to a report of Menos invading the court, Ikkaku begins quarreling with Iba, who is attempting to do the same. Ikkaku and Iba head northeast upon an update via Jigokucho. The cluttered divisions end up disoriented and unorganized, clumped together in a enclosed space. After Captain Shusuke Amagai takes control of the situation, Ikkaku and the 3rd Division are coordinated to attack the Menos alongside Izuru Kira. Following Kira's lead, Ikkaku slices apart a Menos with his scabbard.[44] Later, Ikkaku comes into conflict with Shuhei Hisagi over the orders to arrest Ichigo and his friends.

Arrangcar arc

Along with Yumichika, Rangiku Matsumoto, Renji Abarai, and Rukia Kuchiki. Ikkaku is part of the advanced force led by Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya to defend Karakura Town from the threat of the Arrancar. To aid in their mission, they dress as students at Ichigo's school.[19] Later, he, almost beating up Keigo Asano, is stopped by Rangiku, who, slapping him on the head, tells him if he does not stop, she will tell on him to his lieutenant, prompting him to apologize.

While Ichigo talks to Rukia in his room, Ikkaku and the three others, popping out of a ceiling light, make their way into the room, much to Ichigo's displeasure. When Kon, becoming enamored with Rangiku's bosom, runs toward her, she knocks him away as Ikkaku asks Ichigo if the reaction is some kind of trend in his world, prompting Ichigo to say no, it is just the way Kon is. When asked where they will stay, for Ichigo says they cannot all stay at his house, Ikkaku, leaving, states he and Yumichika will find a place to stay somewhere. Later, Ikkaku and Yumichika, sitting atop a building, have a conversation about how it is impossible for them to have such well made rice balls with artistic wrapping without something more going on, for it is too much for one person to make so many of them.

When the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, leads an attack on the living world, Ikkaku and Yumichika prepare to face the oncoming enemies. Ikkaku is left to fight one of Grimmjow's Fracción. Motioning to Ikkaku, the Arrancar tells him he has no luck at all because he has to fight him. After being attacked, Ikkaku notices a scared and confused Keigo Asano, who is wondering what is going on. Asking Keigo if he can stay with him, Ikkaku notes if he takes care of the Arrancar, it will save his life, and therefore they would be helping each other out. After Keigo says yes, Ikkaku asks the Arrancar what his name is. Giving his rank, the Arrancar, stopping himself, states there is no point in telling him any more, for all he needs to know is he is the one who will tear him apart. Put off by this, Ikkaku, telling the Arrancar about the concept of the "Last Courtesy", states his name and rank.

As the two fight, the Arrancar tells him if this is all he can do with his Zanpakutō, it would serve better as a waist ornament, for blades will not cut the Hierro of an Arrancar. Trying to goad him, the Arrancar states a Shinigami who refuses to release his Zanpakuto is a shame, but Ikkaku states he is the one who needs to release.

As they continue to fight, the Arrancar is overpowered by Ikkaku's unique style of fighting using both his Zanpakutō and sheath. Analyzing his fighting style, the Arrancar realizes the attacks of his blade come from his right hand, while the left defends using the Zanpakuto's sheath. As he thinks he has the upper hand, Ikkaku switches the sheath and blade, surprising him, and slashes the Arrancar's face, breaking the remains of his mask in two. After being knocked away, Ikkaku, telling him he was lucky, for he was going for his head, spits out two teeth, telling the Arrancar channeling his Reiatsu into his hands has lost him two molars, and resigns to replace them later. When Ikkaku states the Arrancar will need to release his Zanpakutō in 5 or 6 more attacks, the Arrancar, mocking Ikkaku for boasting of his own prowess when he should be cowering in fear at the opponent he will surely lose to, releases his Zanpakutō, introducing himself as Edrad Liones.

Edrad explains to Ikkaku the true power of an Arrancar's release.[29] As Edrad's Resurrección increases his Reiatsu dramatically, he, gaining the upper hand, overwhelms Ikkaku with ease. As the fight is taken to the sky, Ikkaku releases his Shikai, but Edrad, appearing, smashes him into the ground, leaving a crater around him. As Ikkaku tries to get up, he is told by the Arrancar to give up gracefully, for there is no need for him to be beaten into nothing. When he refuses to give up, Edrad gives him a finishing blow, creating a column of flame which extends into the sky. When the smoke clears, Ikkaku, withstanding the blow, holds Edrad's fist upon his back.

When Edrad lifts up his fist, Ikkaku states there was never a difference in their power. Stating the others are in similar fights and will not notice, Ikkaku, telling Edrad to be quiet and promise not to tell anyone about what he is about to see, releases his Bankai. After Ikkaku tells him this is his Bankai, Ryumon Hozukimaru, the two, taking to the sky, continue their fight. Cutting through Volcanica, Ikkaku attacks from above. After being pushed back, Ikkaku, grabbing his Bankai by the central blade, twirls the two other blades. Seeing Edrad has realized his Reiatsu is rising, Ikkaku states Hozukimaru is a "lazy bum" who needs to be awoken, either through battle or by his current movements. As Ikkaku puts all of his strength into one final attack, Edrad does the same, and both fighters collide in a large explosion. As the smoke clears, Ikkaku's Bankai breaks into pieces, and he falls to the ground below, followed by Edrad, who has lost his left arm and the left side of his abdomen.

Afterwards, both Ikkaku and Yumichika go to Keigo's home as a part of an earlier agreement for saving him from the Arrancar. At first, Keigo tries to get them thrown out, hoping his sister, Mizuho Asano, is against it, but she, praising his actions, gives Ikkaku and Yumichika food and clothes because she likes guys with "shaved heads".

Later, while Ikkaku is meditating, the others try to attain Bankai, causing Rangiku and Yumichika to get into a small altercation with their Zanpakutō because they are too similar to them before being yelled at by Hitsugaya. Along with the others, he is alerted by the arrival of an invasion force led by Grimmjow's replacement, Luppi Antenor. He and Yumichika face off against Luppi, who introduces himself as the 6th Espada. Becoming bored, Luppi insists they fight against him four on one because he is going to release and take them all on as a group. Ikkaku is surprised at Luppi's release, which gives him eight tentacles to control. Attacking Ikkaku, Rangiku, and Yumichika all at once, Luppi, overwhelming them, taunts them. Yelling as Yumichika and Rangiku are ensnared, Ikkaku is caught by one of Luppi's many tentacles. The Arrancar is defeated by Hitsugaya before he harms any of his captives.

Upon learning Orihime Inoue has followed the Arrancar back to Hueco Mundo, Ikkaku and the rest of his team return to Soul Society to prepare for the war against Aizen.

Fake Karakura Town arc

When Aizen, along with his three top Espada, attack the fake Karakura Town, Ikkaku, along with Yumichika Ayasegawa, Shuhei Hisagi, and Izuru Kira, is left to protect the four pillars which keep the real Karakura Town in Soul Society. He begins a battle with one of Baraggan Louisenbairn's Fracción, Choe Neng Poww. Upon seeing the large Arrancar, Ikkaku states he prays he is as tough as he looks. When Poww, wondering if Shinigami pray to a god, asks who he prays to, Ikkaku is perplexed by the concept too. Realizing he does not really pray to any god, he decides it does not matter, for he will just pray to the Arrancar's god. Poww states they have no problem, for their god and king knows full well he is no match for him.

Unlike the three others, who are successful in defending their pillars, Ikkaku is defeated in his fight against Poww, who destroys the pillar he was guarding. Poww states he thought Ikkaku had something more up his sleeve, but if he is dead, he would guess not. As Ikkaku tries to get up, Poww steps on his back, causing him to scream out in pain. Happy he still lives, Poww asks him to show him what he has left. As Poww tries to force him to give in or die,a defiant Ikkaku states he has nothing left, and even if he did, he would not waste it on him. Before Poww can finish him off, Captain Sajin Komamura punches Poww as Iba stops more of the real town from appearing. Punching Komamura a considerable distance away, Poww releases his Zanpakuto, Calderón. Grabbing Ikkaku, Iba, running, states they are no match for someone who just sent his captain flying. Moving back with Shunpo, Komamura, intercepting an attack by Poww, defeats Poww with his Bankai.

As Komamura's Bankai dissipates, an amazed Ikkaku looks on. When Iba, saying Komamura's Bankai is amazing, notes the difference between the captain's Bankai and his is like night and day, a shocked Ikkaku looks on as Iba, asking him if he did not think he would notice, promises not to tell his captain. Scolding Ikkaku, he tells him his job was to protect the pillar, and yet it was destroyed. Telling Ikkaku this happened because he wants to hide his strength, Iba states he does not care if Ikkaku dies because he wants to hide his strength, but he should not disobey orders to do so. Noting Ikkaku's stubbornness has cost them in battle, Iba tells him as long as he is in the Gotei 13, he must obey orders, even if it means crushing his stubbornness and pride. When Ikkaku tries to explain himself, Iba punches him in the face. As an irate Ikkaku, trying to fight back, is pushed to the side, Iba asks him why he would attack head-on in his condition, for there is no point in coming at him head-on if he is just going to get crushed. When he notes he has to win, even if it means running away or sneaking up from behind, Ikkaku states it is something a coward would do, and he is no coward, which prompts Iba to tell him to get stronger and win, even at the cost of his life. As Ikkaku notices Komamura standing behind Iba, he, wiggling his ears, tells them not to worry, for his ears appear to be failing him today.

The Gotei 13 Invasion army arc

Alongside other members of the Gotei 13, Ikkaku appears in the Human World as they, escaping the Dangai, fend off Kagerōza Inaba. After fending off Inaba and forcing him to retreat, Ikkaku joins other members of the Gotei 13 as they hold a meeting in Ichigo's room. Later, he joins the others for a barbecue.[63] Leading a group of Shinigami to face off against their Reigai in a forest area, Ikkaku fights against Reigai-Ikkaku, the fight being equally matched with their Shikai. Overpowered by his Reigai counterpart, who is not hesitant to use his Bankai, Ikkaku is saved by the intervention of Uryu Ishida, who tends to his severe injuries.[64] After Ichigo defeats a Hollow, Ikkaku and Yumichika ask him how Nozomi Kujo is doing. As Ichigo tells them she seemed a bit tired, Rukia asks why they are interested, but they do not reply. At Ichigo's house, Yumichika, Renji, and Ikkaku tell Ichigo they wish to question her. When Ikkaku states they know too little about her, Ichigo asks if him protecting her is not enough. As Yumichika tells Ichigo the Gotei 13 captains were defeated by Inaba's invasion force, Ikkaku states they will now have to face this same army in Karakura Town.

Later, the Shinigami who stayed in the Human World hold a meeting in Ichigo's room regarding the current status of the captains who are in Soul Society. When Marechiyo Ōmaeda suggests they are all dead, an angry Ikkaku, stating his captain would not have been defeated so easily, reveals he would rather fight the Reigai than protect Nozomi. While she is training with Ichigo and his friends, Ikkaku, watching quietly from the side, is approached by Yumichika. Confronting Nozomi as she is washing her face, he tells her to start taking the training seriously and hit back just as hard as she is getting hit. When Reigai-Kenpachi enters the Human World, Ikkaku confronts him in order to buy time for Nozomi to learn the name of her Shikai, refusing the help of other Shinigami in the process, and is soundly defeated. As Reigai-Kenpachi prepares to cut him down, Nozomi, arriving, uses her powers to blast the Reigai away. Marveling at her power, Ikkaku collapses.[66] As the unfazed Reigai-Kenpachi is engaged by Yumichika, Ichigo retreats with Ikkaku so he can be healed by Orihime. With the arrival of Captain Retsu Unohana, Ikkaku and the others are taken to the Shinigami's temporary base, where she, treating them, states Ikkaku's condition is very uncertain.

Later, Ikkaku, making a near-full recovery, boasts his remaining injuries are nothing. Returning to Soul Society with his fellow Shinigami, he finds Kenpachi fighting his Reigai counterpart. When Ikkaku insists on helping him, Kenpachi tells him to worry about the "small fries".[69] When the Reigai corner the Shinigami, Byakuya Kuchiki realizes the Reigai share the same trait of self-preservation, and will not attack first out of fear of being outnumbered. Hearing this, Ikkaku and Yumichika join Kenpachi, having resolved long ago to die by his side regardless.[70] Later, the resurrected Ōko Yushima, beginning his endgame, uses Renzan Hajokuri to begin destroying Soul Society. Before the Shinigami can act, the Reigai, stepping forward, say they will stop their fellow Mod Soul's chaotic plan, for their goal has always been to protect the Soul Society in their own way. The Reigai destroy the technique at the cost of their own lives.

The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc

After Ichigo appears to regain his Shinigami powers, he is mocked by Kugo Ginjo, who states it only looks this way, for he had stolen all of his powers and Rukia would only manage to give him some of her power. Calling him an imbecile, Renji reveals the presence of himself and Ikkaku, Kenpachi, Hitsugaya, and Byakuya, who are all observing the situation. Renji reveals they all, including Ikkaku, gave some of their Reiatsu to the sword, which was created by Urahara to allow Ichigo to regain his old powers once Rukia stabbed him with it. After Giriko Kutsuzawa tells Ichigo he will experience his Fullbring's power through them, Ikkaku says he is being too cocky. When Ichigo states he will take care of them, Ikkaku is surprised at this.

After Yukio Hans Vorarlberna explains the new powers of his Fullbring, he is stabbed in the back by Ikkaku, who, saying Ichigo is being too lax, tells him to not hold back at this stage in the battle. As he says Ichigo should kill them properly, an attack, coming at him from behind, is parried by Hitsugaya, who tells Ikkaku to keep his guard up. As Ikkaku apologizes, Moe Shishigawara attacks. As Ikkaku, dodging, asks his attacker who he is, Yukio uses his Fullbring to bring him and Moe into a chat room. Ikkaku faces off against Moe, who surprises Ikkaku with the devastating power of his Fullbring-enhanced punches, which topple the trees around them. While trying to figure it out how Moe is able to do this despite his appearance, Ikkaku is caught off guard, and Moe, landing a direct blow on his shoulder, dislocates it. While Moe brags about his accomplishment, Ikkaku, flexing his muscles, pops his shoulder back into place.

As the fight continues, Moe breaks the blade off of Hozukimaru, prompting Ikkaku to, discarding his Zanpakutō, fight Moe barehanded. As Moe lands several seemingly critical hits on Ikkaku, he continues to fight as if unaffected. Both fighters realize Moe's Fullbring gradually runs out of luck as the fight continues, making his hits less effective. As Moe lands one more devastating blow onto Ikkaku's stomach, Ikkaku, grabbing Moe's head, knocks him out with a powerful headbutt, stating he is the luckiest man in the Gotei 13.[76] As Ikkaku begins to leave, his leg is grabbed by Moe, who refuses to give up. Applauding his determination, Ikkaku tells Moe to not pointlessly throw away his life. When Moe states he already gave his life to Shūkurō Tsukishima, Ikkaku, asking if Tsukishima is just as willing to die for Moe, calls him a fool, stating pointlessly throwing his life away for someone who does not respect him is the act of an attention-seeking brat. Ikkaku states if Moe decides to attack, he will strike him down with all his power.

After Yukio shuts down the chatrooms, Ikkaku, meeting with Kenpachi and Yachiru, comments on how Kenpachi came out of the pocket dimension early, only for him to state he was late. As they notice Renji coming out of some bushes, Ikkaku, scolding him for his condition, asks if he defeated his opponent. When Kenpachi asks Ikkaku how he came out of his dimension, Ikkaku tells him after he lectured his opponent for a bit, the latter took off. This angers Kenpachi, who scolds his subordinate for such behavior. Along with the captains, he looks on as Ichigo breaks apart the last remaining pocket dimension with his Bank Having fulfilled their mission, Ikkaku and the captains prepare to return to Soul Society.

The 10 Thousand Year Blood War arc

Along with Yumichika, Ikkaku heads to Rukongai. When Yumichika asks if he heard the news, Ikkaku saying he did, states people at Rukongai cannot vanish on their own, and they should not underestimate their division.

As Ikkaku and other members of the 11th Division investigate District 64 of Rukongai, called Sabitsura, where people have been disappearing, Yumichika observes there is nobody left. When Ikkaku states there had been people when he had first got the report, meaning the disappearances are ongoing, Yumichika theorizes they left and went somewhere else, not wanting to stay in a place where people disappear, but Ikkaku, rebuffing this, tells him the SRDI would have known if they had simply moved. As one of their subordinates tells them not even one child can be found, another brings them to a group of footprints which lead to one place before disappearing. As they both notice each set of footprints has one foot bare while the other has a sandal, Yumichika concludes a Hollow is not responsible for the disappearances, and Ikkaku orders them to continue searching for clues.

When the Wandenreich begin their invasion of Soul Society, Ikkaku, along with Yumichika, is among the Shinigami who go out to the battlefield. Later, Ikkaku is notified by Rin Tsubokura Ichigo is currently heading to Soul Society. Later, Ikkaku and other members of the Gotei 13 are surprised to sense Ichigo Kurosaki finally enter Soul Society. After the fighting ends and the Wandenreich withdraw, Ikkaku, brought to the medical compound for treatment, is restrained after restlessly shouting his captain could not have died.

After the Wandenreich invade the Seireitei for the second time, Ikkaku notes it is nighttime. When Yumichika asks him if it has not been night the entire time, Ikkaku states it was only cloudy and notes the shadows outside of the Seireitei are increasing before saying he has a bad feeling. Climbing over the wall behind them, Hisagi expresses surprise upon seeing Ikkaku and Yumichika. When Ikkaku asks him why he came here, Hisagi states he got lost before revealing the Wandenreich spread high-density Reishi all over the Seireitei in order to prevent the Shinigami from finding them. Saying they should not move rashly at night, Ikkaku states they will be doing exactly what the enemy wants if they move around in the shadows as Mask De Masculine appears above them, and beats them into the ground

Later, Ikkaku and Yumichika notice Ichigo's arrival. Soon afterward, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Hisagi, Renji, Rukia, and Byakuya confront the Sternritter gathered at Ichigo's location. After Bazz-B summons his Spirit Weapon, Ikkaku attacks him, forcing Bazz-B to dodge. After Rukia encases Bazz-B's arm in ice, Ikkaku tells the Sternritter they should die right now if they want the Shinigami to leave, prompting Yumichika to note this does not make very much sense. After all of the combatants are separated by a massive explosion, Ikkaku and Yumichika confront Giselle Gewelle, who cautions them against attacking her. When Yumichika claims she is a man, an angered Giselle summons Bambietta Basterbine's corpse and has her engulf Ikkaku and Yumichika in explosions before proclaiming they will kill all of the Shinigami together.

As Ikkaku and Yumichika repeatedly dodge explosions, Ikkaku wonders how Bambietta keeps throwing bombs without running out, prompting Yumichika to point out that she is causing things to explode by touching them. When Ikkaku states this is the same thing, Yumichika states this means he cannot repel them with Hōzukimaru. Ikkaku decides to attack her head-on, prompting Yumichika to back him up by using Hadō #57. Daichi Tenyō, which sends several chucks of rock flying at Bambietta. Ikkaku stabs Bambietta, but she merely grabs his face, only for Yumichika to appear and cut her arm off. As Giselle explains how Bambietta cannot die because she is already dead, Bambietta blasts Ikkaku and Yumichika away. as Giselle reveals that she killed Bambietta to turn her into a zombie, Mayuri Kurotsuchi arrives to take over the fight.

Ikkaku notes he cannot see Mayuri, but knows him from his voice. Later, when Giselle summons several zombified Shinigami, a shocked Ikkaku curses her. As Mayuri brings out four zombified Arrancar in response to this, Ikkaku recognizes Luppi Antenor among them, and tries to calm Yumichika down when the latter is riled up by Charlotte Chuhlhourne. When the Arrancar begin attacking the zombified Shinigami, Ikkaku tells them to wait, only for Mayuri to state how those who go against the Seireitei must die before pointing out how those are Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's words.

When a zombified Hitsugaya arrives, Ikkaku recognizes him and states that he thought almost all of Hitsugaya's Reiatsu was gone. When Hitsugaya prepares to attack, Yumichika attempts to use Bakudō, only for Ikkaku to proclaim he cannot stop this with Kidō and send Yumichika flying back with a blow from Hōzukimaru. Hitsugaya unleashes a wave of ice, which freezes Ikkaku's right leg. As Ikkaku notes this is a small price to pay for surviving that attack, Hitsugaya stabs him through the chest and slashes his back before attacking again, only for Yumichika to intercept the slash.

Later, Ikkaku is brought to Urahara's laboratory and healed by Jushiro Ukitake. When Kenpachi emerges from the medical room, Ikkaku expresses surprise at him being able to move. When Nanao confronts Kenpachi over his desire to search for Yachiru, Ikkaku watches nervously from the sidelines. After Kenpachi agrees to leave the search for his lieutenant to the rest of the 11th Division, Urahara gives Shinji a sphere to charge with his Reiatsu.

After the death of the Soul King, when the worlds start to crumble, Ikkaku watches as Ukitake uses Kamikake to call upon the power of Mimihagi and take the Soul King's place. Later, when Yhwach absorbs Mimihagi and transforms into a swarm of black creatures that invade the Seireitei, Ikkaku, alongside Yumichika and Hisagi, activates his Shikai and begins fighting them off, but soon notes that there is no end to them.

When much of the Gotei 13 goes through the gate in order to reach the Soul King Palace, Ikkaku is left behind with his captain, Yumichika and Hanatarō when they went to relieve themselves. However, they notice that Mayuri and Nemu have deliberately stayed behind and follow them through the gate when they reopen it at a separate location. As the two captains argue with one another and Hanatarō panics about being left behind, Ikkaku suggests to an impatient Yumichika that they should run on ahead of their superior.

The group comes across Pernida Parnkgjas while travelling through Wahrwelt. Kenpachi is injured after carelessly attacking the Quincy and Ikkaku broods over missing an opportunity to attack as well. Yumichika reprimands him for speaking in such a way, asserting that if they got involved, their captain would probably get mad at them for doing something wrong. When Nemu agrees with his comrade, Ikkaku expresses his surprise that the quiet lieutenant has actually spoken up about her opinion. He is calmly informed that neither Mayuri nor Kenpachi look like they are struggling enough in the battle to warrant their interference or help. Ikkaku cries out in alarm when Kenpachi's arm begins to twist of its own accord, forcing the captain to cut it off before it spreads to his body and kills him. He watches as the arm continues to fold in on itself until it become just a puddle of blood and Ikkaku wonders how that is possible. He panics when Kenpachi's entire body begins to twist after he heedlessly attacks a second time. When prompted by Nemu, Ikkaku covers his ears to prevent the deafness that is caused by Mayuri's Fear Factor 4, which he uses to save Kenpachi from Pernida's attack.

After Mayuri thanks Kenpachi for exposing the true nature of The Compulsory and giving him a reason to improve Ashisogi Jizo, Ikkaku angrily notes that Mayuri sent him against Pernida on purpose, and is further annoyed when Mayuri refers to Kenpachi as a "noble sacrifice". Upon witnessing Pernida's true form as the left arm of the Soul King towering over him and Yumichika, a stunned Ikkaku wonders why it is so large before fleeing when Pernida begins to attack. Seeing Mayuri still standing before Pernida, Ikkaku tells him to run before demanding to know why he is so happy about this situation.

After Mayuri tells Pernida that he has the right to give it a new name after discovering it, Ikkaku asks if he really said that, and Yumichika grimly affirms it. Pernida says that it does not understand what Mayuri is saying, and Ikkaku says that they don't understand either, but Nemu says that she does. Ikkaku reacts in shock when Pernida takes control of the ground. As Mayuri ascends a building, Pernida attempts to crush him with two stone fists, causing an explosion. Ikkaku worriedly wonders if Mayuri was blown up, but Mayuri quickly refutes this.

When Mayuri prepares to use his Bankai, Yumichika believes that he is planning to release poison into the surrounding area and tells Ikkaku that they need to move Kenpachi away from there, only to be shocked alongside Ikkaku when Mayuri reveals a modified version of his Bankai instead. After Mayuri defeats Pernida, Ikkaku and Yumichika return and help him release the de-zombified Hitsugaya and Rangiku from the containers they were in before placing Mayuri in one of the containers. After placing Kenpachi in the other one, Ikkaku and Yumichika promise to come back for him soon before thanking Mayuri and leaving. Soon afterward, Ikkaku and Yumichika are shocked to see Kenpachi standing before them, having left his container. They are further startled when Kenpachi activates Bankai, causing his skin to turn red.

Ten years after the defeat of Yhwach, Ikkaku has replaced Yachiru as lieutenant. Along with Kenpachi and Yumichika, he sets off to the promotion ceremony of the new 13th Division captain. Kenpachi insists that the event is at the 13th Division's barracks, which Ikkaku disputes. Unable to get Yumichika to back him up, they are forced to follow Kenpachi and arrive late. As Kenpachi is berated by Suì-Fēng, Ikkaku bows in apology.

Echoing Jaws of Hell arc

Twelve years after Yhwach's defeat, Ikkaku opens his own martial arts dojo and begins training Ichika Abarai. Three hours prior to Jūshirō Ukitake's Konsō Reisai, Ikkaku spars with Ichika after she shows up late for a session and effortlessly keeps her at bay while inquiring about her interest in Kazui Kurosaki, to Ichika's chagrin. Suddenly, Yumichika arrives and reminds Ikkaku that he needs to attend the Jogimen Reibaku tonight like all the other lieutenants do, leading Ikkaku to send Ichika home early and make preparations to depart for the Human World.

That night, Ikkaku, the other lieutenants, and Ichigo gather in the Human World in order to capture a Hollow for the Konsō Reisai. When the group is attacked by several Jigoku no Gaki, Ikkaku slices open the head of one of them and warns his comrades that they are not ordinary Hollows due to their lack of Reiatsu before declaring that they need to spread out and combat the Jigoku no Gaki all at once.

Film Appearances

Bleach movie 1

In the SRDI, as members monitor a screen displaying the two worlds, 12th Division 3rd Seat Akon enters the room and asks a member what the status is. Stating the space is still expanding, the member says they have sent the Onmitsukidō in to investigate. As he states they will begin the infiltration shortly, Rin Tsubokura, saying he has found them, states they will pass through the Dangai in ten seconds and will enter the new dimensional space. As he opens communication lines, an Onmitsukidō member exclaims something has happened to the exit.

As the panels displaying the Onmitsukidō members' current status flip to reveal they are in danger, the member, saying they have an emergency, states infiltration of the target has failed. As the member calls for backup, Rin, saying they have received their SOS, states they are sending backup. As SRDI members shout orders to one another, screams are heard on the other end. As Akon asks if they can hear them and why they cannot get into the space, the panels slide again to reveal the Onmitsukidō members have been killed, leaving the SRDI members to stare at the screen in horror.

Meanwhile, in the Human World, as Humans go about their day, a female Plus runs through the trees as an unseen presence roars. As one of the Humans notices something, a tree falls over onto the sidewalk as Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, and Kon run towards it. As Rukia states it is coming, Ichigo, reaching into his pocket, pulls out his Substitute Shinigami badge as Rukia pulls out her Gikon dispenser. Running towards the dust cloud, Ichigo enters his Shinigami form and jumps as Rukia follows suit. As a Hollow emerges from the dust, Ichigo cuts its forearm off.

As they land on the ground, the Hollow leaps away, prompting Ichigo to tell it to come back. As the Hollow jumps from tree to tree, the curious Humans, unable to see it, watch from the ground. As the roaring Hollow continues to leap, Ichigo chases it and cuts its tail off in midair, causing it to fall and crash through several trees. As it continues to charge, Ichigo stands in its path and blocks its attack with Zangetsu. When it jumps back, Ichigo leaps into the air and cuts it in half.

As the purified Hollow fades away, Rukia, approaching with the Plus and Kon, states the Hollow was after the Plus. When Ichigo looks at the Plus, she recoils in fear, prompting Rukia to tell her he only looks scary. As Ichigo tells the Plus it is time to go, Rukia says Soul Society is not a scary place, and it is where all departed Souls go to live. When the Plus begins to protest, Ichigo says if she stays here, more Hollows will come after her. Putting the glowing hilt of Zangetsu to the Plus' forehead, Ichigo performs Konsō, turning the Plus into a ball of light which ascends into the sky.

As Ichigo, Rukia, and Kon walk down the steps, they are greeted by Chappy in Rukia's Gigai. Returning to her Gigai, Rukia tells Ichigo to not use his badge so recklessly and elbows him in the ribs. As he clutches his side in pain, Rukia grabs Kon and forces his lips to Ichigo's. As they both gag, Rukia reminds Ichigo he has Kon and states she is tired of him tossing his body all over the place and leaving her to take care of it. When Ichigo asks why, Rukia demonstrates how someone would react if they saw his body lying on the ground.

As Rukia says the commotion always means more work for her, they see an ambulance and a crowd of people around Ichigo's body, which is on a stretcher. As a doctor states he is going into cardiac arrest, Rukia says she told him so as Ichigo runs towards his body. Returning to his body, Ichigo bolts up, shocking the people around him, and says he is fine. As the doctors try to restrain him, an exasperated Rukia uses her Kikanshinki, which glows before creating an explosion of pink smoke.

As Ichigo, Rukia, and Kon run out of the park, Rukia states it is lucky they had the Kikanshinki. Calling Kon over, Rukia throws him at Ichigo, who asks why she did so. When she states it would be pointless if he did not keep Kon with him, Ichigo asks why he has to carry him. Kon complains about being stuck with Ichigo, who throws him on the ground, stomping on him, and tells him to shut up. Hearing her Denreishinki beep, Rukia pulls it out and sees multiple red dots on the screen.

When Ichigo asks if it is another Hollow, Kon jumps on his face, prompting him to state he got dog feces in his mouth. As Kon says they are even, Ichigo resumes stomping on him. When Rukia tries to get his attention, Ichigo says he is not done kicking him yet before feeling a large amount of Reiatsu. Running down the street, Rukia states it is near the station as Ichigo, carrying Kon, follows her. When Ichigo asks why there is such a large amount of Reiatsu, Rukia, saying she does not know, states she has never felt anything like it.

Arriving at the station, Ichigo and Rukia see a mass of white figures with pink, conical heads. When Ichigo accidentally bumps into one, it and several others look at him before moving away. When Ichigo asks what they are, Kon claims they are white ghosts. Noting the people at the station cannot see them, Rukia says they must be Souls. As Ichigo states they do not have Chains of Fate on their chests, Rukia states they have no choice and exits her Gigai once more. When Ichigo pulls out his badge, Rukia tells him to use Kon.

Pulling Kon's pill out of his plushie, Ichigo, wiping it off on his shirt, swallows it and exits his body. Following Rukia, he tells Kon to hide somewhere. Telling Ichigo to not just leave him here, Kon is surrounded by the figures. Contacting Soul Society, Rukia tells Ichigo to see if he can perform Konsō on the figures. As Rukia explains the situation, Ichigo draws Zangetsu and states he will give it a shot. When he presses the hilt against one of the figures, nothing happens, and the figure moves past him. As Ichigo tells Rukia it does not work, Rukia states she has lost the connection to Soul Society.

As the wind picks up, the heads of the figures turn red, and they begin advancing towards Ichigo and Rukia. Seeing Rukia being grabbed by one of them, Ichigo pushes them out of the way and runs towards her as Kon struggles to keep them back. Knocking the figures out of the way, Ichigo assumes a battle stance as Rukia wonders what they should do. As a tornado forms behind the figures, a female Shinigami moves through the crowd and cuts through the figures as Ichigo wonders who she is. As the Shinigami, jumping over them, lands behind them and continues cutting through the figures, Rukia asks what she is doing.

As the Shinigami is lifted into the air by a tornado, Kon frees himself from one of the figures' body and sees a man standing in front of him. As the Shinigami spins in midair, Rukia states she is going to release her Zanpakutō. As the Shinigami calls out the release command, Ichigo appears in front of her and attacks her, stopping the release. As Rukia calls out to him, Ichigo, asking the Shinigami what she is doing, states the figures are not Hollows. Telling Ichigo to be quiet, the Shinigami kicks him to the ground and begins to spin once more. As Ichigo yells at her for stepping on his face, the Shinigami releases her Shikai, Mirokumaru, and creates a tornado, which destroys the figures as it moves through the crowd.

Asking what is happening, Kon gets up, wondering where the man went, but is knocked down by the figures, who move over him. As the Shinigami continues to destroy the figures, her tornado creates gusts of wind, which affect the Humans nearby. As the wind dies down, Ichigo is surprised to see the figures are gone. As Rukia wonders what happened, the Shinigami, now in a Gigai, happily exclaims she got them before noticing Ichigo and Rukia. Demanding to know when she entered her Gigai, Ichigo asks what she is, prompting her to state she is a Shinigami.

When Ichigo says he knows this, the Shinigami states he should introduce himself before asking so many questions. After Ichigo introduces himself, the Shinigami introduces herself as Senna and prepares to leave. When Ichigo asks her why she wiped out the figures, Senna states it should be obvious. When Rukia asks her if she knows something about the figures, Senna runs over to a store window and states yellow does not suit her. When Ichigo tries to get her attention, she points out his body lying on the ground with three police officers next to it, one of which is reporting to the police station. As Ichigo notices Kon's pill on the ground, Senna states she has to get going. As Ichigo grabs her by the arm and pulls her along, Rukia calls him a fool.

In the Seireitei, 11th Division 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, drinking sake, tosses the bottle to 7th Division Lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba and asks if he has had enough. As Iba tells him to not be ridiculous, Ikkaku asks if it is okay for a lieutenant to be drinking sake at noon, prompting Iba to state he has had so little he might as well be drinking water. When Iba shakes the bottle and states they are out of sake, Ikkaku says he told him he drinks too much.

When Iba tells him to calm down, Ikkaku grabs Hōzukimaru and asks if he wants to fight again. Saying the loser buys the next round of sake, Iba moves to the rooftop. As Ikkaku comments on him moving to high ground again, Iba states it is first come, first serve. Telling him to get ready, Ikkaku sees something behind Iba and stops mid-sentence, prompting Iba to ask what is wrong. Looking at the sky above Iba, Ikkaku, asking what is going on, sees a town through a hole in the sky which continues to expand.

At the fairground in the Human World, Senna, noting they have a Ferris wheel, states she wants to ride it next. When she asks Ichigo and Rukia what they wanted to talk about, Rukia demands to know which division she is in, prompting Senna to remind her she said she cannot keep track of things like this. As she tries to remember the number, Rukia, stating there is no doubt of her being a Shinigami because she wielded and released her Zanpakutō, says she must belong to a division, and there is no way she could forget which one she is in. When Senna asks why Rukia is here, Rukia begins to explain before Senna runs off laughing.

As Rukia tells her to wait, Senna states what division she is in does not matter. When Ichigo asks if she knows what the figures were, she, denying this, notices a dog and asks his owner if she can pet him. Petting the dog, Senna, stating she felt like she needed to do what she did, says it was a hunch. As Ichigo asks what is up with her, Rukia, telling him she is going back to Soul Society, states she cannot contact them and is concerned about the things they witnessed earlier. As she tells Ichigo to not let Senna out of his sight, Ichigo tells her to not order him around. As Kon begs her to not leave again, Rukia throws him at Ichigo and states she is counting on him.

As Ichigo wonders why she is acting so serious, Kon gets Ichigo's attention, prompting him to tell Kon to not shout in public, and points out Senna is gone. As Ichigo runs towards her, Senna says he is persistent and runs off as Ichigo tells her to wait up. As Ichigo chases her through the mall, Senna states Ichigo said if she answered his questions, he would listen to what she had to say. When Ichigo denies saying this, Senna decides to play tag as Ichigo states he never said anything like this.

Running into a pavilion with a small theater, Ichigo tells her to come back. Asking him what he is doing here, 10th Division Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya approaches him with his lieutenant,Rangiku Matsumoto. When Ichigo recognizes them, Hitsugaya tells him to address him as Captain Hitsugaya. When Ichigo asks what they are doing here, Hitsugaya says they have to talk. As a small child runs past, Ichigo says he is busy. As Hitsugaya walks away and tells him to come with them, Ichigo runs after him and tells Senna he will be right back. As a child points out Ichigo is talking to himself, Senna darts past him.

At the Urahara Shop, Kisuke Urahara, saying he understands, states Rukia went to Soul Society, and they just missed her. As he asks where they begin, Hitsugaya explains how a town in the Human World appeared in the sky above the Seireitei, the communications office simultaneously detected a massive disturbance in the Human World's spiritual waves, and one minute later, they lost contact with everyone. When Ichigo asks what this means, Hitsugaya expresses exasperation at him not knowing.

Telling him to calm down, Urahara states he will simplify it for Ichigo. As Tessai Tsukabishi holds up a sketchbook, Urahara explains how there are the two worlds, the Human World and Soul Society, and how the Dangai lies between them and keeps them from touching. As Tessai reveals pictures illustrating Urahara's words, Urahara, noting Ichigo has been in the Dangai before, reveals a new dimension formed in the Dangai about three days ago.

Stating it grew bigger and bigger until it connected to both worlds, Urahara says it now acts as a lens, leading to the Human World appearing in the sky above Soul Society. As he states it resembles a mirage more than anything, Hitsugaya reveals they sent the Onmitsukidō in to enter the new dimension, but the mission ended in complete failure. Saying the only option left to them was to investigate the influx of new spiritual waves into the Human World, Hitsugaya states he is in charge of this mission.

When Ichigo asks why he was chosen, Rangiku states all the other captains refused. As Hitsugaya states this does not matter, Ichigo says it must have been "them". When Hitsugaya asks if he saw something, Ichigo explains how they were overrun by the figures. As Urahara states he is referring to the Blanks, Hitsugaya realizes the Valley of Screams must be involved. As Tessai holds up the sketchbook once again, Urahara, going over the process of death and reincarnation, reveals some Souls have accidents while in the Dangai, and are thus ejected from the cycle.

Stating the Souls wander aimlessly until they inevitably reach a certain spot, Urahara says this gathering creates a new dimensional space known as the Valley of Screams. Stating Souls in the Valley of Screams have their energy and memories separated in preparation for returning to the normal cycle, he asks if Ichigo is still with him. When Ichigo confirms he is, Urahara reveals the figures Ichigo saw are known as Blanks, Souls which have been separated from their memories. When Ichigo asks where their memories go, Urahara reveals they merge into one entity and return to the Human World, and this entity is known as the Shinenju.

Stating the Valley of Screams' appearance is a naturally occurring phenomenon, Urahara, saying they have seen it happen many times, states this one is a problem because it is connecting the Human World and Soul Society. When Ichigo asks if this is really so out of the ordinary, Hitsugaya, saying he would not call two stars being connected ordinary, states this is the same thing. As Hitsugaya states someone is doing this intentionally, Kon hops down from Ichigo's shoulder and recounts seeing the man in the midst of the Blanks. As Hitsugaya notes Kon stating the man was wearing armor, Urahara asks Kon if he can remember the specifics.

As Kon tries to remember, Urahara puts on a Gokon Tekkō and knocks Kon's pill out of the plushie. Picking it up, Tessai tells Ichigo he will take it in for analysis. Thanking him, Urahara states if this was intentional, it is being done for evil purposes. When Ichigo asks what the perpetrators want, Urahara theorizes they are searching the Human World for the Shinenju. Stating he has got a feeling this is what they are doing, Urahara, saying they will work on learning about the enemy, tells Ichigo to continue watching over Karakura Town, for he is certain they will appear again, and to find the Shinenju if possible.

Later, Ichigo states this is easier said than done and bumps into a woman. Apologizing, he runs into a pavilion. As he wonders where he goes from here, Senna states he really did come back. Seeing her on the second floor balcony, he notes he still has a lot to ask her about. Saying he is "it", Senna runs off as Ichigo tells her to listen to him and runs after her. As he continues to chase her through the crowd, an announcer tells the crow to prepare to see an amazing feat. As a man drinks an entire bottle of juice, another man counts down from ten. When the announcer says this happened too fast, the two men pull off his jacket and pants.

Looking around, Ichigo sees Senna standing on top of a roof. As the strings of bulbs light up, the crowd below wonders what she is doing. Putting her foot onto one of the lines, Senna begins walking along it, prompting a nearby film director to order a man to aim the spotlight at her. Continuing to walk along the rope, Senna states this is nice before falling off the line. As the crowd watches in horror, a flurry of autumn leaves are stirred up where she lands. As people wonder where she went, Senna appears behind Ichigo and dances as the crowd cheers. As she asks the crowd how it was, Ichigo grabs her hand and pulls her away as the man on stage complains about them stealing the show.

At a restaurant, Senna eats a sandwich and says if Ichigo had told her he would treat her to dinner, she would have answered everything. Wondering if she has any money, Ichigo asks if she knows anything about the Blanks and the Shinenju. Stating this is the first time she has heard of them, Senna asks who the people looking for the Shinenju are. When Ichigo states this is what he wants to know, Senna asks why they want it, prompting him to say he does not know. When Senna asks what the Shinenju looks like, Ichigo states he has no clue, prompting Senna to state this will not work.

Saying Ichigo will have to wait for the Blanks to return, Senna states she will help him on one condition: he needs to take her for a ride on the Ferris wheel. As Ichigo states he is not going to fall for this, Senna stands on her chair, prompting Ichigo to note she likes high places. As Senna explains how everything becomes crystal clear when one is up high, Ichigo comments on her hair ribbon. When Senna says red looks better on her, Ichigo asks where she got it. When she states she tried it on in a store and forgot about it, Ichigo brings her back to the store, where he pays for the ribbon. When the clerk asks if it is for his girlfriend, Ichigo says this is not the case.

Exiting the shop, Ichigo offers the packaged ribbon to Senna, who, stating she cannot believe he went back and paid for it, says he is more virtuous than he looks. Tossing her the package, Ichigo tells her to shut up, for he hates stuff like this. Thanking him, she asks if they will go on the Ferris wheel. When he denies this, she calls him a cheapskate, prompting him to state high school students are not very rich. Walking away, she says she is going to the bathroom.

Putting the ribbon on in front of the mirror, Senna says Ichigo has his good points. Walking out of the bathroom, she, seeing a river through a window, recalls a girl running alongside the river towards her father. Welcoming him home, she reaches for him, but tumbles to the ground as he dissipates around her hand. Recalling a graveyard at which a funeral is being held for the man, Senna sees a family eating dinner together. Meanwhile, Ichigo, leaning against a wall, says she is taking too long. Trying to find her, he notes the place was crowded a moment ago before sensing something.

As a traffic light blinks, Senna enters the graveyard she saw in her memories. Walking through it, she, looking at the headstones, once again sees the funeral procession. Seeing her face on the portrait of the deceased, she realizes it is her funeral. As she notices her mother and father, a Blank tries to grab her. As she backs away from it, more Blanks materialize. Continuing to back away, she dodges a surprise attack from Jai. Back-flipping away, she asks who he is. As he says she is sharper than he thought, she exits her Gigai and asks what he wants.

When he states she needs to come with him, for their leader, Ganryū, commands it, Senna states she does not know who he is talking about. As Jai says she does not need to, Riyan says he told him to only say what was necessary. As Benin comments on him jumping out on his own, Jai states he will capture her in a second. As autumn leaves swirl around her, Senna clashes with Jai, who comments on her attacking without warning before punching her away. As she looks up, Jai lands on her as Benin tells him to not squash her. As Riyan tells him to hurry, Jai lifts Senna up by the throat and asks if she is ready to go.

Telling him to wait, Ichigo asks where he is going. As Jai asks where he came from, Ichigo draws Zangetsu and cuts Jai's arm off, freeing Senna. As Jai yells in pain, Ichigo asks Senna why she wandered off, prompting her to tell him she can do what she wants. Saying she cannot do so yet, for she has not kept her promise, Ichigo sees Jai struggle to his feet and apologizes for cutting off his arm. As Jai states he will not forget this and promises to get revenge, Riyan, telling him to stop, states the time has not come yet.

As he and the others vanish in darkness, Ichigo wonders what they mean by time as a cursing Jai vanishes as well. When Senna tries to move away, Ichigo stops her and asks her why she ran away after he treated her to dinner, prompting her to state she did not run away. When Ichigo asks why she is here, she reveals her family is buried here. As Ichigo tells her to quit with the stories, Senna, stating it is true, says she can remember it all. Stating they are memories from when she was still alive, she says her house used to be around here. As she promises to help him tomorrow and prepares to leave, Ichigo stops her and asks if she is going to ignore how she was just attacked.

At the Kurosaki Clinic, Isshin Kurosaki stands in shock as Karin Kurosaki states Senna being attacked by bad guys sounds fishy. Saying this is how it is, Ichigo said he told her she can stay the night. When Senna introduces herself, Yuzu Kurosaki introduces herself in return and welcomes her to their home. As Senna thanks them for letting her stay there, Ichigo walks up to his room and asks if Senna can sleep in Yuzu's bedroom and use their bath. When Karin asks Isshin what is wrong, he and Yuzu creep up the stairs as Karin expresses shock at Yuzu joining in.

As Ichigo states he will kick Senna out once they prepare her room, Senna, stating boys' rooms are boring, says Ichigo's family members seem like fun people. Comparing them to her father, Senna recalls a man grabbing her by the hair and hitting her. Noticing her pained expression, Ichigo asks if something is wrong, which Senna denies. When Ichigo asks why those men attacked her and if they said anything, Senna states they mentioned a man named "Gan-something" wanted her brought to him. When Ichigo asks if there was anything else, she, stating there was not, says if he had not come, she might have heard more. As she falls back and kicks her shoes off, Ichigo tells her to not sleep in his bed.

As they continue to argue, Yuzu, listening through the door along with Isshin, tells Karin how Senna said she would sleep in his bed. When Karin explains this by stating Ichigo is a guy, Yuzu puts her hands over her ears in horror while Isshin wonders if he should stop his son or let nature take its course. Pushing the door open, which sends Isshin and Yuzu flying, Ichigo demands to know what they are doing. As Karin notes he is angry now, Yuzu tells him the bath is ready, prompting him to tell Senna to take a bath and get to bed. When she does not respond, Ichigo looks into his room and sees her fast asleep on his bed.

Later, Urahara contacts Ichigo and asks if he learned anything about the Shinenju. Saying he did not, Ichigo reveals he ran into the people whom Kon saw, prompting Urahara to ask if he is hurt. Stating he is fine, Ichigo says they ran away as soon as he showed up. Saying they have learned a few things, Urahara reveals their analysis of Kon's memory led them to the true identity of the armored man Kon saw in the crowd of Blanks.

Stating they determined he belongs to a clan which was exiled from Soul Society after a territorial dispute, he says this explains their motives for attacking, but their true goal is still a mystery. Recalling Senna stating she has memories from when she was alive, Ichigo asks Urahara if it is common for Shinigami to retain their memories from their Human life. Stating it is exceedingly rare, Urahara asks Ichigo what this is about, prompting him to say he was just wondering.

The next day, at the station, Senna asks if the Blanks are going to appear again. Saying he does not know, Ichigo states their only clue is the Blanks appearing here. As Senna complains about it being boring, Ichigo notes there are many more people here than usual. As Senna walks away, Ichigo states it is usually quiet around this time and, recalling sensing something at the mall, tells Senna to stay close to him.

When he does not receive a response, Ichigo sees Senna is no longer there and calls for her until she appears at the corner behind him and calls him over. Running over to her, Ichigo tells her to not just run off before seeing a crying Plus. As he asks what is wrong, Senna stops him, introduces herself to the Plus, and asks what his name is. When he says his name is Tomoya, Senna asks him to tell her what is wrong. When he says his father is gone, Senna asks if he was with him, and Tomoya, confirming this, states they were driving to a festival, but when he woke up, his father was gone.

As Ichigo says his father must be in Heaven now, Tomoya, saying he is not, states his dad is looking for him, prompting Senna to say they should all look for him together. As Tomoya tells her where to go, Ichigo stops Senna and begins to tell her they cannot go because they are busy, only for her to state there are no more clues here. As the two head off, Ichigo sighs in exasperation and follows them. As they walk all over town and up a hill, Ichigo asks how long they will do this.

As he states there is no festival this way and Tomoya's father cannot possibly still be here, Senna, stating they will find one of them, says Tomoya will have to leave this world soon, and he has a long journey ahead of him. Stating it would be sad if they did not grant him one last wish first, Senna says she cannot perform Konsō on him like this as Ichigo recalls performing Konsō on the Plus in the park. Turning to him, Senna states she wants Tomoya's last memory to be a happy one.

When Tomoya calls to her, Senna asks what is up and runs over. When Tomoya pulls her into an enclosed area, Ichigo runs after them and sees a festival in the pavilion. When Tomoya points out his father is not here, Senna tells him to not worry and states they will keep looking. As they walk, Senna, saying she is glad it is still here, states she came here a lot when she was a kid. As Ichigo begins to say something, they hear a man calling Tomoya's name.

Realizing it is his father, Tomoya runs towards him and tearfully hugs him. Apologizing to him, Tomoya's father thanks Ichigo and Senna. As Senna states they are welcome, Tomoya's father says this is all thanks to her, prompting her to state she did not do anything. Noting she has not noticed, Tomoya's father reveals the souls gathered here led him to this place. As Tomoya notes Senna led him here in the same way, Tomoya's father says it is time to go, and they fade away as Tomoya bids them farewell.

Looking behind him, Ichigo sees the area has returned to normal, with Human shops and shopkeepers. Seeing a man walk by, Ichigo, confronting him, sees his face and is reminded of the Blanks. As he lets go of him, Senna, beginning to ask why people around her keep disappearing, tries to tell Ichigo the truth. Attempting to comfort her, Ichigo is distracted when a Senkaimon appears.

As Rangiku, Hitsugaya, Rukia, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai, 2nd Division Captain Sui-Feng, 13th Division Captain Jushiro Ukitake, and several Onmitsukidō members appear, Ichigo, asking Ukitake what is wrong, asks Rukia what happened. As Rukia begins to explains, Renji steps forward and, stating they have top-priority orders from the Central 46, tells Ichigo to hand Senna over. As Ichigo expresses surprise, Rukia reveals even after going through all the files of the Gotei 13, the Onmitsukidō, the Kidō Corps, and the Shin'ō Academy, they did not find a single person named Senna.

As Senna expresses shock, Rukia reveals her Zanpakutō, Mirokumaru, was lost in the Dangai 100 years ago when its owner was absorbed by the Valley of Screams. As Rukia states they no longer exist, Senna, asking her what she is trying to say, states she is a Shinigami, prompting Renji to ask her when she came to the Human World. Saying she woke up by the riverbank clearly, Senna states she remembers her name clearly.

Recalling how she used to play by the river as a child, Senna clutches her head and wonders why she was alone, prompting Renji to point out her head is full of all kinds of memories. Stating he cannot believe it, Ukitake reveals the Shinenju they have been looking for all this time is Senna. As Senna expresses surprise, Hitsugaya, stating it has been 24 hours since the Valley of Screams appeared, says Soul Society has determined Ganryū's ultimate goal is the destruction of the Human World and Soul Society, and the Shinenju is the key to his plan.

Addressing Senna as Shinenju Senna, Hitsugaya states she will be hereby be detained by Soul Society for an indefinite period of time. As Rangiku, Renji, and Suì-Fēng grab their Zanpakutō, Senna asks what they are talking about. As she tries to state what she is, Ichigo stops her and says he does not like this. As Rukia asks what Ichigo is doing, Ichigo says whatever Senna is, it does not change her being here now.

Stating she still experiences anger, happiness, and pain, Ichigo, asking if they are going to ignore all this and lock her up anyway, says if they do so, they are no better than the people trying to capture her. As he states he cannot hand Senna over to them, Ukitake apologizes and says this is not the time to discuss this. When Renji tells Ichigo to get out of the way, Ichigo moves in front of Senna and states he will not, prompting the Shinigami and Onmitsukidō members to prepare to attack.

As Ichigo notices something, the people from the graveyard appear once more. As Riyan fires several projectiles, Rukia wonders what this is. As one of the projectiles hits the ground and creates an explosion, Renji, Hitsugaya, and Rangiku emerge from the dust cloud. When Renji is attacked by Bau, Rangiku, calling out to him, is attacked by Riyan, who is attacked in turn by Hitsugaya. As the dust clears, Ichigo and Senna see the people around them transforming into Blanks.

As Ichigo notes it is them again, Senna tells him to watch out just as Jai attacks them. As they roll away, Ichigo swallows Kon's pill and enters his Shinigami form. Getting up, Jai, stating he is back, says he is taking the Shinenju this time. As Ichigo asks Jai if he wishes to lose his other arm, Senna calls out to him, prompting Ichigo to tell Kon he is counting on him. As Kon and Senna move away, Ichigo attacks Jai.

As Jai blocks with a chakram, several Blanks enter his right sleeve and form a new right arm. Creating another chakram, Jai attacks Ichigo. As Jai forces him back, Ichigo notes he is completely different from when he met him yesterday. Moving behind him with Shunpo, Ichigo slashes at Jai, who deflects the attack. Meanwhile, Suì-Fēng and Benin clash on a roof. Slashing at Benin, who jumps away, Suì-Fēng commands the Onmitsukidō members to defend the Shinenju.

As the Onmitsukidō members are overwhelmed by the Blanks, Hitsugaya releases his Zanpakutō, Hyōrinmaru, and slashes at Riyan, who draws his blade, which separates into three blades, and counters the attack by spinning the blades. He thrusts at Hitsugaya, who, moving behind him with Shunpo, is attacked by Riyan's projectiles, which explode as they follow him. Elsewhere, Renji, running from Bau, releases his Zanpakutō, Zabimaru, and slashes at him.

When Bau deflects Zabimaru with his tetsubo, Renji expresses shock. Leaping into the air, Bau smashes Renji down with his tetsubo. Elsewhere, Ukitake releases his Zanpakutō, Sōgyo no Kotowari, and blocks an attack from Mue while telling Rukia to go. As Kon tells the Blanks to move away, Rukia slashes one of them. As Kon hugs her in relief, Rukia uses Hadō #33. Sōkatsui, blasting multiple Blanks.

As Rukia, telling Kon to get off her, elbows him several times, Senna runs off, prompting Rukia to tell her to wait. Stating she is also a Shinigami, Senna, exiting her Gigai, jumps towards Ganryū. As she begins to release her Zanpakutō, Ichigo tells her to stop. As she completes the release, a smirking Ganryū punches her in the stomach. As she slumps over his arm, his companions stop fighting and return to him.

Stating it is true, Ukitake says they are the exiled members of a once-noble clan attempting to take their revenge. Stating he would not know, Ganryū says they are the Dark Ones. When multiple Blanks leap into the air and fly past the Shinigami, Hitsugaya, stating they are not getting away, is stopped when the converging Blanks explode. As Suì-Fēng dodges an exploding Blank, the Blanks surrounding the Onmitsukidō members explode as well, and Ukitake and Rukia move away, with Rukia carrying Kon.

Watching the explosions, Ganryū turns and says they will go. Rushing towards them, Ichigo, now in his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, speeds through the group before turning around to confront them. As he states they are slow, Senna, regaining consciousness, starts beating on Ganryū's chest and demands he let her go. Calling out to her, Ichigo says he is coming and points his sword at the group, prompting the other members to attack.

Stating he will not let them take Senna away, Ichigo, outmaneuvering each member, moves in front of Ganryū and prepares to attack. As Ichigo says he has him, Ganryū reveals he is holding a spear, which, extending, impales Ichigo. As Senna calls out to him, the spear retracts, and Ichigo, reaching out to her, falls to the ground below. As Senna screams his name, Ganryū vanishes, and Ichigo continues to fall as the Shinigami move past him. Seeing him fall, Rukia catches him as he loses consciousness.

Later, Orihime Inoue heals Ichigo with Sōten Kisshun. As the aura fades, she tells Uryu Ishida, Jinta Hanakari, Rukia, Tessai, Ururu Tsumugiya, and Yastora "Chad" Sado that he is okay. As they express relief, Rukia thanks Orihime and states her arrival saved Ichigo. As Jinta says he needs to stop slacking, Urahara enters the room and states not only was he ambushed, but even three captains were not able to fend them off, so this was inevitable.

When Rukia asks how the others fared, Urahara says they lost sight of the enemy. When Uryū asks if they have learned anything new, Urahara reveals the Dark Ones plan to somehow use the Shinenju's power to cause the Human World and Soul Society to collide. When Uryū questions how they can do this, Urahara, stating it is hard to believe, says it is the only theory which makes sense to him. When Sado asks what Soul Society is doing, Urahara states they are working on their next plan.

When Urahara reveals the Valley of Screams cannot be infiltrated from Soul Society, Orihime and Rukia express shock as he says there is no entrance, so there is no way in. When Sado asks if there is another way, Urahara states there should be an entrance in the Human World close to where the Shinenju first appeared. Asking if this is so, which surprises everyone present, Ichigo, sitting up with the help of Orihime, says they can follow them if they can find the entrance. When Urahara confirms this, Ichigo, stating he is going, gets up and grabs Zangetsu. As he walks out with Rukia following him, Urahara says they should start looking for it as well, which everyone agrees to do.

Elsewhere, Ichigo jumps from roof to roof with Rukia following him and arrives at the site of the attack. As a policeman states there is none of the normal residue which explosives leave behind, another wonders what happened here. Walking through the area, Ichigo sees something and runs towards one of the buildings as Rukia follows. Going up to the porch, Ichigo finds Senna's red hair ribbon on one of the crates. As he picks it up, Rukia begins to apologize before Ichigo says it is not her fault.

Stating Senna is too strong-willed, he says she moved out on her own. Noting she was trembling, Ichigo slams his hand on the crate and blames himself for not being able to save her when she was in such a vulnerable state. Looking at the ribbon, he recalls Senna's words regarding her hair ribbon and being up high. Wondering why she said this, Ichigo pockets the ribbon and walks away. When Rukia asks him what is wrong, he tells her to come with him.

At the Ferris wheel, Ichigo and Rukia stand in one of the passenger cars as it moves towards the top. Stepping forward, Ichigo, recalling Senna telling him her house used to be around here, sees something and tells Rukia to move to the river. Jumping off, they move to the bridge and see a large circle of light in the water. As Rukia wonders what it is, Ichigo sees a location filled with rocks in the circle.

As Rukia states it is the same place which can be seen in Soul Society, Ichigo says they can get in and tells Rukia to contact Urahara. When Rukia tells him he cannot go in alone, Ichigo states he will definitely rescue her. As Rukia calls after him, Ichigo, falling towards the entrance, draws Zangetsu and slashes at the circle, creating a hole which he moves through. As a large amount of water is sent into the air by the impact, Rukia looks on.

In the Valley of Screams, an unconscious Senna lies strapped to a post with several purple orbs rotating around her. As Ganryū, Riyan, and Bau approach, Senna, regaining consciousness, wonders where she is. When she asks if they wanted her to do something, Ganryū states they just need to use her to make their wish come true. When Senna asks what this means, Riyan, telling her to watch her tone, says Ganryū is a noble and virtuous man who will rule over Soul Society.

Telling him to relax, for there is no longer a need for formalities, Ganryū reveals when their clan was exiled from Soul Society 1000 years ago due to its unjust laws, they were forced to wander in the Dangai. Stating they were constantly forced to run from the Kōtotsu which absorbed anything they touched, he, saying they somehow managed to survive and taught themselves to use the Blanks as a power source, states they have an infinite number of them at their disposal.

Snapping his fingers, which causes multiple Blanks to swirl around Senna, Ganryū explains how the Blanks come together to form a new dimension known as the Valley of Screams, which consists of countless Blanks, and how the memories of the Blanks merge into one object and return to the Human World. Saying this object is the Shinenju, Ganryū states it is Senna, who reacts with surprise.

At a captains' meeting in Soul Society, 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi reveals the Blanks' wandering is not entirely without purpose, for they seek out their own memories for a time. Beckoning with his hand, which creates a holographic projection of the Valley of Screams, he, saying the problem begins here, states putting the Shinenju in the center of the Valley of Screams causes the Blanks to push against one another in an effort to get closer, which makes them multiply rapidly. Saying the energy released is incredibly powerful, he states it could draw the Human World and Soul Society together and force them into a massive collision.

As Ukitake expresses shock, 8th Division Captain Shunsui Kyōraku says it sound dangerous. As Mayuri states this reaction has already begun, Ganryū forms a sword, which he raises above his head. As 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki says they have talked enough and asks what exactly will happen, Mayuri states even though he is not sure, the collision of two worlds which must not touch would certainly result in the destruction of one or both of those worlds.

As the tornado around Senna intensifies by drawing more and more Blanks, Ukitake asks how much time is left, prompting Mayuri to say they do not have enough data to draw a scientific answer, but he would guess they have about an hour. When Suì-Fēng states she will mobilize her forces to enter the Valley of Screams immediately, Mayuri states this is a waste of time, for there is no Senkaimon in Soul Society which connects to the Valley of Screams.

As Senna is bound completely by the Blanks, which create a cocoon connected to the Valley of Screams by dozens of strands, Mayuri says they cannot enter, and no matter what they do, there will not be even a speck of dust left. As the cocoon unfurls to reveal Senna floating in a detailed gate, Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto states this is a top-level emergency. As Senna is struck by lightning, Yamamoto orders them to prepare to fire the Kidō Cannon.

As Senna screams in pain, Yamamoto says they must try to disengage the Valley of Screams from Soul Society by firing at the adhesion point. As the lightning intensifies, Ukitake states doing so will cause great damage to both worlds. As Ganryū smiles, Yamamoto states they have no other options. Hearing a commotion, the captains turn as a Shinigami outside the meeting room tells someone they cannot go in. As the doors open, Rukia struggles with the guards.

When Yamamoto asks what the meaning of this is and tells the guards to stand down, Rukia, getting on her hands and knees, apologizes and tells Yamamoto if he wishes to discipline her, she will accept it without question, but she has information she must share with everyone first. As she reveals Ichigo has found an entrance to the Valley of Screams in the Human World, Ichigo runs through the Valley of Screams as the lightning continues to intensify.

Revealing he has entered the Valley of Screams to save Senna, she begs them to send reinforcements to help him. When Yamamoto says he cannot fulfill this request, Rukia asks why he cannot. Stating he does not mean to belittle Ichigo's power, Yamamoto says they only have one hour left, and there no proof of the Gotei 13 being able to mobilize their troops, enter the Valley of Screams, defeat their enemies, and retrieve the Shinenju in this time.

Asking her to not think badly of him, Yamamoto, stating the meeting is over, proclaims the divisions will begin emergency procedures and prepare the Kidō Cannon. As the Kidō Cannon is prepared, Rukia, watching from afar, is approached by Renji. When she begins to say something, Renji cuts her off and says he is going too, for Ichigo should not get all the action. In the Valley of Screams, as the lightning dies down, the clouds begin to converge at a point and fall.

As more threads of Blanks surround Senna, Riyan tells Ganryū the Blanks are uniting. Noting this, Ganryū sees a large cut appear in the wall behind Senna as the threads are cut in two. As the Dark Ones move away, Ganryū states they have another rat as Ichigo calls out to Senna, who sees him standing on a pillar. Saying he is coming, Ichigo, moving towards her, is confronted by Ganryū, who slashes him.

Falling to the ground below, Ichigo attacks Ganryū, who asks if he has come for another crushing defeat. When Ichigo tells him to give Senna back, a smirking Ganryū forces him back as the rest of the Dark Ones appear. As Ganryū states she has finally been awakened as the Shinenju, dozens of Blanks rise from the ground behind the Dark Ones. As he says she will endure a great amount of pain and suffering because of Ichigo, Senna, calling out to him, is surrounded by more threads of Blanks.

As Ichigo calls out to her, Senna is further constricted by the threads. Telling the Dark Ones to get out of his way, Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshō, which courses through the Valley of Screams. In the Human World, Sado, Uryū, Orihime, Urahara, Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu stand on the bridge near the entrance to the Valley of Screams. When Orihime asks if they have to follow Ichigo, Urahara states they cannot, for the Valley of Screams is a spiritual world like Soul Society.

As he says Humans cannot enter, a Senkaimon opens behind them as Rukia and Renji jump out. As Orihime and Uryū greet them, Urahara asks how it went, prompting Rukia to reveal Soul Society plans to use the Kidō Cannon to destroy the Valley of Screams' dimension. When Orihime begins to exclaim Ichigo will die if they do this, Renji states they will finish the job before the Kidō Cannon fires. As Rukia says they will do something, Hitsugaya states they do not stand a chance on their own.

As Orihime looks over the railing and sees Hitsugaya under the bridge, Hitsugaya, saying they have gathered several people, states they will finish the fight together. As Rangiku says she is coming as well, Hitsugaya states they are running out of time and tells them to go. As he jumps into the entrance, Orihime asks Rukia to take care of Ichigo, prompting her to say she will. Flipping over the edge, Renji and Rukia fall into the entrance.

In the Valley of Screams, Ichigo clashes with Jai and leaps away from an attack, prompting Jai to throw his chakram after him. Running past some Blanks, Ichigo deflects one of the chakram and dodges the other, only for them to attack him in midair. Landing, Ichigo is restrained by several Blanks. As he tells them to let go, Bau attacks him, only for Ichigo to leap away. As he lands, Ichigo blocks an attack from Mue and dodges throwing knives from Benin.

Preparing to clash once more, Ichigo hears laughter from above. Looking up, he sees a laughing Kenpachi falling from the sky. Glowing with yellow Reiatsu, he smashes into the ground, destroying the surrounding area. As Ichigo calls out to him, 11th Division Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi waves to him as Kenpachi tells him he is standing in a dangerous spot. Leaping to solid ground, Ichigo notices something.

Wondering who Kenpachi was, Riyan is attacked by the Shikai of Hyōrinmaru, forcing him to dodge. Snaking through the air, the ice dragon returns to Hitsugaya, who tells Ichigo to stop wasting time. As Ichigo sees the assembled Shinigami, Ikkaku tells Ichigo they are not letting him have all the action, and 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa states there has not been a "party" like this for a while, so they want their chance as well.

As Rangiku, saying she merely mentioned it and everyone got involved, tells him to leave it to them, Hitsugaya tells Ichigo to hurry. Thanking them, Ichigo runs off, prompting Bau and Jai to run after him. As Hitsugaya tells his companions to move out, the Shinigami move away with Shunpo. Running down a slope, Ikkaku releases his Zanpakutō, Hōzukimaru, and cuts through several Blanks.

Slicing through Blanks with her sealed Zanpakutō, Rangiku is confronted by Benin, who blocks Rangiku's sword with her dagger. Smirking, Rangiku releases her Zanpakutō, Haineko, prompting Benin to leap away as the ash cloud destroys several Blanks. Running along the side of a structure shaped like a window, 3rd Division Lieutenant Izuru Kira releases his Zanpakutō, Wabisuke, and strikes the platform four times, causing it to fall due to its increased weight.

Elsewhere, as Iba and 9th Division Lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi fight the Blanks, Benin aims a crossbow at Yumichika. Firing the bolt, which does not hit, she wonders what happened before having her attention drawn to Suì-Fēng, who holds the crossbow bolt in her hand. Asking if she is looking for this, Suì-Fēng breaks it in two. As she begins to draw her Zanpakutō, Benin throws a knife at her, which she dodges.

Discarding her haori, Suì-Fēng runs towards Benin with her Zanpakutō drawn. As Benin draws her daggers, the two clash. Dodging Suì-Fēng's attack, Benin slashes at her. Jumping, Suì-Fēng kicks at her, only to be blocked by her dagger. Continuing to fight, the two separate. Landing on a rock formation, Benin sees a Hōmonka appear on her midsection. As she leaps into the air, Suì-Fēng appears behind her and kicks at her.

In a tree-like area, Kenpachi walks along a thick branch with his Zanpakutō over his shoulder. Looking around, Kenpachi is surprised when his face is cut. Deflecting subsequent attacks, Kenpachi catches one of the projectiles. Seeing it is a shuriken, he says it is ridiculous and throws it. Seeing it fly past him, cutting the tree he was hiding behind in the process, a startled Mue steps back, only to bump into Kenpachi, who says even though he hates chasing people, he is not bad at it.

As Mue moves away and runs along a branch, a giggling Yachiru runs beside him. When he jumps away, Yachiru tells Kenpachi to get him. Landing, Mue sees Kenpachi, who asks if he can cut him yet. Leaping towards him, Mue stabs at Kenpachi, who catches the blade with his hand. Detaching the blade from the hilt to reveal a thin, segmented golden blade underneath, Mue slashes Kenpachi across the chest. Watching blood spurt from his wound, Kenpachi states he can have some fun with Mue as an orb of Reiatsu forms around him.

Leaping towards Mue, Kenpachi strikes at the branch he is standing on as he jumps away. As Kenpachi moves after him, Mue fires the segments of his blade at him. Deflecting them, Kenpachi catches Mue and punches him away. Landing on a branch, Mue holds up the hilt of his sword, which is attached to Kenpachi's Zanpakutō by a wire, and sends electricity towards Kenpachi, which results in an explosion. As the smoke clears, Kenpachi, having been shielded by his orb of Reiatsu, leaps towards Mue, destroying the branches around him in the process, and cuts him in half.

Elsewhere, Hitsugaya, releasing his Zanpakutō, sends the ice dragon at Riyan, who fires his explosive projectiles at him. As the ice dragon is destroyed by the explosions, a chuckling Riyan tells Hitsugaya to not try to outlast him. As Blanks flow into the rocketpacks on his back, Riyan says Hitsugaya's energy will not outlast his own. Stating he will fight as long as Hitsugaya likes, Riyan fires more projectiles at him.

When Hitsugaya jumps to avoid them, the projectiles follow him into the air. Destroying some with his sword, Hitsugaya moves away as the rest follow him. When Hitsugaya is enveloped in an explosion, a laughing Riyan forms more projectiles and fires them at him. As Hitsugaya runs, Blanks continue to flow into Riyan's rocketpacks while Riyan fires more projectiles. When one of the projectiles seemingly hits Hitsugaya, Riyan, saying he got him, is surprised to see he has activated his Bankai, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru.

Expressing surprise at Hitsugaya having this much energy left, Riyan realizes there is ice sealing off his rocketpacks. As he screams in terror, the ice dragon crashes into him, creating a large amount of ice. Getting up, Hitsugaya looks towards the tree in the center of the Valley of Screams. In Soul Society, a member of the Kidō Corps informs Yamamoto the 3rd Division is in place and preparations for firing are complete.

Stating the latest status reports indicate the dimension will pass the critical point within five minutes, he moves away with Shunpo. When Ukitake begins to say something, Yamamoto states they will wait until the very end. In the Valley of Screams, Ichigo dodges an attack from Bau. When Jai throws his chakram at him, Ichigo deflects them, only for Bau to appear behind him and smash him into the ground. As Jai says he will not get the Shinenju, Renji tells Ichigo to hold on.

As a tornado forms behind Ichigo, Renji's Bankai, Hihiō Zabimaru, lunges out of the top and hurtles towards Ichigo. Crashing into the ground where he is standing, it moves away with Ichigo clinging to the side of its head. As Hihiō Zabimaru moves past Bau and Jai, Ichigo looks back and calls out to Renji, who, standing next to Rukia, tells him to go. Ichigo jumps off of Hihiō Zabimaru, which turns around and crashes into Bau and Jai.

As Renji says he is not letting them go after Ichigo, he and Rukia jump to avoid Jai's chakram. As Rukia deflects the blades, Jai, running along the wall, attacks her and states they will just kill them first. Emerging from the dust cloud with Bau in its mouth, Hihiō Zabimaru slams him into a wall. As it moves along the wall, Bau emerges and smashes his tetsubo into the segments of Hihiō Zabimaru. As the rest of Hihiō Zabimaru flies towards him, Bau strikes its head, creating an explosion.

Landing on a branch, Ichigo looks at the trees in front of him and screams Senna's name. When Ganryū asks if he still believes the Shinenju can be saved, Ichigo says he is going to get Senna out of here. Jumping away to avoid a stream of Blanks, Ichigo watches the stream turn into another branch. Stating he is too late, Ganryū says the Shinenju has begun to merge with the Valley of Screams, and no one can stop it now. Telling him to shut up, Ichigo promises Senna he will get her out of here.

As Blanks emerge from the branches, Ganryū, asking if Ichigo cannot comprehend his words, states he speaks of the impossible. When Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshō, Ganryū is revealed. As the branches behind him are cut in half, Ganryū curses Ichigo. Noting he has finally shown himself, Ichigo, pointing his blade at him, says he will beat him and save Senna. As Ganryū tells him to try, Ichigo tells him to get ready and activates his Bankai.

As the dust clears, Ichigo attacks Ganryū. Moving away, the two clash in midair. As Ichigo lands on a branch, Blanks trap his feet. Ganryū generates a stream of Blanks which, surrounding Ichigo, cracks and breaks when Ichigo attacks it. Moving behind him, Ganryū attacks Ichigo, who moves away. Following him, Ganryū continues to clash with him. When Ichigo moves away once more, Ganryū generates several daggers, which follow Ichigo.

Destroying them with his sword, Ichigo is hit in the abdomen by one of them, which pins him to a tree with a stream of Blanks. Landing on the branch on front of Ichigo, Ganryū recounts how his clan was forced to live in the Dangai for 1000 years and endured the hardship so they could obliterate Soul Society, a wish which is about to come true. As the other Shinigami notice the Valley of Screams shaking, Ganryū states he will not let anyone stop him and throws four more daggers at Ichigo.

As Ichigo, having been impaled by one of the daggers, coughs up blood, Ganryū asks why he is so desperate, for the Shinenju is simply a condensed mass of thoughts and memories, and to call it a living thing is too much. Saying this is not true, Ichigo states Senna is here now. Pulling one of the daggers out, he says she was nervous and scared, and wanted someone to help. Stating he swore on his soul to protect her, Ichigo releases a large amount of Reiatsu.

As a band of yellow light travels to the center of the tree, Senna regains consciousness and recalls her encounters with the Blanks. Finally accepting her existence as the Shinenju, she calls out to Ichigo as a bright light shines from her location. Continuing to release Reiatsu, Ichigo frees himself from the Blanks. In Soul Society, as a Shinigami says they will pass the critical point in two minutes, Ukitake wonders what the Shinigami in the Valley of Screams are doing.

Stating time is up, Yamamoto orders the Kidō Corps to fire the Kidō Cannon. Flames ignite around the Kidō Cannon, which fires blasts shaped like various animals at the Valley of Screams. As a section of the Valley of Screams is destroyed, dark ooze begins dripping through the hole as black lightning flashes. Saying it has been released, Hitsugaya states they have pulled the trigger, and the dimension is going to collapse.

Meanwhile, Bau expresses shock as Hihiō Zabimaru reforms. Saying his Zanpakutō is very thick-headed, Renji states if this is all Bau has, he will not even put a dent in him. As Hihiō Zabimaru rushes towards him, a screaming Bau is killed as the ground underneath him shatters. Elsewhere, as Rukia stands on a platform, Jai jumps towards her and says she is not getting away. When Rukia states she does not have to run, Jai says he will grind her to dust.

When Rukia releases her Zanpakutō, Sode no Shirayuki, Jai states it is no use as he dives at her. Using Some no mai, Tsukishiro, Rukia encases Jai in a column of ice, which shatters. Standing up, Rukia is surprised when the chakram in the air around her begin to bubble and transform. As they become copies of Jai, one of them says he told her resisting is pointless. As they move to attack her, Rukia, preparing to fight, notices cherry blossoms floating near her arm.

As two rows of giant blades rise up from the ground, 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki tells Jai to be proud about being destroyed by his Bankai and obliterates the clones with Senbonzakura Kageyoshi. Moving to Rukia, Byakuya states they are leaving. Elsewhere, Ichigo, moving towards Senna's location, calls to her while dodging streams of Blanks. As Ichigo lands on a branch, Ganryū does the same and creates a sword, which he points at Ichigo.

As Ichigo generates a large amount of Reiatsu, Ganryū does so as well and tells him to come. Jumping towards Ichigo, who fires a Getsuga Tenshō at him, Ganryū cuts through the blast and continues charging towards Ichigo, who generates a Getsuga Tenshō in his blade and leaps towards him. As they clash, an explosion rips through the branches around them. As Ichigo stands behind him, a bifurcated Ganryū fades away. Seeing Senna among the branches, Ichigo tells her she is awfully quiet.

When he asks what happened to her usual energy, a smiling Senna tells him to shut up. In the Human World, Uryū, Sado, Orihime, Urahara, Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu stand on the bridge next to the entrance. As Urahara notes they are coming, the Shinigami burst out of the water. As Orihime looks over the railing, Ichigo bursts out of the water with Senna. In Soul Society, a Kidō Corps member tells Yamamoto the Shinenju has been rescued and the Valley of Screams is collapsing.

As the Shinigami in Soul Society cheer, Ichigo, Senna, Renji, and Rukia land on the bridge in the Human World. As Orihime welcomes them back, Kon runs towards Rukia, who stomps on him. As Uryū tells Ichigo he did it and Sado gives him a thumbs-up, Urahara states they have all done well. As Orihime says she is glad they are all safe, Ichigo thanks Rukia and Renji, the latter of whom states he did not do it for Ichigo.

As Jinta says Renji did good for a freeloader and has earned his dinner tonight, Senna looks over the railing. Telling Senna he found her hair ribbon, Ichigo is surprised when it floats away. In the SRDI, Mayuri wonders why the alarm has not stopped. Revealing the Valley of Screams has expanded beyond the final critical point, an SRDI member says its gravitational pull has linked it to the Human World and Soul Society, and the three have started to merge.

As Yamamoto looks up in shock, Rukia is forced to her knees and wonders what the meaning of this is. As Renji realizes it did not stop, Orihime wonders what will happen. As Urahara states this is not good, Senna leaps into the air, prompting Ichigo to tell her to wait. Joining her in the air over the entrance, he wonders why this is happening. As whirlwinds tear through the Seireitei, Kenpachi notes they are in trouble now. As Hitsugaya wonders if they were too late, violent waves crash around the entrance.

Looking at the entrance, Senna grabs Ichigo's arm and tells him she is scared. As Ichigo expresses concern, Senna says she will not let this world go. Explaining her view of this world, Senna, telling him it will be okay, reveals the Blanks are still close to her, and if she uses their energy, she can return both worlds to normal. As Ichigo sees Senna in her Gigai clothes and expresses confusion, Senna states if the world ended, he would disappear as well.

Saying she does not want this to happen, Senna begins to glow. When Ichigo tells her to stop, Senna states she would rather sacrifice herself than let him die. As Senna is enveloped by a whirlwind, Ichigo yells her name and reaches for her, only to be enveloped by the wind. As a green column of light grows brighter, Rin reveals they have reports of countless spiritual explosions in the Dangai, and the Human World and Soul Society are both stabilizing, for the fusion has stopped.

As Senna says she has a favor to ask, Ichigo carries her on his back next to the river to the graveyard where they first met the Dark Ones. As he carries her through the rows of gravestones, Senna states she wants to check her family grave. Saying she said they were here yesterday, Senna states she knows she once lived in this town. Saying she had parents and was alive, Senna states her name must be on the gravestone.

Stopping, Ichigo asks her if this is it, prompting her to say it is four stones from the end. When Ichigo arrives at the gravestone, Senna asks if there is a name on it. As she states she has something in her eye, Ichigo sees two names on the gravestone, neither of which are hers. When Senna asks if it is there, Ichigo says it is. Standing up, he states she used to live in this town and had a family. Crying, Senna says she is happy. As she begins to fade, Senna states she feels warm and asks Ichigo if she will see him again.

As he says she will, Senna fades away completely. As Ichigo kneels, Rukia approaches him and states the Blanks' energy is about to run out, and when it does, everything related to Senna will disappear from their memories, for one cannot remember something which should not have existed in the first place. Getting up, Ichigo says even though it may only last for a few more seconds, he can still hear her voice.

Later, on the bridge, a strong wind causes the pedestrians to stop in their tracks. Walking along, Ichigo sees a red hair ribbon floating in the wind. Grabbing it, he realizes something as a girl tells her friend to shut up and states it will be the same either way. As her friend says they will be late, the girl says she will pass. Running past Ichigo, the girl bears a striking resemblance to Senna. Smiling, Ichigo continues walking.

Bleach movie 2

As a large cloud moves across the sky of the the Human World, a royal procession takes place inside, with guards walking next to carts and musicians playing instruments. As a carriage being carried by several men moves past, 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto appears before three Shinigami and asks for a status report. When one of the Shinigami tells her there has been nothing out of the ordinary, Rangiku tells them it is an important assignment, so they must stay alert.

As the Shinigami agree, one of them asks what the Ōin actually is, and another states all they know is they have been ordered to guard it without being conspicuous. When he asks whose authority this operation is under, Rangiku reveals the orders come directly from the Royal Family, and in regards to the Ōin, they only know it is a treasured artifact, and only those within the Royal Family are permitted to see it.

Saying they do not know the extent of its power or how to use it, Rangiku states the Royal Family decides to change its location without warning once a decade. When she says it has the power of magic, the Shinigami express surprise, prompting her to state they are gullible, and in truth she does not know any more about it than they do. Saying the 10th Division having been assigned to this is the only thing which matters, Rangiku tells them to stay focused and moves away with Shunpo.

As 10th Division Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya watches the cloud, Rangiku appears next to him and tells him all stations have reported everything being normal. When she states the procession is even more magnificent up close, Hitsugaya tells her there is always fanfare surrounding royalty. As a presence moves across the land, Rangiku tells Hitsugaya he will get in trouble if he says things like this. As the presence continues to move, Hitsugaya and Rangiku sense something.

When a ball of lightning crashes into one of the carriages, Hitsugaya tells Rangiku to alert the 10th Division as they move away with Shunpo. Sinking into the cloud, the carriage bursts into flames as the ball of lightning emerges and splits into two balls. Moving through the procession, the balls attack and electrocute the bannermen and carriage-bearers as the Shinigami emerge from the trees below and approach Rangiku, who tells them to attack the reformed ball.

As they do so, the ball reveals a whip which electrocutes the Shinigami upon contact, creating an explosion, before sending the whip towards Rangiku, who blocks with her Zanpakutō. As the whip wraps around the blade, the dust clears to reveal Yin, who bids Rangiku farewell before sending electricity down the whip towards her, prompting Rangiku to release her Shikai, Haineko, to counter it.

As the counterattack creates an explosion, Yin dodges an attack from Rangiku. Meanwhile, as someone calls for the fire to be put out, a ball of fire emerges from the damaged carriage. As it attacks and incinerates the bannermen and carriage-bearers, Hitsugaya draws his Zanpakutō and attacks it. As the smoke clears, Yang blocks Hitsugaya's sword with her own. As Hitsugaya tells her to identify herself, ice begins to cover her blade.

Leaping back as the ice shatters, Yang runs away as Hitsugaya tells her to stop before running after her. Moving to the top of the damaged carriage, Hitsugaya looks for her. Feeling an immense amount of Reiatsu, he looks down to see he has been stabbed. As he leaps back, a masked man emerges from the smoke. When Hitsugaya demands to know who he is, the masked man draws his sword and attacks him.

Running up, Rangiku asks where the Ōin is and is told they do not know. As Hitsugaya and the masked man continue to fight, Rangiku calls out to him. When they cross blades, the masked man tells Hitsugaya he has not changed at all, prompting Hitsugaya, who tells him to show his face, to attempt to take his mask off. As the man leaps away, Hitsugaya tells him to stop and begins to chase him before Rangiku calls out to him.

Looking at her with a sorrowful expression on his face, Hitsugaya moves away with Shunpo. As Rangiku calls out to him once more, the carriage explodes, forcing those present to shield themselves. As a Shinigami orders the others to put the fire out, another one tells Rangiku the enemy has escaped, and though they did everything they could, they suffered severe casualties. When Rangiku does not respond, the Shinigami asks her if she is alright.

The next day,Ichigo Kurosaki moves through the clouds in his Shinigami form and appears in the area where the Shinigami were stationed. Looking around, he puts his hand in front of him. When his hand touches a barrier, he puts his other hand on the barrier and wonders what is going on. Saying the last thing he needs is someone starting trouble close to his house, he unsheathes Zangetsu and cuts out a section of the barrier.

Looking through, he is shocked to see the aftermath of the attack on the procession. As he wonders what happened, several Onmitsukidō members appear around him. When they prepare to draw their blades, Ichigo tells them to calm down and states he is the Substitute Shinigami. As they advance, 2nd Division Captain Sui-Feng tells them to wait. As they clear a path for her, she says she knows who Ichigo, but not why he is here.

As Ichigo recognizes her, she asks how he got here, for she had put a barrier up around this area. Asking what happened, Ichigo asks what all of this is, indicating the dead Shinigami and bannermen. As she states she probably should not tell him, for he is only a Substitute Shinigami, Uryu Ishida appears outside the barrier. Looking around, he sees the glow from the entrance Ichigo created and pushes his glasses up.

As Ichigo, having been told what happened, says he does not believe it, an Onmitsukidō member approaches Suì-Fēng and leans down to tell her something. Listening to him, Suì-Fēng says Ichigo is to notify her as soon as he discovers "his" location and performs a series of hand movements. As Ichigo tells her to wait, the barrier shatters, leaving him alone in the forest before Uryū approaches him.

When Ichigo asks him what he is doing here, Uryū reveals he has known this area was sealed off and placed under a special barrier since yesterday. When he asks what happened and if Ichigo found anything out, Ichigo begins to tell him what he learned before noticing falling snow. As he notes it is snowing, Uryū states "he" must have been concealing his Reiatsu. As Ichigo asks what he means, Hitsugaya walks towards them before collapsing.

Running over to him, Ichigo asks what happened as Hitsugaya whispers the name "Kusaka". In Soul Society, as the doors to the Captain-Commander's office close, the captains and Rangiku gather before Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. When Yamamoto asks if this is all Suì-Fēng has to report, she confirms this and says even though they sealed the area off and her division covered every inch, they were unable to find any trace of the Ōin.

Stating they believe whoever is responsible for the attack possesses it now, she says Hitsugaya pursued the attacker and is currently missing, based on the reports they received on the 10th Division. As Suì-Fēng states he concealed his Reiatsu to avoid being found, Rangiku tells her to wait and states she makes it sound like Hitsugaya purposely abandoned his post. Saying it is the only possible explanation for his actions, Suì-Fēng states he broke regulations and disobeyed his orders.

As Rangiku says he would never do this, Yamamoto tells them to stop and states the 10th Division is to be confined to their barracks until further notice. As he says he is prepared to shut down the 10th Division based on the outcome, Rangiku, asking if he is saying he is willing to disband the 10th Division because of this, states the members of the 10th Division have done nothing wrong and asks him to let her accept the consequences instead of them.

Telling her this is enough, Yamamoto says she is misjudging the magnitude of this situation and tells her to remember her place. As she kneels once more, Yamamoto states their top priority is the retrieval of the Ōin, and it is also critical to find Hitsugaya and take him into custody so they may assess his involvement in this incident. As he states this is to be considered an emergency order, Rangiku looks down somberly.

At the 10th Division barracks, 1st Division Lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe says the 10th Division is to remain confined to these barracks until further notice on Yamamoto's orders. As the division members begin talking among themselves, Chōjirō reveals until Hitsugaya is apprehended, they are all considered to be co-conspirators, and therefore are required to surrender their Zanpakutō. As the division members voice their dissent, Rukia Kuchiki and 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai approach.

As Chōjirō says Yamamoto's orders stand, the division members ask Rangiku to say something, prompting her to hold out her sheathed Zanpakutō. As a Shinigami takes it from her, Rukia and Renji enter. As the rest of the division members hand over their Zanpakutō, Rangiku tells Rukia and Renji it is what it is. When Rukia states taking such drastic actions without any evidence seems very odd, Rangiku says the Ōin which was stolen must have been very important, or otherwise they would not be doing this.

When Renji states he is sure Hitsugaya will return soon and sort this mess out, Rangiku says she supposes he is right, but she is not sure why everyone left without saying a word. When Renji states Hitsugaya is nothing like Gin Ichimaru, Rangiku looks away, prompting Rukia to reprimand Renji. When a Shinigami tells Chōjirō all of the division members have surrendered their Zanpakutō and they will keep them in the stockade for safekeeping, Chōjirō tells the members to return to their barracks and await their sentence.

Apologizing, a Shinigami tells Rukia and Renji he has orders to lock down the barracks, and everyone must be cleared from these quarters, so he must asks them to leave. As Renji says he understands and they are leaving now, Rukia apologizes to Rangiku. As they begin to leave, Rangiku grabs Renji's arm and tells him to wait. When he looks over his shoulder at her, Rangiku states she wants him to check on something for her.

As Rukia and Renji walk out of the barracks, Rangiku tells them Hitsugaya was chasing a man on the night he disappeared, and she cannot help but think they are connected, or else Hitsugaya would not have left his post. In the past, a young Hitsugaya sits at a table and stares out of the window at the Shin'ō Academy. Approaching him, another student says he must be Tōshirō Hitsugaya, the boy genius whom everyone has been talking about.

As he and the boy clash, Hitsugaya asks who he is and says he plans to become a Shinigami and devote his life to Soul Society. When the scores for the students are posted, the boy states when he saw Hitsugaya's score, it confirmed he was a genius. As the two cut through dummies in combat training, the boy says he is not going to let Hitsugaya beat him next time. As the boy asks if they are friends, he is wounded, and as his Zanpakutō fades, Hitsugaya wakes up.

Getting up, Hitsugaya wonders where he is. As the door opens, Ichigo greets him. Recognizing him, Hitsugaya asks where he is, prompting Ichigo to reveal he is at his house because he found him unconscious by the side of the road and did not want to leave him lying there. As Hitsugaya apologizes for any trouble he caused him, Ichigo sits down and asks if he knows he has the entire Onmitsukidō looking for him. When Hitsugaya says he figured as much, Ichigo asks if this is all he can say.

Asking why the Onmitsukidō is looking for him, Ichigo states he at least owes him this much. When Hitsugaya says he should forget about this because it does not concern him, an irritated Ichigo states he did not care anyway. When Hitsugaya says he will get "it" back, Ichigo expresses confusion, prompting Hitsugaya to reveal the Ōin was stolen. As he states it is far too complicated for a Substitute Shinigami to understand, an irritated Ichigo says he cannot believe how obnoxious Hitsugaya is.

When Hitsugaya begins shivering and sweating, Ichigo gets up and asks if he is alright. Stating it is nothing, Hitsugaya says he will be fine if he can get some rest. Stating he will call Orihime Inoue in the morning, Ichigo tells him to sleep until then and leaves. In the morning, Hitsugaya leaves the Kurosaki Clinic without letting Ichigo know, leaving his captain's haori on his desk, and stands outside the house wearing a tattered cloak.

Bowing towards the house, Hitsugaya walks away, only to be stopped by Ichigo, who stands before him in his Shinigami form. Telling him there is no need to sneak around, Ichigo says he does not see why Hitsugaya is skulking around in the shadows like he is ashamed of something instead of walking out the front door like a man. Thanking him for his help, Hitsugaya states he appreciates it, prompting Ichigo to ask why he is trying to do this alone.

When Ichigo asks what is bothering him, Hitsugaya says he does not know what he is talking about. When Ichigo asks if this has anything to do with Kusaka, Hitsugaya expresses shock as Ichigo asks who he is. When Ichigo theorizes he is the one who attacked Hitsugaya and took the Ōin, Hitsugaya states he is someone who was killed a long time ago. When Ichigo asks who killed him, Hitsugaya continues walking past him, prompting him to attempt to stop him.

Drawing his Zanpakutō, Hitsugaya slashes at Ichigo, who jumps back and asks what is wrong with him. When Hitsugaya tells him to not interfere, Ichigo asks if he is supposed to leave him alone after finding him on the verge of death. Seeing Hitsugaya's shihakushō covered in blood, Ichigo tells him he can either turn himself in to the Onmitsukidō or come back to his house. Staring at him, Hitsugaya sees a fireball hurtling towards them.

As they jump back from the explosion, Ichigo asks who did this. Looking up at the sky, he sees Yin and Yang. As Yin tells him to hand over Hitsugaya if he does not want to get hurt, Yang says he will be eliminated if he gets in their way. When Ichigo asks Hitsugaya what is going on, Hitsugaya attacks him, forcing him to draw Zangetsu and block. As Hitsugaya pushes him back, Ichigo asks what is wrong with him.

When Hitsugaya asks him to let him go, Ichigo expresses surprise. Pushing his blade aside, Hitsugaya slashes him away. Flying through the air, Ichigo sees Yang throw a fireball at him. As the fireball hits Ichigo and creates an explosion, Yin generates electricity along her whip and zaps Ichigo's location. As the smoke clears, Ichigo stands in the middle of a crater with blood running down the side of his face.

Seeing this, Yin fires a ball of lightning, and Yang combines it with two blasts of fire, creating a fireball crackling with electricity. As the attack hurtles towards him, Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshō, countering it, and fires another one through the smoke. As the two Arrancar dodge the blast, Yin notes Ichigo countered their attacks even after they combined them and wonders who he is.

When they move away with Sonído, Hitsugaya begins to move after them, only for Ichigo to tell him to wait. Falling to his knees, Ichigo pushes himself up with Zangetsu and asks what this was about. Asking where Hitsugaya is, Ichigo watches him move away with Shunpo before collapsing. Later, as Rukia tells Ichigo to wake up, Renji states he knows something which will rouse him and punches him in the face.

As Ichigo bolts up and clutches his face, Renji says he knows the fastest way to get his attention. When Ichigo angrily asks why he hit him, Renji states it is his own fault for lying in the middle of the street. As Ichigo says he should beat Renji up, Rukia asks him what happened here. Looking around, Ichigo curses and clutches his head. Saying his head is killing him, he asks how long he was unconscious and where Hitsugaya went.

As Rukia and Renji express surprise at the mention of Hitsugaya, Renji asks if he was here, and Rukia asks if he is serious. When Renji asks where he was and when Ichigo saw him, Ichigo states this must be serious. At the Kurosaki Clinic, Ichigo holds up Hitsugaya's haori. As Rukia notes it is definitely Hitsugaya's, Renji grabs him by the shirt and asks why he let him leave. Telling him to back off, Ichigo says he tried to stop him, but he was chasing after two girls.

As Renji expresses surprise, Ichigo states they looked like they were Visored or Arrancar, but he could not determine which. Asking if Hitsugaya talked about anything while he was here, Rukia asks Ichigo if he can remember anything he said. Stating he said something about getting the Ōin back, Ichigo says he mentioned someone named Kusaka. As Rukia expresses confusion, Ichigo states Hitsugaya had said he was someone who had been killed.

Stating he had a strange look in his eyes, Ichigo recalls Hitsugaya attacking him as Rukia tells Renji to return to Soul Society and find out everything he can about Kusaka, for it is possible he has something to do with the man Rangiku saw attacking Hitsugaya. When Renji asks why she does not go, Rukia states they are far more likely to allow him to visit a lieutenant than her. Taking the haori from Ichigo, she says this needs to be taken back.

Taking the haori, Renji says he is not looking forward to this. In the past, a young Hitsugaya stands before the Central 46, who declare they have no need for two Shinigami. As the boy from before manifests his Zanpakutō, the Central 46 proclaims they must decide, and there can only be one Shinigami and one rightful wonder. When Hitsugaya asks them to let him abandon Hyōrinmaru and end this, the Central 46 states it is not his choice and tells him to not question them.

As they say their decision is indisputable and absolute, Hitsugaya calls out to the boy as the latter's Zanpakutō fades. Waking up, Hitsugaya sees the moon through the window of an abandoned factory. Attempting to get up, Hitsugaya falls over before getting to his feet and stumbling towards the exit. In Soul Society, the masked man looks over the Seireitei as Yin and Yang kneel behind him.

When the masked man asks how Hitsugaya was, Yin says they have been observing him, and he has made no attempt to contact the Gotei 13. When Yang asks if he would like them to capture him before they take him into custody, he declines and states he wishes to see how this all plays out. Stating there is no place for him here as long as they wield the same power, he says he will have no choice but to submit to his will.

At the Urahara Shop, as Yoruichi Shihōin watches in her cat form, Rukia tells Ichigo, Orihime, Uryū,Yastora "Chad' Sado, and Kisuke Urahara what she knows about Hitsugaya. When she states she knows he grew up with 5th Division Lieutenant Momo Hinamori and they are very close, Uryū says they should contact her and see if she knows anything. Stating she is in the hospital right now, Rukia says Momo told her Hitsugaya does not like to talk about his past, so she would not be much help.

When Urahara states he especially does not like to talk about painful events, Rukia notes this is true and says this is just the kind of person he is. When Orihime asks if he is strong, Ichigo denies this and states he would not hurt the people who really care about him if he had any strength. Pouring some tea, Urahara, drinking it as Yoruichi walks out, says they will not find him by sitting around and talking. Getting up, he states he will do some research on his own, and in the meantime they should go out and look for him.

In Soul Society, Rangiku looks at a rock garden through a slat in the wall, but is startled when she hears a guard telling someone she is not allowed to have any visitors. As she whirls around upon hearing Renji's voice, Renji says he is only asking for a couple of minutes. Walking up to him, 2nd Division Lieutenant Marechiyo Ōmaeda states he has direct orders from Suì-Fēng and Yamamoto. Turning away, Renji says he used to think Ōmaeda was a reasonable man.

When Renji states he is just a pinhead, Ōmaeda angrily asks what he said and puts his hand on his Zanpakutō. When he asks if Renji insulted him, Renji denies this, prompting Ōmaeda to say he just called him a pinhead. As the two continue to argue, they are interrupted by the arrival of 8th Division Captain Shunsui Kyōraku, who asks what all the shouting is about, and his lieutenant,Nanao Ise. Asking if it would be okay if he went in with Renji, Shunsui wonders if he trusts him.

Inside, Rangiku states she has not heard Hitsugaya mention the name Kusaka before. As Renji thanks her, Rangiku notes even though she is his lieutenant, she does not know very much about Hitsugaya. Nanao notes this leaves them with several mysteries to solve, namely how Hitsugaya is connected to Kusaka, who he is, and if he has anything to do with the theft of the Ōin. When Shunsui wonders if they are all connected, Rangiku says they know very little.

When Nanao states they will have to start looking, Renji asks how they will do this. Saying it being impossible for one person to know everything about someone is the first thing he has to understand, Nanao states it is not always easy, but in order to find the information they want, they have to investigate. When Shunsui chuckles, a confused Nanao asks if she said something wrong, prompting Shunsui to say she is dead-on, and they knew they could count on her to figure this out.

As Nanao stares in bewilderment, Renji bows his head and begs her to help them. When Rangiku states this means a lot to her and thanks Nanao, Shunsui says he will drink to this. When he asks who is buying, Nanao states she is sure he wants to help Rangiku as much as anyone, so he will be helping. When Shunsui asks if she is referring to him, Nanao confirms this. As she stands there with a stern expression on her face, the others begins laughing, and eventually she does as well.

Stating there is something else, Renji brings out a package. Inside the house, Rangiku opens the package and lifts up Hitsugaya's haori. When Renji says they thought she should have it because Ichigo said Hitsugaya left there, Rangiku sees blood on the inside and realizes Hitsugaya is hurt. When Renji states Ichigo told him he was hurt very badly, Rangiku, wondering why he disappeared and left this behind, says she is not sure if she should be happy because he is alive or upset because he left his haori behind and disappeared.

Stating this is a mess, Shunsui notes he must know they are all worried about him and wonders what he is up to. In the past, in a snow-covered land, the spirit of Hyōrinmaru lands before the boy and introduces himself. When he asks if the boy believes he is capable of mastering him, the boy says he does and raises his hand. As he commands Hyōrinmaru to obey him, he is surrounded by snow, and the sealed Zanpakutō of Hyōrinmaru appears in his hand.

As the snow-covered land fades, leaving the boy in a cavern, the boy states he did it. When Hitsugaya gets up, the boy realizes they both obtained the same power and says it is incredible. Waking up next to a stream, Hitsugaya uses Hyōrinmaru to push himself up. Walking on a bridge as a train speeds past, he walks up a flight of stairs and past a villa as a plastic windmill spins.

In a library in Soul Society, Nanao states even though she has searched through the last fifty years of the registry, there is no listing for a division member named Kusaka. When Shunsui asks if she went through the records for the Shin'ō Academy, Nanao confirms this and states there is no record of a student with this name. Saying there is something unusual about the student registry for they year Hitsugaya graduated, she reveals it is missing a name, and the missing student appears to be from northern Rukongai.

When Shunsui asks if she checked to see if there is anyone named Kusaka listed in this district, Nanao states there is one named Sōjirō Kusaka. When Shunsui looks at the registry and notes he is dead, Nanao reveals he is not in the Shinigami registry and asks if this could have been a mistake. Denying this, Shunsui says these kinds of mistakes do not happen, especially when someone is dead.

When Nanao states they have at least disproved the theory of Kusaka having anything to do with the events which transpired, Shunsui crosses his arms and says they cannot list a person as dead until it is confirmed their Reiatsu has been extinguished. When he states he must be dead but hesitates, Nanao asks what is wrong. Getting up, Shunsui says he is going for a walk and asks Nanao to try to figure out the cause of death, prompting her to call after him.

As Shunsui walks away from the library, Yin steps out behind him. As he continues walking, she follows him. Noticing her, Shunsui runs into an alleyway. As she runs after him, he sees snow falling and puts his hand on his Zanpakutō. When the masked man steps out, Shunsui demands to know who he is. When the man does not answer, Shunsui states it is rude of the man to not introduce himself.

Saying Shunsui's name, the man states his cavalier attitude disguises his keen intellect and shrewd disposition. When he states he has an exceptionally sharp mind with no equal, so it is no wonder he was the first to figure it out, Shunsui says he will take this as a compliment and states since he seems to know a lot about him, the man should tell him more about himself. Revealing his blade, the man states it would be a waste of time because he is about to be killed by Tōshirō Hitsugaya.

Drawing his blade, the man slashes the ground in front of him, generating an overflowing wave of ice which rushes at Shunsui, who expresses surprise. As the ice pins his kimono to the wall, Shunsui comments on the power the man is using before clashing with him. Knocking his mask off, Shunsui expresses shock upon seeing the man's face. In an abandoned shrine, Hitsugaya wakes up and looks through the slats to see dozens of Shinigami surrounding the building.

As they move into position, 3rd Division Lieutenant Izuru Kira and 9th Division Lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi appear. Addressing Hitsugaya, Hisagi says this is an executive order and states he must return to Soul Society immediately. Pushing the doors open, Hitsugaya emerges, saying he has no intention of doing this, and puts his hand on his Zanpakutō. As the Shinigami prepare to fight, Hitsugaya attacks Hisagi, who blocks with his half-sheathed blade.

Trapping Hitsugaya's blade with his sealed Zanpakutō, Izuru begs him to not do this, for he will be accused of treason. When Hitsugaya tells Izuru and Hisagi to back off, Hisagi apologizes and states he has orders to take him into custody. Saying he will die, which alarms the lieutenants, Hitsugaya kicks him away, disarming Izuru with a single slash, and attacks Hisagi again. As Hisagi blocks, the force of the attack creates a shockwave and sends Hisagi flying away.

Regaining his footing, Hisagi moves to the top of the gate and uses Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan. As Izuru clashes with Hitsugaya, Hisagi throws the rod, which splits into a hundred more. Seeing this, Hitsugaya moves away with Shunpo. As the rods hit the ground leading to the shrine, Hitsugaya is hit by one of them. Falling against a crate, he pulls the rod out of him. As Izuru begs him to not resist any further, Hitsugaya releases his Zanpakutō.

As Ichigo senses this from far away, the ice dragon formed by the Bankai of Hyōrinmaru attacks. Meanwhile, in the Sōgō Kyūgo Tsumesho, as Shunsui breathes slowly, 4th Division Captain Retsu Unohana tells the 4th Division members to set up the purification barrier and prepares to operate. In the hall, as a sobbing Nanao states it is all her fault, 13th Division Captain Jushiro Ukitake says it is not her fault.

Approaching with his 3rd Seat, Kiyone Kotetsu, he states Nanao knows how strong Shunsui is, so he was either caught completely by surprise or overpowered by someone much stronger. When he asks if he is correct, Nanao begins to blame herself again, prompting Ukitake to say she is not responsible. Revealing the 6th Division is investigating the scene right now, he states they will find who is responsible and capture them.

At the scene of the attack, Renji picks up a piece of Shunsui's kimono, which, to his surprise, crumbles away in his hand. Saying there is no doubt about it, 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki states it was Hyōrinmaru. Asking if they are sure, Ukitake says he doubts it is the only news the Riteitai has brought. Kneeling before him, the Riteitai reveals Izuru and Hisagi tracked down Hitsugaya in the Human World, but were badly injured while trying to arrest him, shocking those present.

At the shrine, as another Riteitai vanishes after reporting to Rukia, Uryū expresses surprise at Hitsugaya being able to defeat all of them while Orihime states she cannot believe Hitsugaya would attack his own men. Saying this is not all, Rukia reveals Shunsui was also injured. When Sado asks why this is happening, Rukia states everyone who tried to attack Hitsugaya was badly injured by Hyōrinmaru.

When Ichigo asks Uryū if he can track Hitsugaya's Reiatsu, for he is good at this, Uryū says he cannot do so at this point. As Ichigo curses, Orihime falls to her knees, and Sado notes the sun is coming up. When Ichigo suggests they all go home and get some sleep, for they can meet up later this afternoon, and helps Orihime to her feet, Orihime states she is not tired, so they can keep looking. Saying Ichigo is right, Rukia states they will have a better chance of finding him after they rest.

In Soul Society, at another captains meeting, Yamamoto says they have evidence of Hitsugaya being guilty of treason, and as such, he is upgrading the priority of his capture to an execution order. When Unohana asks if he really thinks the situation calls for such extreme measures, Yamamoto states it has been decided. Saying the search for the Ōin shall proceed uninterrupted, Yamamoto proclaims Hitsugaya's case will now be their top priority, and they must execute him by any means necessary.

In the Human World, as Ichigo's alarm clock beeps, Ichigo grabs it and turns it off. Hearing a beep, he turns as Rukia bursts out of his closet and states Renji has told her they have ordered an execution. When Ichigo asks what she is talking about, Rukia reveals it means they have orders to execute him on sight. Saying she has to be kidding him, Ichigo grabs her by the shoulders and asks why they would do something like this.

As Rukia states there was no time for anyone to argue the decision and the order cannot be revoked, Ichigo sits on his bed and says this is crazy. Attracting Rukia's attention, Renji reveals they have learned who Kusaka is. When Rukia asks if he heard, Ichigo confirms this and asks her to turn up the volume. As she does so, Renji states his name is Sōjirō Kusaka, and he was one of Hitsugaya's classmates, but he died shortly before Hitsugaya graduated from the Shin'ō Academy.

When the wall behind Ichigo is destroyed, sending debris flying into his room, Ichigo and Rukia emerge from the hole in their Shinigami forms and move to the sky, where they confront Yin and Yang. As Ichigo recognizes them, they reiterate their previous statement of killing him if he got in the way before the masked man approaches. When Ichigo asks who he is, Rukia notes his Reiatsu is incredibly powerful. Chuckling, the man draws his sword as its sheath fades, which Rukia recognizes as Hyōrinmaru.

In Soul Society, as Byakuya, Nanao, and Ukitake stand around the wounded Shunsui, Ukitake notes he is usually the one lying on a hospital bed surrounded by visitors. As he apologizes, Byakuya states there is something about this which bothers him. Revealing forensics determined the time of the Hyōrinmaru attacks, he says they also know when the search party encountered Hitsugaya. As Nanao and Ukitake express surprise, Byakuya states the time between the attacks was insufficient to travel between the two worlds.

As he begins to theorize how Hyōrinmaru could have been used in both attacks, the masked man releases Hyōrinmaru as Yang attacks Rukia. As the ice dragon hurtles after them, Yin attacks Ichigo, who knocks her away with his sword. As the chain of Hyōrinmaru wraps around his wrist, the ice dragon turns to attack him. When he moves away with Shunpo, the masked man yanks on the chain, pulling Ichigo towards him.

Hurtling towards the man, Ichigo asks why he is doing this, prompting him to say he is doing it because he is the master of Hyōrinmaru. As they clash, Ichigo sees a young Hitsugaya calling out to someone. As he pushes the man's blade away and wonders what happened, 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi asks Byakuya and Ukitake if they just mentioned twin Zanpakutō. Stating a Zanpakutō is born directly from the consciousness of the Shinigami, Mayuri says the Shikai is like a binding contract between the two.

When he states it is impossible for a Zanpakutō to be tied to more than one Shinigami at a time and would not even be a Zanpakutō by definition, Ukitake asks if he can verify for certain something like this does not exist and can absolutely prove there are not two Hyōrinmaru. As Mayuri expresses surprise, Ukitake begins to theorize how it could have two owners. Realizing something, Mayuri says he now understands why they are here.

Stating they have come to the right place, Mayuri turns to his computer and says sneaking into the inner recesses of the Daireishokairō archives is child's play to him. As he presses several keys, causing the Daireishokairō to light up, Ichigo slashes Yin away. As Rukia attacks her, the masked man lunges at Ichigo. When Yang kicks him from behind, he moves away with Shunpo just as the masked man stabs at him.

Landing on a telephone tower, Ichigo demands to know who the masked man is, prompting him to state his name is Sōjirō Kusaka. As Mayuri finds something, Kusaka says he is the one who was forced to fight in the Central 46 assembly hall and was murdered by Hitsugaya. As Ichigo stares in shock, Kusaka states Hitsugaya no longer has a home to return to because of Soul Society branding him a traitor, so the only obstacle left in his path is Ichigo.

Saying he will die, Kusaka rushes at Ichigo, who leaps towards him. Flying towards each other, the two clash in a flurry of sparks. In the past, Kusaka and Hitsugaya stand in a misty canyon next to a river. As the two recognize each other, the canyon fades to reveal the Central 46 assembly hall around them. Stating the Central 46 has reached a decision, a voice proclaims two Shinigami are not allowed to wield the same Zanpakutō, and Hitsugaya and Kusaka shall duel to determine the rightful master.

When Hitsugaya asks if they are saying the only way to settle this is to fight to the death, a man states it is the council's decision, and a woman says it is to see who is deserving. Stating Hyōrinmaru is strong and requires such a test, another man tells them to consider it an honor. When Hitsugaya says he would rather surrender Hyōrinmaru than kill Kusaka, the Central 46 vehemently states he cannot.

When he asks why they cannot wield the same Zanpakutō, he is told it is an ancient law which has been in place since the beginning of time, and he cannot disobey the law. As the Central 46 tells them to fight, an ice-covered Kusaka stands before Hitsugaya. As he shrugs the ice off, several Onmitsukidō members appear around them and begin walking towards Kusaka. When Kusaka asks why they are interfering, one of them reveals the council has decided Hitsugaya shall be the one master of Hyōrinmaru.

As Kusaka states the fight is not over and he is the rightful master of Hyōrinmaru, the Onmitsukidō member says it is the decision of Central 46. As the Onmitsukidō members raise their blades, Kusaka begs them to give him one more chance before being stabbed by several of them. As two Onmitsukidō members restrain Hitsugaya, he calls out to Kusaka, who asks why they have done this and why he must die before another Onmitsukidō member slashes him.

Panting, Kusaka states he dedicated his life to Soul Society as Hyōrinmaru fades from his hand. As Kusaka falls down, Hitsugaya screams his name while running to him. In the present, as Ichigo clashes with Kusaka and sees these events, Kusaka takes off his mask, revealing his eyes have turned red and he has gained a large scar. Knocking Ichigo back, Kusaka generates a large amount of water, which freezes as it pushes Ichigo away.

As Ichigo regains his footing and catches his breath, Kusaka lands before him and states Hitsugaya will walk the same path he did, and no one will interfere. As purple ice gathers around his blade, he releases Hyōrinmaru and creates a purple ice dragon, which flies towards Ichigo before attacking him. As Rukia calls out to Ichigo, the dragon crashes into the ground, creating a large amount of purple ice, which Ichigo is frozen inside of.

As Rukia stares in shock, Kusaka notes his power is growing stronger. Putting his mask on, he says he will leave the rest to Yin and Yang and leaves. As Rukia charges towards them, Yang clashes with her while Yin slashes at her with her whip. Dodging with Shunpo, Rukia uses Hadō #33. Sōkatsui. As they continue to fight, Ichigo awakens in his inner world and sees Zangetsu.

As Ichigo gets up, Zangetsu states it has been quite a while since he last saw him. When Ichigo asks if the events he saw were an illusion, Zangetsu reveals they are a resonance, for Zanpakutō resonate with each other, and this allows the past to be revealed. As Ichigo realizes what this means, Zangetsu states it is the indisputable truth. Angrily stating Soul Society did not want two Hyōrinmaru, so someone had to die, Ichigo asks why they would do this.

Saying this is the way it has always been, Zangetsu jumps down from his post and states the preservation of balance is the most sacred and revered of all laws in Soul Society. When Ichigo asks if the life of someone means anything to them, Zangetsu asks why he would ask this and says one's life becomes insignificant when placed against the fate of the world. Asking if he thinks it is any different in the Human World, Zangetsu notes his Human parts question themselves.

As he states they all become susceptible to fear and fall into the depths of evil in time, Ichigo says he is wrong and they are not this weak. When he states Hitsugaya would never allow this to happen, Zangetsu asks what makes him so sure. Recalling his mother's death, Ichigo says he looked at the world after his mother died in the same way Hitsugaya did. Stating he had many emotions locked up inside of him, Ichigo says he did not want to burden anyone else because they were his feelings.

Stating it was his duty to handle them alone, Ichigo recalls Yuzu Kurosaki, Karin Kurosaki, and Isshin Kurosaki approaching him. Saying he was stupid, Ichigo states he realized he was not only hurting himself, but those around him as well. Recalling how Hitsugaya had the same look as he did back then, Ichigo says he is trying to bear the whole burden by himself. Standing up, Ichigo states he finally understands what Hitsugaya has been trying to do.

Thanking Zangetsu, he jumps away. Telling him to not stray once he knows the truth, Zangetsu returns to his sword form and tells Ichigo to go forth. In the real world, as Ichigo's eyes glow, Rukia continues to fight against yin and Yang. As she blocks an attack from Yang, the ice begins to glow, and red-black Reiatsu emanates as Ichigo yells. As the ice around Ichigo shatters, Ichigo stands on the ice in his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu.

Leaping towards them, Ichigo slashes at Yin, who dodges. When Rukia asks him if he is alright, Ichigo says he is fine and asks where Kusaka is. When Rukia reveals he got away, Ichigo curses and states they should deal with the Arrancar girls before going after him. As he says he finally figured out what Hitsugaya is doing, Yin states she is surprised he is still alive. When Yang says he does not know how to roll over and die, Yin states he might need some help.

Turning into their ball forms, Yin and Yang rush at Ichigo and Rukia, who dodge. Saying there is no time to waste, Ichigo charges at them as he states he has something which Hitsugaya needs to hear. Meanwhile, in an abandoned factory, Hitsugaya pushes a metal door open and leans against the wall. Tightening the fabric on his arm, he walks down the many flights of stairs. Walking along the floor, he steps in a puddle.

As the sound echoes, Kusaka says it took him a while, but Hitsugaya finally found him. Stating he has been waiting for him, Kusaka takes his mask off. As Hitsugaya recognizes him, Kusaka reveals he stabbed Hitsugaya with Hyōrinmaru to send a message. Asking what better way there is to prove he is alive, Kusaka notes life has led them on a strange journey to bring them to this point, prompting Hitsugaya to ask what he means.

Chuckling, Kusaka says Hitsugaya knows what the Gotei 13 are like, and has seen the kinds of things they are capable of, but he stayed with them regardless. When he asks if he did so because of his childhood friend, Hitsugaya states Momo has nothing to do with this and demands to know where the Ōin is. Holding up a glowing seal, Kusaka says he is holding it in his hand, and its power makes it the perfect tool to help them realize their dreams.

As the Ōin begins to glow, Hitsugaya demands to know how he knows about the power of the Ōin and what he plans to do with it. Telling him to not get so excited, Kusaka states he will know soon enough. As Hitsugaya is drawn towards him, Kusaka holds up the Ōin and laughs as they are transported across space. Meanwhile, as Ichigo fights Yang, he feels an intense Reiatsu and asks Rukia what it is. As Yin dodges her attack, she says she does not know, but it is not a normal Reiatsu.

Stating it is more pure and powerful, she says she has never felt anything like it. As Yin and Yang laugh, Yin states it is the power of the Ōin, and Yang says Kusaka and Hitsugaya have begun to take their revenge on the Seireitei. As Ichigo expresses disbelief, Yang states he is a bothersome obstacle which must be eliminated as hundreds of Hollows appear behind them. As Yin says they will not allow him to interfere with Kusaka's plans, they order the Hollows to attack.

In the Seireitei, as lightning crackles above Sōkyoku Hill, the Shinigami below wonder what is going on as they gather. When a Shinigami informs Rangiku of the Reiatsu of the Ōin appearing above Sōkyoku Hill, she exits the room to see what is going on. As the rest of the 10th Division gathers, Ōmaeda tries in vain to get them to return to their barracks. Turning around in shock when they all gasp in unison, he wonders what is going on as Rangiku realizes Hitsugaya is there.

As a Jigokuchō flies through the air, an announcer informs all Shinigami of Hitsugaya and Kusaka appearing on Sōkyoku Hill. As the announcer tells them to prepare for battle, Kiyone and 13th Division 3rd Seat Sentarō Kotsubaki stop fighting, Suì-Fēng and several Onmitsukidō members rush through the corridors, 11th Division Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi alerts her captain,Kenpachi Zaraki, and 7th Division Captain Sajin Komamura suits up.

As her lieutenant, Isane Kotetsu, approaches, Unohana wonders how they could have penetrated their defenses so easily. Theorizing the enemy knew the forces of the Gotei 13 were short-handed, Isane states they must assume the worst and apologizes. On Sōkyoku Hill, as the lightning around Kusaka dissipates, Hitsugaya recognizes their location. Revealing they are at Sōkyoku Hill, Kusaka says he is witnessing the incredible power of the Ōin.

Stating whoever masters the Ōin is empowered with the ability to transport any type of matter to other dimensions, regardless of space and time, Kusaka reveals the power of the Ōin not only allows them to be transported to a different physical location, but he can also move attacks to another dimension, and he can reverse any of his wounds to a time before he was injured, prompting Hitsugaya to realize this is how he is still alive.

Confirming this, Kusaka reveals his fading soul was bathed in the light of the Ōin, transporting it to Hueco Mundo and resurrecting him. Saying he has spent every waking day since in search of the Ōin, he states he will finally have his revenge on the Seireitei. Holding the Ōin out, Kusaka tells Hitsugaya to cut it in two, for he knows his Bankai has the power. When Hitsugaya asks why, Kusaka reveals everything will be purified once he cuts the Ōin.

As Kusaka laughs maniacally, Renji, 11th Division 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, and 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa appear above Hitsugaya. Landing, Ikkaku says it appears they are the first ones to arrive. As Yumichika agrees, Renji asks Hitsugaya what he is trying to prove, prompting Ikkaku to state it makes no difference, for they have an executive order from Yamamoto to arrest Hitsugaya and Kusaka.

Saying Ikkaku's name, Kusaka notes his immense physical power and expert swordsmanship make him valuable to the Gotei 13. As Ikkaku states flattery will not save him, Kusaka says he is still no match for him. Jumping towards him, Ikkaku slashes at him, only to be blocked by Hitsugaya. As they land, with Hitsugaya stumbling, Ikkaku notes he must really want to save Kusaka if he is willing to protect him while wounded.

When Renji demands to know what Hitsugaya was thinking, Hitsugaya states he is in his way as he begins to breathe heavily. In the Human World, as the Hollows rush towards Ichigo and Rukia, Ichigo notes there are too many of them. As they surround them, Uryū calls out to Ichigo and destroys the Hollows around him with Heilig Pfeil. Saying he thought Ichigo said he would contact them if anything came up, Uryū fires a barrage of arrows, destroying the other Hollows.

Revealing his Ginrei Kojaku fires 1200 arrows per second, Uryū states regular Hollows are useless, no matter how many they summon. As Orihime asks if Ichigo is alright, Ichigo berates Uryū for attacking while he was still there. As he says he would not make the mistake of hitting him, Yang generates a large fireball. As Uryū prepares to fire and Ichigo tells him he has got this, Sado uses El Directo, which destroys the fireball.

As Sado tells Ichigo to get going, Orihime tells him to hurry to Soul Society. As Uryū reveals Urahara has set up a Senkaimon, Sado states he can leave Yin and Yang to them. When Orihime says he has to save Hitsugaya, Ichigo tells Rukia they will go. As they leap away, hundreds of Shinigami and Onmitsukidō members appear on Sōkyoku Hill, and Suì-Fēng, approaching with Komamura and Byakuya, says this is far enough and tells Hitsugaya to throw down his weapon.

As Komamura tells Kusaka to do the same, Kusaka states this is ridiculous and laughs. As Komamura says Kusaka is under arrest, Kusaka asks Hitsugaya if he has endured enough. Telling him to teach the Shinigami a lesson, prompting them to draw their swords, Kusaka states this is their revenge for all of the suffering they have endured and raises the glowing Ōin above his head. As he tells Hitsugaya to cut the Ōin, Suì-Fēng orders the Shinigami to seize them immediately.

As the Shinigami and Onmitsukidō members run toward them, Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshō in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. As Byakuya wonders what is happening now, Ichigo lands in front of the Shinigami and tells them to stop. Saying the only way they know how to solve problems is to fight, Ichigo states none of them really wants to kill Hitsugaya. As he says they should think twice before drawing their sword against a friend, even if it is an order, Suì-Fēng tells him to stay out of this.

Stating it does not involve him, Suì-Fēng says they are under Yamamoto's orders and have sworn to carry out their superiors' orders, for it is their duty as Shinigami. When Ichigo states their orders do not make any sense, Suì-Fēng says he is just wasting their time, and if he continues to resist, he will have to die as well. As the Shinigami and Onmitsukidō members draw their blades, Yamamoto commands them to halt.

As the Shinigami bow, Rukia notes it is Yamamoto as Kusaka grins. As he approaches with Rangiku and Nanao, who is supporting Shunsui, Ukitake notes Shunsui is back on his feet, prompting him to state he would not have been able to live with himself if he had let an innocent man be executed. As Yamamoto notes Kusaka really is still alive, Kusaka asks if he thought they had killed him off and apologizes.

When Yamamoto theorizes the Ōin brought him back to life and gave him a second chance in Hueco Mundo, Kusaka confirms this and says he will use the Ōin to take his place as the king of Soul Society. When Yamamoto states he is arrogant for wanting such a thing, Kusaka says he of all people would know about arrogance. Raising the Ōin above his head, he tells them to take this as a lesson as the Ōin glows.

Leaping towards him, Hitsugaya attacks him, forcing Kusaka to block. When he forces Hitsugaya back, the other Shinigami express surprise as Rangiku runs towards him. Telling her to stay back, Hitsugaya states this is his fight. Asking what the meaning of this is, Kusaka says the Shinigami are the ones he should fight. When Hitsugaya states Kusaka is evil and it was never his intention to be on his side, Mayuri wonders why Hitsugaya deserted his post if he did not intend to betray to Gotei 13.

Suì-Fēng wonders why he attacked them when they tried to arrest Kusaka, who asks Hitsugaya if he wants to to fight him. When he asks if killing him once was not enough for him, Hitsugaya says he is just trying to make amends for the mistakes which he has made. When Kusaka asks what mistakes he is talking about and if he thinks killing him will purify his soul, Hitsugaya attacks him once more. As they clash, Rukia states she thinks she understands.

Saying Kusaka was once a noble man who swore his loyalty to Soul Society, she states he would have been a great Shinigami if it were not for the twin Zanpakutō, but because of his duel with Hitsugaya, he lost not only Hyōrinmaru, but his honor and his life. Confirming this, Ichigo says Hitsugaya blames himself for everything which has happened, and Rukia states Hitsugaya could not bear the thought of destroying him again because he had attained everything Kusaka wanted by becoming a Shinigami captain.

As Rukia says it was too painful, Ichigo states seeing Kusaka again must have been devastating, and he was so racked with guilt, he deserted his post and went after him in an attempt to settle things, knowing he would be accused of treason and it could cost him his life. As Hitsugaya and Kusaka cross blades, Kusaka says Hitsugaya knew all along it would come to this, which Hitsugaya confirms. Stating he thought Hitsugaya was more intelligent than this, Kusaka says he was wrong.

Forcing him back, Kusaka states he will just have to do this himself as the Ōin glows. As Kusaka tells the Ōin to answer to him. Hitsugaya tells him to not do this. Saying he was unable to open the power of the Ōin with his Bankai until now, Kusaka states this has changed, and he can do it now. As Yamamoto expresses surprise, Kusaka tosses the Ōin in the air and cuts it in half, creating a column of yellow energy which extends into the sky.

As Hitsugaya calls out to Kusaka, Ichigo appears before him and says there is no need for him to suffer by himself anymore. As Hitsugaya tells him to move out of his way, Ichigo states he is not the only one affected by this, he is not the only one who has suffered, and he is not the only one who feels pain, so he has to let them help. When Hitsugaya says he is no longer a captain, Ichigo punches him in the face, knocking him down, and states he has tried to endure all of this alone.

Saying his friends want to help, but he will not let them, Ichigo asks if he has thought about how this makes them feel. as Hitsugaya looks up, Ichigo states he was like him once, thinking he was being strong and refusing to depend on others. In the past, as a young Ichigo asks Yuzu and Karin why they are so excited, Yuzu begins to cry as Karin asks why he is smiling. When Yuzu says they were worried sick about him, Ichigo asks why.

Crouching down, Isshin pats Yuzu and Karin on the head, prompting them to run and cry into his shirt. Extending his hand, Isshin states he knows Ichigo is trying to be strong, but sometimes he has to share his feelings with them, for they are a family. Putting a hand on Ichigo's shoulder, Isshin tells him to share the things which make him happy or sad with the ones he loves, for without this, they are not a family, just alone.

As Isshin begins to cry, Ichigo does as well and hugs his father. In the present, Ichigo says he learned if someone keeps their emotions inside of them, it just makes them weak. As Hitsugaya gets to his feet and wipes the blood off of his mouth, his division members call out to him as Rangiku looks at him. Looking around, Hitsugaya tells Ichigo to prepare to fight, for he is coming. The tornado around Kusaka dissipates, revealing he has transformed into a humanoid dragon made of purple ice.

As Kusaka revels in his new power, Kenpachi runs towards him, surrounded by yellow Reiatsu. As Ichigo calls after him, a laughing Kenpachi stabs Kusaka's midsection, destroying it. As the Shinigami express surprise, a disappointed Kenpachi wonders if this is it before Kusaka grabs his Zanpakutō and generates a large amount of ice. As the ice breaks, a cackling Kusaka flies off the edge of the hill, bringing Kenpachi with him.

As Kusaka states Kenpachi's attacks have no effect on him and he is invincible, a chuckling Kenpachi says he is starting to like him and states they will have some fun. As he repeatedly attacks him while falling, Kusaka slashes him across the chest, leaving him to fall to the ground below. Saying he is a nuisance, Kusaka fires a barrage of ice projectiles after him, which embed themselves in the ground below. Laughing, Kusaka flies away.

As he lands on a post, the area underneath him is encased in purple ice, which grows larger, and his legs merge with the ice as his wings grow in length and size. As he states his power is incredible and unstoppable, Yin and Yang appear. As they land on the ice platform, Kusaka asks what is wrong with them and says it looks like they have taken a beating. When Yang states they beg his forgiveness, Kusaka says he does not think so and encases them both in ice.

Glowing, Kusaka roars as Ukitake notes he is becoming even more powerful. As the ice forms an enormous tree, the branches of which pierce the ground, Yamamoto tells the Shinigami to stand their ground, for they cannot retreat, and Kusaka must be destroyed. As the Shinigami move forward with Shunpo, Byakuya releases his Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura, and attacks Kusaka. When his attack is blocked by ice, Renji releases his Zanpakutō, Zabimaru, and attacks as well.

Catching the blade, Kusaka pulls Renji to the ground. When several Shinigami appear around Kusaka, he states they are in the way and releases an omnidirectional energy blast, which knocks the Shinigami away and cracks the ice tree. As the ice begins to shatter and fall apart, a dark orb with two intersecting band forms around Kusaka and begins to expand outward. As Isane wonders what is going on and says it looks like it is taking over the Seireitei, 12th Division Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi asks Mayuri if he thinks the Ōin has released all of its power.

When he states the power of the Ōin has in fact gone out of control, Ukitake asks if he is sure, prompting Mayuri to reveal they are witnessing the Reiatsu of the Ōin increase as it spreads out, and if it continues, it will engulf all of the Seireitei and destroy everything. When Shunsui says this is unbelievable, Mayuri reveals the Reiatsu of the Ōin can influence time and space within a limited area upon being released into the atmosphere, and every phenomenon of reality can be manipulated by it.

Stating the wielder of the Ōin possesses the all-encompassing power of a god, Mayuri reveals Kusaka is unable to access the full power of the Ōin or control it because he has not mastered the Bankai of Hyōrinmaru. Walking forward, Yamamoto says this puts them in a grave situation. Inside of the orb, Rangiku pushes a chunk of stone off of Hitsugaya. As she states she is alright, Hitsugaya gets up and pushes the stone over.

When Hitsugaya asks what she was doing, Rangiku states she was told it was a lieutenant's duty to protect their captain no matter what. Freeing Rukia, Ichigo asks her if she is okay, prompting her to say she is fine. Stating it looks like they are not the only ones, Ichigo says it looks like Hitsugaya and Rangiku survived as well. Calling out to Rukia and Ichigo, Renji appears. When Rukia asks him what is wrong, Renji tells her to look around.

Looking up, Ichigo is shocked to see an enormous stone statue towering over the building. Stating it seems Kusaka has built himself a castle, Renji says they are trapped in some sort of spiritual wall. When Ichigo asks what they should do, Renji states he is asking the wrong guy as Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng appear. Saying there is not much time, Yoruichi states they need to work fast as Suì-Fēng reveals Yamamoto is doing everything he can to suppress the expansion, and they have been sent with orders to find and eliminate Kusaka.

When Ichigo asks how they can get to him, Yoruichi suggests they start climbing. As Ichigo expresses confusion, Yoruichi says they will have to cut through the main tower when they reach the top, and they should attack as soon as possible since Kusaka has stopped moving temporarily. As Ichigo agrees, Ikkaku tells them to wait. Jumping down, he states he did not get his invitation, so he hopes they do not mind if he crashes this party, and Yumichika says to not forget about him either.

As they hear a roar, Yoruichi states they have company. As the underside of the statue glows, hundreds of Hollows appear. When Ichigo prepares to fight, Yoruichi tells him to forget about the Hollows and leaps towards them as Suì-Fēng discards her captain's haori and follows suit. Activating Shunkō, they begin destroying the Hollows. As Ichigo says they have to go straight up to reach their goal, Rangiku approaches Hitsugaya and holds out his captain's haori.

Putting it on, he tells Rangiku to watch his back and throws his cloak away. As they run toward the statue, Hitsugaya states they will form two groups. Confirming this, Ichigo takes Rukia and Renji with him. When Rangiku wonders why she always gets stuck with Ikkaku and Yumichika, Ikkaku tells her to shut up. As they leap over a pit, Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji run up a narrow path. Seeing a large Hollow, Ichigo wonders what it is.

When the Hollow blasts a fireball at them, Renji tells them to leave it to him and leaps into the air. When he slices the fireball in half with Zabimaru, the two halves turn around and attack him, creating an explosion. As Ichigo and Rukia call out to him, Renji activates his Bankai, Hihiō Zabimaru, and embeds it into the side of the statue, creating a path. Saying it is time for them to quit messing around and get into this fight, Renji states they can use Hihiō Zabimaru to get to the top.

As they run up the skeletal snake, Hitsugaya's group climbs the tower. Moving behind them, another Hollow fires two balls of electricity at them. Noticing this, Hitsugaya tells them to look out and releases Hyōrinmaru, which melts upon attacking the balls. Elsewhere, Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng run up the side of the fire-generating Hollow, destroying Hollows as they do. As the Hollow rapidly blasts fire projectiles at them, Yoruichi tells Suì-Fēng to do it now.

Telling Yoruichi to leave it to her, Suì-Fēng leaps up the front of the creature and stabs it with Suzumebachi before stabbing it in the same place once more, activating Nigeki Kessatsu, which seemingly destroys the Hollow. As Yoruichi compliments her, the Hollow reforms behind Suì-Fēng and fires a Cero at the two. Moving in front of Suì-Fēng, Yoruichi blocks the blast with Shunkō and notes the Hollow can use High-Speed Regeneration.

Meanwhile, as Ikkaku cuts a ball of electricity in half with Hōzukimaru, it explodes, knocking Yumichika back and forcing Ikkaku to dodge with Shunpo. As the Hollow fires more electric blasts at them, Rangiku's footing is destroyed, causing her to fall down. As Hitsugaya moves to Rangiku, the group feels the statue shake. As yellow Reiatsu surges up the side, which cracks from the power, Rangiku wonders if the statue can move, prompting Ikkaku to tell her this Reiatsu belongs to someone else.

The statue's leg is lifted, revealing a maniacally laughing Kenpachi without his eyepatch on. Saying this is fun, he slashes at the statue, cutting the leg in half. When Ikkaku calls out to him, Kenpachi states he is in his way before slashing once more. As Hitsugaya tells them to get to the top, they move away as the leg splits apart. Meanwhile, as the Hollow continues to fire Cero at Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng, Yoruichi tells Suì-Fēng to do it now.

Elsewhere, running to the top of the statue, Ichigo and Rukia see Kusaka's tower surrounded by Gillians. As Rukia notes they can summon Menos as well, the Gillians approach as one fires a Cero. As the group dodges, another fires a Cero, prompting Hitsugaya to activate his Bankai, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, to stop it. As Ikkaku and Yumichika cut through Hollows, a Hollow fires spikes at Rangiku, who releases Haineko and destroys it.

As Rangiku notes they are close, Rukia is confronted by two Hollows. As one of them punches the ground, Rukia releases her Zanpakutō, Sode no Shirayuki, and uses Tsugi no mai, Hakuren, encasing the Hollows in front of her in ice, which shatters. As another Hollow appears, it is bifurcated by a Bankai-enhanced Getsuga Tenshō, but reforms afterwards. As they stand back to back, Rukia asks Ichigo if he sees the tower in front of her.

When he confirms this, she asks if he could use the speed of Tensa Zangetsu to get to the top if they opened a path. As Hitsugaya expresses surprise, Rangiku states there is no other way, and if she, Ikkaku, and Yumichika pool their strength, they should be able to create an opening. Appearing behind them with Yumichika, Ikkaku says it sounds like a great idea and Rangiku has got it right, but he should be able to handle the opening by himself.

Stating he would like to see this, Yumichika moves away as Ikkaku assumes a battle stance. Saying they cannot tell anyone, Ikkaku activates his Bankai, Ryūmon Hōzukimaru, as Ichigo bifurcates Gillians with a Getsuga Tenshō. As Renji attacks dozens of Hollows with Hihiō Zabimaru, Rukia uses Some no mai, Tsukishiro, encasing several Hollows in a pillar of ice, which shatters. As she avoids a Gillian's footsteps, several Hollows fire projectiles at Hihiō Zabimaru, which encircles Renji.

As several Gillians fire their Cero, the group is encircled by several rows of glowing swords, shielding them from the blasts. Inside, they see Byakuya, who tells them to prepare themselves, for Yamamoto and the others are all being pressured on the outside. Outside, Yamamoto has discarded his haori and released his Zanpakutō, Ryūjin Jakka, while Komamura and Mayuri have activated their respective Bankai, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō and Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō, all of which are holding back the expansion of the dome.

As Byakuya tells Ichigo to hurry, Ichigo asks if Renji is ready. As Renji confirms this, Byakuya envelops the surrounding Gillians in his Bankai. Meanwhile, Ikkaku spins his Bankai to build up power before attacking as Renji uses Hikotsu Taihō, sending a beam of energy through the crowd of Gillians. As Hitsugaya flies to the tower, Ichigo dons his Hollow mask and launches himself towards the tower.

As Hitsugaya flies up the side of the wall, Ichigo joins him. Roaring, Kusaka fires ice blasts shaped liked the ice dragon of Hyōrinmaru at them. As Ichigo dodges the dragons, Hitsugaya generates his own ice dragon, which collides with Kusaka's dragons in an explosion of ice. Reaching the top, Ichigo attacks Kusaka, who fires a beam of yellow energy at him, stopping his attack. As Ichigo tries to push through, Hitsugaya's ice dragon breaks through the ice platform.

Constricting Kusaka, the ice dragon bites his neck. As Kusaka's forehead glows, a rotating ring of symbols appears above him. Coming down in him, Ichigo stabs his forehead and fires a Getsuga Tenshō, which goes through Kusaka's head and comes out the back as his wings shatter. Meanwhile, the Hollows on the ground stop moving as everyone looks at the tower. Standing in front of the headless Kusaka, Ichigo removes his Hollow mask and lowers himself to the ground as the ring fades.

As a pillar of blue light extends from Kusaka's neck into the sky, the rest of his body shatters. As the blue light begins to erode the dome, Yoruichi states Ichigo did it as the Hollow she and Suì-Fēng were fighting finally shatters. As the Gillians dissolve, the ice tower begins to break apart. Moving to Ichigo, Hitsugaya deactivates his Bankai. As the dust clears, revealing a panting Kusaka, Ichigo tells Hitsugaya to take it from here.

Assuming a battle stance, Hitsugaya says it is over. Pulling his sword out of the ice, Kusaka assumes a battle stance as well and tells him they will end it. Running at each other, they stab at each other. As their blades grind against one another, Kusaka recalls pulling out his sword in the Central 46 chambers and telling Hitsugaya Hyōrinmaru should belong to him. As Hitsugaya begged him to not do this, Kusaka charged at him, forcing him to pull out his own sword and block as an ice dragon emerged from the clash and froze Kusaka.

In the present, as light begins to shine through the clouds, Kusaka's Zanpakutō falls to the ground and breaks. Stating he guesses it is true, Kusaka says Hitsugaya is the chosen one as blood stains the latter's haori. Stating he was ordered to kill him once, Kusaka says he succeeded again, but he will not die easily, for he will justify his existence. As he begins to disperse into blue energy, due to having been impaled, Hitsugaya tells hims they will always be friends.

Thanking him, Kusaka states he needed to know this and disperses completely. As Hitsugaya bids him farewell, the blue energy rises into the sky. As Byakuya says it is finally over, Yumichika asks Ikkaku who he thinks won. Telling him to not be stupid, Rangiku asks if it is not obvious. As the blue energy ascends into the clouds, several streams of yellow energy converge at one point, and the Ōin reforms. As it descends to the ground, Ichigo picks it up and notes it did all of this despite its size.

Seeing Hitsugaya standing still, Ichigo walks over to him. When Hitsugaya thanks him for his help, Ichigo states he does not think Kusaka has any regrets. Tossing Hitsugaya the Ōin, Ichigo says he got a fair chance to settle things this time. Stating it sometimes seems like life is not giving someone a "fair shake", Ichigo says no one can tell them how to get beyond this, and they must figure it out themselves.

As Hitsugaya looks at the Ōin, Ichigo states Kusaka got a second chance, and he decided to come back here. Saying he could have let someone else do it for him, he states he wanted to settle this fight for himself. As light breaks through the clouds, Ichigo says he stayed true to his feelings and notes he put all of them through a lot of trouble. As Hitsugaya chuckles, Ichigo tells him they should head back. Agreeing, Hitsugaya looks at him and tells him to address him as Captain Hitsugaya.

After the Gotei 13 begins recovering and Urahara informs Ichigo's friends of his victory, Hitsugaya visits a gravestone with his bloodied cloak in front of it. Placing Kusaka's broken Zanpakutō in front of it, he bids farewell. Apologizing to Rangiku for putting her through all of this, he thanks her. As she expresses surprise, he states they should head back. Protesting this, Rangiku asks if they can call it a day and says she knows of a great hot spring nearby. When he tells her she can go alone, she tells him to not be a "stick in the mud", prompting him to tell her to cut it out as they walk away.

Bleach movie 3

In the Seireitei, as 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi presses dozens of keys, several gauges fill up, and pipes expel steam. Continuing to type, Mayuri leans toward his computer as he notices something and puts his finger to the screen. As electricity crackles from the system, Mayuri turns around and watches as a flower-like machine emerges from the ground and opens to reveal a vial. Appearing next to the flower with Shunpo, Mayuri states he has completed it.

Laughing, he picks up the vial. When the electricity goes out, Mayuri demands to know who is there. As he looks around, a scythe-wielding figure appears behind him and slashes through him. As Mayuri stumbles, the vial drops from his hand and falls to the ground, losing its glow. Looking up, Mayuri sees a massive machine and wonders what it is. Calling out to him, 12th Division Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi runs up to him and asks if everything is alright. When Mayuri demands to know who she is, she expresses confusion and begins to approach him. Telling her to stay back, Mayuri says she came here thinking she would apprehend him and runs out of the room as Nemu calls after him. Running through the hall, he trips and falls as Nemu asks what is wrong. Screaming in horror, he tells her to stay away and runs to his computer.

As he turns around and tells her to stay away, the scythe-wielding boy smiles as the vial glows in his hand. When the power comes back on, Mayuri backs away in confusion as someone stares at him from an alcove. As the system crackles with electricity, Mayuri grabs his Zanpakutō and releases its Shikai, Ashisogi Jizō, as Nemu appears behind him and grabs him. As she asks what he is doing, Mayuri tells her to let him go. Slashing at the air in front of him, he breaks free and stabs his Zanpakutō into his computer. As several loud pops are heard, a voice states abnormally high levels of Reiatsu have been confirmed inside of building seven of the SRDI. As the voice says destructive activity has been detected on the top floor and an extremely dense cloud of Reishi is currently spreading throughout the area, dozens of Shinigami gather around the building.

As the voice requests emergency assistance from all of the available Shinigami of each division, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai runs up to 9th Division Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi and asks what this is all about. As Hisagi states he does not know, a white substance oozes from the clouds above and coalesces into a snake crackling with electricity, which attacks the Shinigami below. As more snakes form and attack, creating blobs of white ooze everywhere they strike, Hisagi tells the Shinigami to retreat as Renji wonders what the snakes are. As they move away with Shunpo to dodge an attacking snake, 7th Division Lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba tells the others to get back and destroys the head of one of the snakes.

Continuing to slash at the snake, he is enveloped by the ooze. As the Shinigami flee from the spreading ooze, several SRDI members surround Mayuri. As one of them begs him to put down his sword, Mayuri tells him to not come near him. Slashing at them, he demands to know what they are trying to do to him. As he pants, 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki greets him. Turning around, Mayuri slashes at Kenpachi, only for Kenpachi to block with his Zanpakutō.

As Mayuri continues to attack him, Kenpachi says he always wondered when Mayuri would finally lose his mind. Screaming, Mayuri leaps back and activates his Bankai, Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō, which extends blades from its chest and attacks Kenpachi. Blocking, Kenpachi is forced back before being pushed out of the building. As several snakes approach, a grinning Kenpachi sees Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō become covered with the ooze and wonders what happened before seeing the snakes coming at him. Slashing them away, Kenpachi is dragged down by the encased Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō.

As the ooze swells up from where Konjiki Ashisogi Jizō hit the ground, Kenpachi lands and becomes stuck in the ooze. Calling it a nuisance, he looks up as several snakes crash down on him. As the ooze pours through the streets, more snakes rise from it and crash into sections of the Seireitei. As the Shinigami run away, the snakes move toward the center of the Seireitei. Running down the stairs, Rukia Kuchiki wonders what is going on. Putting a piece of paper in her shihakushō, she begins to run before hearing a girl's voice stating she cannot go. Turning around, she put her hand on her Zanpakutō and demands to know who is there. As she begins to draw her Zanpakutō, a girl rises up from the ledge in front of her. Floating in front of Rukia, she says they came to erase her existence. As she moves away, the scythe-wielding boy appears behind her. As she turns around, he slashes through her.

As Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, 4th Division Captain Retsu Unohana, 8th Division Captain Shunsui Kyōraku, 13th Division Captain Jushiro Ukitake, 7th Division Captain Sajin Komamura, and their lieutenants and 3rd Seats watch the ooze spread, the snakes attack more Shinigami and destroys several buildings. As 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki watches this as well, the girl and scythe-wielding boy appear on top of a building, with the boy carrying Rukia under one arm.

Crouching down, the girl states it serves them right and she hopes every Shinigami dies. Saying all the Shinigami have ever done is take and all the two of them have ever done is lose, the boy drops Rukia, whose pupils have grown larger. In the Human World, as Ichigo Kurosaki looks out of his window, he senses something. As he states something seems odd tonight, Kon looks at a piece of paper. When Ichigo asks what is so fascinating, Kon reveals he is reading a letter which Rukia left behind.

As he says he has no idea what is written because it is in some kind of code, Ichigo takes the letter and states he will take a look. Saying it is a bunch of gibberish, he asks if the drawing she provided is her clue and states it is ridiculous. When he tosses the letter away, Kon grabs it and tells Ichigo he needs to treat Rukia's message with more respect. When he says it could be something important, Ichigo tells him to not be stupid and asks who this "Rukia" person he keep referring to is.

Expressing surprise, Kon asks what he is talking about and states Rukia is Rukia. When he asks if Ichigo has lost his mind, Ichigo says Kon is the one who has lost his mind and states he is tired. As he says he will call it a day and turns off the light, Kon tells him to wait a minute and states he is not done here. As he says Ichigo cannot just ignore this, Ichigo knocks him off of the bed, sending him flying into the corner.

Lying down and closing his eyes, Ichigo sees Rukia and recalls the time he spent with her. Remembering how he saved her from her execution and how she gave him her Shinigami powers, Ichigo bolts up. Stating he remembers, Ichigo turns the light on and tells Kon to wake up. When Kon tells him to leave him alone and asks what he wants, Ichigo takes the crumpled note from him and looks at it.

Saying he remembers, Ichigo states he has gotten messages like this from Rukia before, and the drawings were used to decipher the code. Reading the decoded message out loud, he says Rukia is returning to Soul Society to take care of some business, and she will be back in a few days. As Kon looks at him, Ichigo expresses confusion. At the Urahara Shop,Ururu Tsumugiya gives Ichigo a cup of tea, which he thanks her for.

As a blushing Ururu takes the plate and leaves the room, closing the door behind her, while Jinta Hanakari watches, Kisuke Urahara states Ichigo wants to know about someone, whose name he does not recognize. When Ichigo says her name is Rukia Kuchiki, Urahara pretends to recognize her before asking who she is. When Ichigo asks what he is talking about, for Rukia is one of his best customers, Urahara asks if he is sure about this, for the name is not familiar to him.

Pulling out his customer list, Urahara states there is such a name on the list. As Ichigo says he told him, Urahara apologizes and states he really does not recall any such person. As Ichigo wonders what is going on, Kon says he does not know and reminds Ichigo he forgot who Rukia was for a period of time. As Ichigo states something may have happened to Rukia, Urahara says he is not sure if this has anything to do with Rukia, but something incredible happened in the Seireitei last night.

As Urahara reveals Mayuri went crazy and destroyed his own lab, Jinta, Ururu, Yoruichi Shihōin, and Tessai Tsukabishi listen outside the door as Urahara states a massive amount of Reishi was released as a result, and a third of the Seireitei has been heavily damaged. Saying he is wondering if the two situations are somehow connected, Urahara states it could explain why their memories are being affected, for they may be under attack.

As Ichigo expresses surprise, Urahara asks what his relationship is with Rukia. When Ichigo asks if this is important, Urahara stares at him. When Ichigo says she is a very close friend of his, Kon climbs up to his shoulder and tells Urahara to help them. As he states they are wasting time and need to go to Soul Society, Ichigo grabs him by the head and pulls him off. When he asks Urahara to open the Senkaimon, Urahara agrees to do so.

In the Seireitei, 1st Division Lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe approaches Yamamoto and reports the unusual leakage of Reishi has finally settled. Saying they have begin investigating, Chōjirō states each of the Gotei 13 has begun deploying inside of the grounds. As a hole opens in the sky, Ichigo and Kon fall out. Screaming, they plummet towards the ruined section of the Seireitei, creating a small dust cloud on impact.

As the dust clears, Ichigo coughs as a screaming Kon lands next to him and is propelled away. Spinning several times in midair, he hits a pillar of the solidified ooze and slides down it. Saying he hates this, he sees a screaming face in the ooze and realizes the pillar he hit was an arm, prompting him to run around screaming and calling for Ichigo. When Ichigo appears, Kon tells him to look at this, for it is terrible.

As Ichigo agrees, Kon wonders what happened here and sees a wall composed of the ooze and trapped Shinigami. Telling Ichigo to look, he wonders what kind of joke this is. When Ichigo states it is not a joke, Kon asks if he thinks everyone has been killed. As Ichigo says it does not look good, Kon asks if Rukia is alright. Stating he does not know, Ichigo tells him to stay quiet and says they will try to find her. Moving around a corner, they see a mountain of solidified ooze.

Meanwhile, 2nd Division Lieutenant Marechiyo Ōmaeda and several Shinigami guard one of the four gates. As the boy and girl appear with Rukia, the girl notes they have troops in front of the gate. As the boy states it is too bad for them, Ichigo and Kon approach a group of Shinigami. When Ichigo sees Hisagi and begins to move forward, Kon asks if he knows him. Saying he is a familiar face, Ichigo calls out to him and asks what happened here.

The girl tells the boy to do it, prompting him to shake his scythe, which has the vial attached to it. As the vial glows, electricity crackles in Mayuri's lab. As Ichigo walks towards the Shinigami, the ground rumbles as a ball of ooze floats into the air before turning into a snake. As the snake flies towards them, the Shinigami wonder what it is as Hisagi tells them to get ready. As the snake attacks, Hisagi uses Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan, which embeds itself in the snake.

Continuing to move unhindered, the snake crashes into the group of Shinigami and moves towards Ichigo. Activating his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, and donning his Hollow mask, Ichigo cuts the snake in half with a Getsuga Tenshō. Crashing into the buildings behind him, the snake reverts to ooze before two more snakes emerge. As Ōmaeda states it is coming, the other Shinigami run away in fear.

Telling them to come back here, he runs away as the snakes crash into the gate, blowing it off of its hinges. As the door crashes into the buildings on the other side, the boy and girl appear with Rukia before the destroyed gate. As the boy says their future with Rukia awaits them, the girl states they will go and walks forward. When Kon asks what the snake was and says it was weird, Ichigo agrees as several Shinigami surround them.

As Kon wonders why they are doing so, the Shinigami draw their Zanpakutō, prompting Kon to asks what is going on here. When Hisagi tells Ichigo to identify himself, Kon states he thought the Shinigami were Ichigo's friends. Removing his Hollow mask, Ichigo asks what the problem is and says his name. When Hisagi tells the Shinigami to seize him, Ichigo dodges several attacks before jumping in the air and launching a counterattack.

Landing on the back of a Shinigami, he proceeds to disarm and incapacitate five more before being confronted by Hisagi, who attacks him. When Ichigo blocks the attack, Hisagi slashes and stabs at him. As Kon asks how Ichigo's enemies treat him if these are his friends, Ichigo blocks another attack from Hisagi. Stating he does not want to fight him, he pushes Hisagi's blade to the side and leaps away. As Hisagi tells the Shinigami to stop him, Ichigo runs away.

As Ichigo runs through the corridors, Zabimaru crashes down on him, forcing him to block. Retracting the blade segments, Renji says he has caught him. Running up with several other Shinigami, Hisagi tells Renji to not let Ichigo get away. Pointing Zabimaru at him, Renji asks if he is responsible for all of this. When Ichigo asks if Renji recognizes him, Renji states he does not know what he is talking about and attacks him. Blocking, Ichigo tells Renji to stop messing around.

When Ichigo says he does not want to fight him, for he is his friend, Renji asks how he knows his name. Pushing Ichigo's blade aside, Renji slashes at him, forcing him to jump back. As Zabimaru cuts into the ground, Ichigo tells Renji to listen to him and states Rukia is in trouble. Saying he does not know anyone by this name, Renji asks who she is. Expressing surprise, Ichigo states he does not understand what is happening here and asks if Renji does not know Rukia.

Repeating the name, Renji recalls going to the Shin'ō Academy with Rukia. When Ichigo says there is no way he could forget about her and tells him to try to remember, Renji tells him to shut up and stop babbling before extending Zabimaru towards him. As Zabimaru crashes into a building, Ichigo lands on top of a roof as Kon wonders what is going on around here. As Ichigo states this is what he would like to know, Renji jumps up and attacks him.

As Ichigo leaps away with Renji following him, Hisagi tells the Shinigami they will follow him. As Ichigo runs, Kon asks what they are going to do, prompting Ichigo to say they will run away for now. Landing in front of him, Komamura tells him to surrender. As Ichigo recognizes him, Renji, Hisagi, and the other Shinigami approach from behind. Telling Kon to hang on tight, Ichigo launches himself into the air with his Reiatsu.

Cursing, Komamura activates his Bankai, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō. Seeing the enormous warrior, Kon tells Ichigo to get them out of there as Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō swings its blade at them. When Ichigo dodges, the blade crashes into the buildings below. As Ichigo looks down, Kon tells him to watch out, prompting him to move away in order to dodge the giant's hand. Reappearing, Ichigo fires a Getsuga Tenshō, which knocks Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō back.

As Ichigo continues to fire Getsuga Tenshō at the giant, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō slashes at Ichigo, sending him flying away, before collapsing, forcing the Shinigami on the ground to run away. Elsewhere, Rukia wakes up and clutches her head. Looking around, she gets up and looks out of the window. Seeing she is in Rukongai, Rukia says she remembers this place and recalls helping Renji and his friends steal water by tripping their pursuer and helping them get away.

As she states she grew up here, the boy and girl appear as the girl tackles and hugs her. Asking what her problem is, Rukia tries to push her away and asks who she is. Seeing she is crying, Rukia asks who they are, prompting the boy to tell the girl Rukia will not recognize her if she cannot see her face. Saying she knows this, the girl sits up and tells Rukia to look at her. As she asks if Rukia remembers her now, Rukia expresses surprise.

At a captains meeting in the Seireitei, Yamamoto states he needs a damage report from each captain, prompting Ukitake to reveal the destruction from the Reishi leak covers two hundred spirit miles, centered in the east-west direction, and extends over a third of the Seireitei. When Yamamoto asks what the status of the casualties is, Unohana says they have never seen anything like it, for the victims were enveloped by the Reishi and turned into petrified stone.

As she states they cannot even confirm if they are dead or alive, Yamamoto asks what Mayuri's status is, prompting Unohana to reveal he appears to be in some sort of daze, for he cannot remember anything about the current situation or even important facts about himself. When she says he appears to have lost a portion of his memory, but they are not sure how it happened, Yamamoto tells Komamura he was told he confronted an unidentified intruder wearing a shihakushō.

Confirming this, Komamura states the intruder was wearing a Hollow's mask, and his Reiatsu was equivalent to a captain's. When Shunsui says this is impossible, Komamura states he is sure of it and says he was struck by the intruder's demeanor, for he seemed very familiar with them. Stating it was as though he belonged here, Komamura says he identified himself to Renji and spoke as though they had a history together.

Stating they questioned him, Byakuya says he was adamant about not having seen the intruder before and him being a complete stranger. When 10th Division Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya states this is very disturbing, Ukitake asks what is wrong, prompting Hitsugaya to say they are missing something here. Stating there is a crisis at hand, Yamamoto tells them to consider this the most serious threat in the history of the Seireitei and says all divisions are to coordinate their efforts to find the intruder.

Elsewhere, inside of a well, 4th Division 7th Seat Hanatarō Yamada heals Ichigo. When Ichigo wakes up, Hanatarō apologizes and begs him to not kill him. When Ichigo asks where he is, Hanatarō reveals they are in an underground sewer passage, and he was cleaning down here when Ichigo fell from above. When Ichigo thanks him and states his healing powers are as effective as ever, Hanatarō expresses confusion and asks how Ichigo knows about him.

Looking at his hands, Hanatarō says he may have treated him before. When Ichigo expresses surprise, Hanatarō apologizes and states he probably just imagined it, prompting Ichigo to lean back in exasperation. As Ichigo clutches his head from hitting the wall too hard, Kon, lying on the ground nearby, tells Hanatarō to not get their hopes up. Saying he has got it, Hanatarō theorizes Ichigo is very troubled right now. When Ichigo says he is surprised Hanatarō can tell, Hanatarō states he is good like this.

Saying he touches a person's soul when he touches them with his palms, Hanatarō states he can feel the pain in their wounds and their heart. When Ichigo gets up and says nothing will get resolved by staying down here, Kon asks if they are leaving. When Ichigo confirms this, Kon climbs up to his shoulder. Thanking Hanatarō, Ichigo states he appreciates his help and leaves. Telling him to not mention it, Hanatarō wonders how he knew his name.

Meanwhile, the girl ladles soup into a bowl, which she gives to Rukia. When she tells her to drink it, for it will make her feel better, Rukia does so. When the girl asks if it alright, Rukia says it is great, prompting the girl to state she is happy. Pulling out the paper in her kimono, Rukia states she has the feeling she knows the two of them, but she does not know why this would be. Reading the paper, Rukia says it states they will be waiting at the castle ruins and asks if they wrote her this.

Confirming this, the girl says she mimicked the drawings which Rukia used to make for them. As she states she was sure Rukia would get the message immediately, Rukia asks why they did not write their names. When the girl says they do not have any, Rukia expresses shock at them not having names. When the girl states Rukia promised to give them names, Rukia expresses confusion and asks if she is the one who made them this promise, which the girl confirms.

Saying children in the Human World are always given names by their parents, the girl asks if she does not remember and states this is why Rukia said she would gave them names. When Rukia asks if she promised to name them, the girl confirms this. In the past, two children run indoors on a rainy day. Drying them off, Rukia asks what they have been doing out there to get so wet. Grinning, the girl says they ran over as fast as possible and asks what Rukia wants to tell them.

As the boy asks what it is, Rukia states she remembered neither of them have names yet, so if they would not mind, she would like to name them, for not having names can be quite difficult. When the girl starts to cry, Rukia says they do not have to if they do not want, prompting the girl to state they have always wanted Rukia to give them names, for they love her. As the girl thanks her and the boy tells her to name them, Rukia says she has some names if they are ready, prompting the children to dance before hugging Rukia.

Stating it is all coming back to her now, Rukia says she remembers them, for they lived near her when she was young. When the girl asks what names she gave them, Rukia asks if they never got the names she picked out. Recalling being attacked by a possessed Shinigami, Rukia falls to her knees and clutches her head. As the girl asks what is wrong, the boy asks if she is in pain. Stating it is alright, Rukia says she cannot remember anything clearly.

As the girl apologizes, Rukia states she is confused about what she has been doing. As the girl begins to explain, the boy says Rukia was sleeping, and has been doing so for a long time. As Rukia expresses confusion, the girl tells Rukia she was hurt and sleeping, but she does not have to worry because they are here now. Stating nothing will ever separate them again, the girl tells Rukia she can relax, for they will always be together from now on.

Walking into his chambers, Byakuya stops, prompting his attendant to ask if something is bothering him. Saying it is nothing, Byakuya goes through several rooms in his quarters. Seeing a desk with papers on it, he sees one of Rukia's drawings on the wood. Standing in front of a shrine, he looks at a portrait of Hisana Kuchiki. As he looks behind him, Kon states this picture is of Rukia. Turning around, Byakuya tells him to keep his voice down.

Apologizing for bothering him, Ichigo says he is trying to not cause a commotion here. Stating this is a picture of Hisana, Ichigo says she looks a lot like Rukia. As Ichigo asks if Byakuya has noticed something strange is going on, Byakuya's attendant sees him and moves away. When Byakuya asks what Ichigo is talking about, Ichigo tells him to not play ignorant and states Rukia is Hisana's sister, which Byakuya should know very well.

When Byakuya says her name, Ichigo states she is his younger sister-in-law, whom he tried to protect even if it meant breaking the rules. Walking up to Byakuya, Ichigo says he does not remember her either. Turning to the shrine, Byakuya asks how Ichigo knew his wife's name was Hisana. As Ichigo begins to answer, the other doors in the room open, revealing Shinigami standing behind them. As they move in, Ichigo moves outside with Shunpo.

As Byakuya tells the Shinigami to stand down, Renji calls out to him and asks why Ichigo is here. As Renji jumps down, Ichigo tells him to wait. Telling him to shut up, Renji sends Zabimaru at Ichigo, who deflects it. As he jumps in the air and states he should have remembered Renji was never the type to listen to reason. As Renji sends Zabimaru at him once again, Ichigo dodges it and says he will have to force Renji to listen to him.

Jumping off of Renji's back, Ichigo lands behind him and activates his Bankai. As the Shinigami shield themselves, Ichigo asks what is wrong. As Renji curses, Ichigo asks if he will release his Bankai, prompting Renji to state he has never had a Bankai. When Ichigo says he trained to develop one in order to save Rukia, Renji states he has no idea what he is talking about and sends Zabimaru at Ichigo, who deflects it once more.

As Ichigo appears behind Renji and tells him to remember, Renji slashes at him, forcing him to block. As the segments of Zabimaru grind across the blade of Tensa Zangetsu, Renji demands to know what Ichigo is trying to make him remember. Pushing Zabimaru away, Ichigo says he is trying to make him remember his life and raises his sword above his head, a pose which reminds Renji of the end of their final fight.

Striking at Ichigo, Renji is blown away by Ichigo's attack, which creates a large dust cloud. Unsheathing his Zanpakutō, Byakuya utters the release command. After a tense moment, he reveals Hisana was born in the 78th district of Rukongai, Inuzuri. Thanking him, Ichigo vanishes. Meanwhile, Rukia sits on a roof. As she sighs, the girl calls out to her and asks if she can join her. When Rukia states she can, the girl moves to her.

When the girl asks if something is wrong, Rukia says even though she has come home to this town for the first time in many years, she feels like a stranger because she knows almost nothing about herself. As the girl puts her head on Rukia's shoulder, Rukia states they waited for her and the names she promised to give them for many years. As the girl looks up with tears in her eyes, Rukia promises she will give them those names. As the girl thanks her, the sun rises.

Looking at the sun, Rukia gets up, prompting the girl to ask what is wrong. Seeing a hill, Rukia remembers standing with Renji beside the graves of her deceased friends on this hill. As Rukia says she remembers it now, the girl whispers her name. Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Renji feels his wounded shoulder. Putting a hand to his head, he wonders what is wrong with him. As he recalls his fight with Ichigo, the spirit of Zabimaru materializes.

Noting Renji did not use Bankai, Zabimaru asks why Renji hesitated. As Renji expresses confusion, Zabimaru states Renji is intimidated and asks if he has no confidence in them after all this time. Saying he is a pathetic man, Zabimaru states he has forgotten everything which he has been taught and says he has become a pathetic warrior. Asking what they are talking about, Renji stops in shock. Elsewhere, at a park, Byakuya sits and recalls his past with Hisana.

In the past, Byakuya and Hisana walk over a bridge. When Byakuya asks if Hisana went to Rukongai again today, Hisana confirms this and apologizes. Stating it is alright, Byakuya says he knows why she keeps going, but he is concerned about her health. Apologizing, Hisana states it is something she feels she has to do. When she breaks into a coughing fit and falls to her knees, Byakuya expresses concern, prompting her to say she is alright.

Stating she is not, Byakuya says she needs to get some rest. Smiling at him, Hisana states she must continue her search, no matter how far she pushes herself. In the present, Byakuya notes she was searching everywhere, but he does not remember what she was searching for. Getting up, he pulls back a panel to reveal a bookshelf. Pulling one of the books out, he reads through it and expresses surprise at something. Meanwhile, Suì-Fēng enters Yamamoto's office and says she is reporting in.

When she reveals the Hakutōmon has been breached, Yamamoto asks if it is due to the intruder. Confirming this, Suì-Fēng states they already have a team made up of the 10th Division and other volunteers in pursuit. Expressing approval, Yamamoto wonders how the intruder became so familiar with their base. Meanwhile, in Rukongai, Kon stops running and asks Ichigo if he is certain this is where Rukia lived. Confirming this, Ichigo says this is what Byakuya told him.

As Ichigo walks past two men gambling, Kon states there is no way Rukia would be in a place like this. As Kon sniffs the air and hops onto Ichigo's shoulder, Ichigo says he felt Rukia too and runs towards the hill. Meanwhile, Rukia visits the graves of her deceased friends atop the hill. As she states this is the place where she grew up with her friends, Kon calls out to her as Ichigo runs along a path to her. Reaching her, Ichigo says he is glad she is alright.

As a crying Kon states he was worried, Rukia asks if she is supposed to know them. As Kon asks if she is serious, Ichigo asks if she does not recognize him. As he says it is him, the boy and girl appear in front of Rukia. When the boy asks what Ichigo came here for, Ichigo demands to know who they are. Walking past the boy and girl, Rukia tells them to stay there. Approaching Ichigo, she asks who they are, why they are looking for her, and how they know her name.

As Ichigo expresses shock, Kon asks if she remembers him. When Rukia tells him to shut and calls him a "fuzzy-faced little freak", Kon expresses shock and faints. Asking if she really does not remember him, Ichigo tells Rukia to remember. When he states his name, Rukia recalls giving her power to Ichigo and Ichigo saving her. Beginning to recognize him, Rukia clutches her head in pain, prompting the girl to rush to her aid. Holding her, the girl says it is Ichigo's fault.

Cursing, the boy vanishes and reappears in front of Ichigo. As Ichigo tells him to wait, the boy slashes at him, forcing Ichigo to dodge. Continuing to dodge his attacks, Ichigo asks why he is doing this and tells him to stop. As Ichigo calls out to Rukia, the girl tells the boy to destroy Ichigo as dark Reiatsu emanates from her. As Ichigo states he told him to stop it, the girl's Reiatsu increases, and the boy disappears.

As Ichigo wonders where he went, the boy reappears behind him and slashes at Ichigo, who blocks with Zangetsu. Struggling with the boy, Ichigo notes he did not use Shunpo. Cursing, he demands to know who they are. As the boy says they are his enemy, the blade of his scythe glows, and he begins to cut through Zangetsu. Noticing this, Ichigo moves away with Shunpo and wonders what he just felt, for it felt like the scythe was passing through Zangetsu.

When the boy vanishes, Ichigo tells him to stay and fight as the girl disappears with Rukia. In the Seireitei, Urahara holds a canister and walks along a corridor towards Mayuri's cell. As Mayuri asks who is there, Urahara arrives at the cell, prompting Mayuri to state he has not seen Urahara's face in a long time. When he states it is an unpleasant face, Urahara thanks him and says he does remember him, and it is always a pleasure to see him, prompting Mayuri to ask what brings him to his "lovely abode".

Stating Urahara did not come here to exchange hugs and kisses, Mayuri says there is always something else up his sleeve. Stating he is right as always, Urahara reveals he came down here to interrogate Mayuri a little bit. When Mayuri asks what will happen if he refuses, Urahara smiles and says this will not be an option. As Mayuri expresses surprise, Urahara states Mayuri's memories became confused, and their memories of a particular person disappeared shortly after this.

When Mayuri asks what he is talking about, Urahara says he believes Mayuri and this other person were both attacked at some point, and both became victims of the same enemy. Holding up the canister, Urahara asks if Mayuri knows what he is holding. Stating he had to search very hard before he could find this in Mayuri's room, Urahara presses a button which opens the canister, revealing a brain connected to several tubes floating inside, and says Mayuri probably has a difficult time remembering this in his current state.

As the bars recede, Mayuri looks at Urahara, who states he thought so and says they will begin the process of regaining what they have all lost. Meanwhile, walking around Ichigo, who is sitting on the porch of a ruined house, Kon concludes all of the weird things they have seen were caused by the strange people they saw earlier. Stating they are the only wild cards in the deck, Kon says they took Rukia away and are probably responsible for her loss of memory.

Asking if Ichigo can believe she does not know them, Kon states it breaks his heart. When Ichigo does not respond, Kon expresses surprise and tells him to say something. Saying he does not know what to do, Ichigo states Rukia and Renji are the same, for in their minds, he simply does not exist. As Kon expresses concern, Ichigo lies down and says he kept hoping Rukia would be different and not affected, prompting Kon to kick him in the face.

As Ichigo expresses anger, Kon headbutts him in the chin. Landing, Kon asks what is wrong with him and why he keeps acting so depressed. Asking if he hit his head, Kon states Ichigo knew Rukia was in danger even when he was in the Human World, and he was the only one who remembered her, even when everyone else had forgotten about her. When Kon says they were still connected despite what anyone did to try and break this bond, Ichigo narrows his eyes in response.

Stating he does not need Ichigo anyway, Kon says he will save her alone, for even if she has forgotten about him, she is still his best friend. Jumping down the steps, Kon states Ichigo can sit there forever because he is not waiting around for him to make up his mind. As Kon runs away, Ichigo hunches his shoulders. Elsewhere, the boy and girl return to their house. Wondering who Ichigo was, the girl runs over to Rukia and asks if she is alright.

Saying she knows Ichigo, Rukia states she can feel it somewhere in her memory. Saying she knows him, Rukia grabs the girl's arm and demands she tell her the truth. Stating she was not asleep this whole time, she asks what she was doing up until this moment and why she knows Ichigo. As the girl says she has no idea, the boy tells Rukia to stop as Rukia states the girl is lying. Saying it is the truth, the girl states they have been gone for a long time.

As Rukia expresses confusion, the boy moves to the girl and says they finally made it back. Saying they came back to see Rukia, the girl states it took them one hundred years. As Rukia asks if they did this for her, the crying girl hugs her as the boy says all Shinigami are alike, for all they do is take things away. Confirming this, the girl states they took everything away from them, including the happy things, the fun things, and Rukia.

As Rukia remembers more of her past with Ichigo and begins to cry out, the girl asks what is wrong. Freeing herself from the girl's grasp, a Rukia clutches her head in agony and falls over. As the girl asks how they can help her, Rukia continues to writhe before falling unconscious. As the girl says this happened because of the Shinigami, dark Reiatsu flares up around her. Meanwhile, Ichigo reads Rukia's letter and recalls his past with her.

In the past, Ichigo reads a book while Rukia draws. When Ichigo asks what she is doing over there, a startled Rukia tells him to not look over here. Stating he did not look, Ichigo asks why she thinks he was asking, prompting her to say she cannot tell him because it is a surprise. In the present, as Ichigo continues to look at the paper, Kon runs up and states he was looking all over for this letter. Jumping onto Ichigo's leg, he takes the letter and asks how Ichigo stole the letter when he was not looking.

As Kon says Rukia is too good for a loser like Ichigo and hops away, Ichigo calls after Kon and apologizes. As Kon expresses confusion, Ichigo walks down the steps and states he never thought Kon could teach him anything. As he says he has a lot to learn, Kon demands to know what changed his attitude and tells him to come back here. As Kon states he is not done yelling at him yet, Ichigo thanks him, prompting Kon to blush and say he is glad he finally got through to him.

As he points out Ichigo forgot about Rukia when this all started, Ichigo sees Hitsugaya, 11th Division 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, and 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa standing atop three rocks. As Hitsugaya states there is no escape for them now and tells them to give themselves up quietly, several Shinigami surround Ichigo and draw their Zanpakutō. When Ichigo addresses Hitsugaya as Tōshirō and tells him this is an impressive show of strength, Ikkaku asks how he knows his first name.

Saying he is a friend, Ichigo states Ikkaku and Yumichika are as well, for he would never forget them, even though it appears they have all forgotten him. When Ikkaku asks what this means, Yumichika tells him it is just nonsense. When Hitsugaya asks who he is and what his business here is, Ichigo says he is the Substitute Shinigami Ichigo Kurosaki. Noting he said Substitute, Ikkaku leaps toward him and tells him to prove it by showing him his skills.

As Ikkaku unsheathes his blade and slashes at him, Ichigo blocks with Zangetsu. As the force of the attack craters the ground underneath Ichigo, a grinning Ikkaku strikes at Ichigo with his Zanpakutō's sheath, only for Ichigo to block this as well. Expressing confusion, Ikkaku continues to slash at Ichigo with his sword and sheath, forcing him back, until Ichigo jumps over him and lands on the porch. Cursing, Ikkaku leaps towards him.

Attacking Ichigo, which destroys the house behind him, Ikkaku leaps back. As the dust from the destroyed house settles, an unharmed Ichigo stands with Zangetsu in his hands. Grabbing his Zanpakutō, Hitsugaya tells Ikkaku to back off and states he will take care of this. Appearing behind Ichigo, Hitsugaya attacks him. As Ichigo blocks, Hitsugaya says it appears the reports were correct, for Ichigo seems to be extremely familiar with their style of fighting.

When Hitsugaya asks him once more who he is and why he is here, Ichigo states his name again. Saying it does not ring a bell, Hitsugaya pushes Ichigo's sword aside and kicks him into a tombstone, which is destroyed. When Ichigo leaps into the air, Hitsugaya uses Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku, which binds Ichigo to a tree with glowing chains. As Ichigo struggles to free himself, Hitsugaya sends a wave of ice towards the tree.

As Ichigo watches this, Renji releases Zabimaru, which blocks the attack, before appearing on the branch next to Ichigo, who asks what he is doing. Retracting the segments of Zabimaru, Renji stares at Ichigo before slashing at his chains, destroying them. As Ichigo falls to the ground, Hitsugaya asks what the meaning of this is. Appearing next to Ichigo, Renji tells him to get up. When Ichigo asks why, Renji grabs him by the collar and lifts him up.

Telling him to not play innocent, for this act will not work, Renji states Ichigo disrupted the Seireitei. Saying he should be the enemy because of this, Renji states he cannot think of him as an enemy, and even though his brain says he is an enemy, his heart tells him otherwise. Stating something inside of him tells him Ichigo is not the enemy, Renji says he may regret this, but he has decided to follow his soul, prompting Hitsugaya to tell him to not do this.

Turning around, Renji apologizes and asks Hitsugaya to let them go through. Staring at him, Hitsugaya is startled by an enormous Reiatsu. As Ichigo and Renji feel it, the ice around them shatters as Yamamoto, Shunsui, Suì-Fēng, Ukitake, and Chōjirō approach. Stating treason will not go unpunished, Yamamoto says Ichigo must be taken into custody. As dozens of Onmitsukidō members appear, Renji begs Yamamoto to hear him out, and Kon states they can explain this.

As Yamamoto says they are wasting their breath, Suì-Fēng tells the Onmitsukidō members to move in. As they attack, Urahara appears above them and uses Kamisori, Benihime, knocking the Onmitsukidō members away and destroying their swords. As Urahara lands, his Zanpakutō reverts to its cane form. Seeing him wearing his captain's uniform, Suì-Fēng tells him to turn around and identify himself. As Yamamoto recognizes him, Ichigo asks why he is here as Urahara states it has been a while.

Meanwhile, as the boy and girl appear above the ruined section of the Seireitei, with the boy carrying Rukia, the girl points out the Shinigami are completely buried in the Reishi. When the girl asks why the boy is worried, for they are invincible, the boy says they may have gone too far. As the girl expresses surprise, the boy states Rukia might never remember their names because they took so much of her memory, and this would be horrible.

Telling him to stop this, the girl says they have to make sure she never remembers what occurred on "that day", for if she ever does, he knows what will happen. Stating they cannot take this chance, she says it will work out, for once the Shinigami are destroyed, Rukia will be with them forever, even if she never remembers what their names are. As she states they will go, they vanish in a burst of dark Reiatsu. Meanwhile, Yamamoto asks Urahara how he got here.

Saying it is not like he did not have the means to do so, Urahara reveals he just never chose to come here. When Yamamoto asks why he appeared now, Urahara states he came here because he sees they have a crisis happening. When Suì-Fēng says they do not need help from traitors and runs at him, Yoruichi appears in front of her and tells her to wait for just a minute. As Suì-Fēng recognizes her, she asks the other captains if they have not forgotten something.

As Ukitake asks what this might be, Shunsui states he would like to know as well, for this commotion is keeping him up at night, and he is hoping Urahara and Yoruichi will be able to enlighten them. When Yamamoto says their time is limited and asks them what they know, Urahara states he has discovered the root of all evil. As Yamamoto expresses confusion, Urahara tells Ichigo both Mayuri and Rukia's memories were affected by the same enemy.

When Ichigo asks if he is referring to the two people with the large scythe, Urahara notes Ichigo has seen them and says they had better hurry. When Urahara tells Ichigo and Renji to go after them while they handle things here, Ichigo expresses confusion, prompting Urahara to state Rukia is in grave danger. Saying they are on their way, Ichigo tells Renji they will go. As he runs off, Renji tells him to not act like they are friends and runs after him.

When Suì-Fēng tells them to wait and begins to run after them, Yoruichi stops her and states she imagines they are all starting to feel something is not right. Saying they all think they have forgotten something and feel uneasy, she states this is why they came out to confront a single person in the middle of one of the worst crises to ever hit the Seireitei. When she asks Yamamoto to tell her she is wrong, he does not respond.

As Ichigo and Renji run through the streets of Rukongai, Renji asks Ichigo what they are trying to do here. When Ichigo says they are going to find Rukia, Renji states this will not be easy and asks who she is. Grabbing him by the collar, Ichigo asks if Renji still does not remember her. Stating he cannot believe this, he says Renji was the person closest to her, and they have been friends forever, prompting Renji to apologize and state he cannot help it, for he does not remember.

As Ichigo tells him to stop saying this, Renji stares at a vendor selling pottery, prompting Ichigo to ask what is wrong. In the past, Renji and his friends hold pots of water while running from a man, who says he will kill them before being tripped by a girl, who tells them where to go. In the present, Renji recalls his past with Rukia, from the day she helped them steal water to the day she was accepted into the Kuchiki Clan, but cannot see her face.

When Renji states Rukia's name, Ichigo tells him to say her name a few hundred times so he can remember. Looking at his hand, Renji shakes his head and asks Ichigo why he is doing all of this to save her, prompting Ichigo to state he is doing so because she is someone who came along and changed his world. Recalling Rukia's involvement in his fights with Grand Fisher and Fishbone D, he says she saved his family when they were on the verge of death by sharing her Shinigami powers with him.

As Ichigo states Rukia is the reason he is standing here today, Yamamoto tells Urahara to be clear and asks what happened to them. Revealing he has determined a portion of their memories has been erased, Urahara says he is sure they are skeptical, so he will explain from the start. Stating he was conducting the study of a certain Hollow shortly after establishing the SRDI, he says it was a very unusual creature because it live parasitically in the souls of others.

Stating it eventually took over the consciousness of its host, Urahara says it moved onto another host when its current host became debilitated. Revealing it could use its sickle-shaped tentacle during the parasitic stage to shear off its host's memory, Urahara states this parasite may have come into contact with Rukia, sheared off all memories of her life as a Shinigami, and make them forget about her. When Ukitake says this is not possible, Urahara agrees with him.

Stating it could only attach itself to souls with weak Reiryoku and erase a portion of its host's memory, he says it is not strong enough to shear away an individual's existence. When Shunsui asks if this could happen if a separate power joined up with it to provide this strength, Urahara confirms this and states their memories are connected to each other, but those bonds can be broken if someone shears away a person's memory completely.

Revealing every past event related to this person will disappear from the collective memories of the people around them, Urahara says there was a single exception this time. When Hitsugaya asks if he is referring to Ichigo, Urahara confirms this and states Ichigo's Shinigami powers originally belonged to Rukia, which is why they all forgot about Ichigo as well. When Yamamoto says a transfer of Shinigami powers is a first-class capital offense, Urahara states he is correct.

Saying they owe Ichigo a debt of gratitude, Urahara states it is only right for them to find a way to overlook this crime. Saying it is funny, he states they forgot about him out of all the people they should not forget. Admitting he had forgotten about him as well, Urahara reveals he had kept a log, so he was able to overcome this lapse before the situation became critical. Saying there is still a problem, Hitsugaya asks why they still have memories of Mayuri if he was attacked.

Stating this is very astute of Hitsugaya, Urahara says this was puzzling him as well. Stating Mayuri has always been a very odd person, Urahara says he wondered if Mayuri had did something to protect himself against this possibility. Saying he did some checking around and discovered he was correct, Urahara reveals Mayuri regularly made backups of his memory and kept them on file while in the past, Urahara appears in Mayuri's lab and presses several keys, causing the canister to rise from the keyboard.

In the present, as Shunsui chuckles, Urahara states everyone who knew him ended up being able to remember him because he did this. Looking up, he says it is a universal truth and states all memories are universally connected. Elsewhere, as Kon sniffs the ground, Ichigo asks if he is able to find Rukia. Saying it is no use, Kon states the Seireitei is too much territory to cover. As he reveals Rukia passed through this area a short while ago, Ichigo curses.

As he wonders what they are going to do, for they are running out of clues to follow, Renji says he has an idea. When he states Ichigo said he received his Shinigami powers from Rukia, Ichigo confirms this, prompting Renji to reveal their spiritual composition might be similar. When Ichigo expresses confusion, Renji says they might be able to find her by using Reiraku. When Ichigo asks if it is even possible here, Renji admits it is usually not.

Stating it is normally impossible to visualize it when everything in Soul Society is made of Reishi, Renji reveals Ichigo might be able to trace Rukia in spite of this because their spiritual compositions are similar. When Renji says he will help despite not being good at Kidō and states there is no harm in trying, Ichigo agrees and says he will put all of his effort into making this work. Stating he and Rukia are connected, he says he will find and rescue her.

Smiling, Renji states they will do it and puts his hand on Ichigo's shoulder as Ichigo says he is ready. As they concentrate, Ichigo glows, and the colors of the world around him invert. As he sends out a pulse of blue energy, a red ribbon floats above him before extending towards a mountain of solidified ooze, where Ichigo sees the the girl flying towards the center of the Seireitei while the boy beside her carries Rukia, with the ribbon following them.

As Ichigo expresses surprise, the boy and girl phase through the mountain into Mayuri's lab. As they land, the boy sets Rukia on the ground. As they run into the room with the large machine, the boy shakes his scythe as the girl asks him if the vial works. As the vial glows, electricity crackles up the ropes connected to the machine as the girl states they did it. As the boy walks forward and raises his scythe, Rukia tells them to wait.

When Rukia walks towards them, the girl moves to her and says she is glad Rukia is alright. As she asks if the pain in her head went away, Rukia wonders what this place is. As the boy begins to explain, the girl states they are going to chase away the Shinigami who have been making Rukia suffer. Expressing confusion, Rukia recalls seeing the boy and girl watching the destruction. Realizing what they are going to use the machine for, she says they must not do this.

Asking if they know how much destruction this machine can cause, she states they can destroy the entire Seireitei if they are not careful. Saying this is good, the girl asks why Rukia is standing up for the Shinigami. Stating they want to take Rukia away from them again, the girl says she does not want to be separated from Rukia again. As she falls to her knees and cries, Rukia asks what she is talking about and states she is going to be with both of them forever.

As the girl continues to sob, Rukia puts her hands on her shoulders and says she is not lying. As she states the girl just has to trust her, the girl looks up and says they cannot take any more chances, for they must be destroyed. When Rukia asks why this is important, the girl begins to tell Rukia what she is before dark Reiatsu surrounds her once more. As the boy notices this, the surging Reiatsu knocks Rukia away as it expands from the top of the mountain.

Extending in multiple directions, the Reiatsu seemingly destroys any building it touches. As a Shinigami wonders what it is, the buildings appear overhead before falling to the ground. As the falling buildings destroy other buildings, the Shinigami flee. As Ichigo and Renji run across a bridge, Renji states he does not know if this is connected to Rukia, but whatever is going on is not good. As Ichigo calls out Rukia's name and runs ahead, Renji tells him to wait and curses.

As Ichigo runs, part of a building appears above him and falls on the structure in front of him, destroying it. As the debris falls towards them, Ichigo prepares to activate his Bankai before Renji stops him. Leaping past him, Renji says he has got this. As Ichigo tells him to wait, Renji slashes 'Zabimaru around, creating a path of blade segments around him which destroys the debris. When the building falls towards Renji, Ichigo calls out to him.

Grinning, Renji states he said he will take care of it. Glowing with red Reiatsu, Renji activates his Bankai, creating an orb of red Reiatsu which expands outward, destroying the rest of the debris. As the dust clears, Hihiō Zabimaru roars as Renji lands. As Ichigo notes he used Bankai, another building falls towards him before being destroyed by Hihiō Zabimaru. As Ichigo tells him to watch it, Renji tell him to shut up as Hihiō Zabimaru rams into him from behind.

As Hihiō Zabimaru travels towards him, Renji leaps onto its head. Standing on its skull, Renji chuckles as Ichigo holds onto the mane and Kon wails. When Renji says Hihiō Zabimaru can be used for transportation, Ichigo states he knows. As Renji expresses confusion, Ichigo tells him to get going and not mind this. Moving off of Hihiō Zabimaru with Shunpo, Renji appears on top of a gate and sends Hihiō Zabimaru forward.

As Hihiō Zabimaru moves towards to mountain, a large building appears in front of it. Activating his Bankai, Ichigo destroys the building. Emerging from the smoke, Hihiō Zabimaru continues towards the mountain as the rest of the building explodes behind it. In Mayuri's lab, the boy appears next to Rukia and calls out to her. As Rukia says she is okay, the boy pulls her up. Seeing the girl surrounded by dark Reiatsu, Rukia asks what is wrong.

Stating she despises Shinigami, the girl gasps as she remembers Rukia being attacked by the possessed Shinigami. As her Reiatsu intensifies, the wall behind her explodes as Ichigo and Renji step through. As the tearful girl turns around, Ichigo says he has come for Rukia as Kon calls out to her. Renji asks if this is Rukia, who remembers her past with Renji and finally recalls his name. As a trembling Rukia puts her hand to her head, the girl tells Ichigo and Renji to go away.

Moving in front of her, the girl states Rukia does not know them and does not want to know them. Saying she is wrong about this, Ichigo states Rukia is a very close friends of theirs. Saying he is wrong, the girl states Rukia is not like this anymore and does not want to be with them. As she says Rukia wants to be with her and the boy, Ichigo states she just needs to remember. Telling Rukia to think, he says she cannot give up being a Shinigami, for it is a part of her.

As Rukia looks at him, Ichigo states she put her life at risk to save him the first time they met. Saying Rukia even shared her powers with him, he states she was willing to do this so Ichigo could protect his family. Recalling the event, Ichigo says this is the type of person she has always been. As Rukia clutches her head, Ichigo calls out to her. As Rukia states she cannot remember, the girl runs to her and says she has to resist.

Begging her to not listen to them, the girl states she and the boy need Rukia here with them. When she begs her to not go back to the Shinigami, Rukia expresses confusion. Grabbing the girl's arms, Rukia asks if she was a Shinigami and realizes the girl lied to her. As the girl sobs, Rukia tells Ichigo to tell her his name and speak clearly. When Ichigo says his name, with Kon stating his as well, Rukia recalls meeting Ichigo and being rescued by him.

As Rukia finally remembers who Ichigo is, the girl screams in rage as dark Reiatsu swirls around her and knocks Rukia away. As Ichigo calls out to her, the boy appears behind her and puts his scythe to her neck. When he tells them to not move, Ichigo tells him to leave Rukia alone. Screaming, the girl faces them and says they will not let her have Rukia. Stating they will never let them have Rukia, the girl says they would rather destroy her.

As Ichigo states she is serious, the girl tells them to go away, or she and the boy will become one with Rukia. Revealing Rukia will disappear if this happens, the boy asks her if she wants this. When she continues to glare at Ichigo and Renji, he agrees as dark Reiatsu swirls around him. As he says they will be together forever, he and the girl move towards Rukia while saying her name. As they kneel down, dark Reiatsu explodes around them, and Rukia screams in pain.

As Ichigo calls out to her and Kon tells them to stop, Rukia is ensnared by tentacles of Reiatsu and is dragged down. As the Reiatsu continues to swirl, Ichigo calls out to Rukia once more. As the Reiatsu fades, Rukia stands with new clothes, lavender hair and eyes, and the boy's scythe in hand. As Ichigo and Renji stare in shock, Rukia takes the vial from the scythe. Stating everyone will disappear, she jams the vial into its flower-like container. As electricity crackles, more snakes emerge.

As Renji says this must be the root of the evil which has disrupted the Seireitei, Ichigo states they have to stop them. As Renji says Ichigo will have to do something about Rukia, for she is what he came here for, the snakes move towards them. Stating Renji will deal with the snakes, Ichigo moves towards the machine as Renji sends Hihiō Zabimaru towards the snakes. As Hihiō Zabimaru bites one of the snakes, Ichigo calls out to Rukia as Kon states they are here.

When Rukia vanishes, Ichigo expresses surprise. As he lands, Rukia appears behind him and slashes at him, creating a torrent of dark Reiatsu which blasts him away. As Ichigo lands, Kon, who was separated from him in midair, hits the hardened ooze, which envelops him. As the machine continues to spark, a large amount of the ooze bursts out of it. As Renji is overwhelmed by it, the top of the mountain explodes as the ooze surges upward.

As it extends into the sky, smoke covers it while lightning crackles in the clouds around it. As the Shinigami around the Seireitei watch, ooze drips from the clouds. When ooze begins to swell up, Hisagi and 10th Division Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto arrive. As Hisagi tells the Shinigami present to evacuate, one of the Shinigami tells them to look. As several eyes open on the ooze, an enormous, tentacled monster rises.

As the tentacles fire streams of the ooze, which separate into smaller tentacles, from their mouths, Rangiku and Hisagi move away with Shunpo as the Shinigami around them are covered by the ooze. Meanwhile, Ichigo faces off against Rukia. As she slashes at him, Ichigo leaps back and call out to her. As lightning strikes in the distance, the girl tells Rukia to shear Ichigo away, and the boy tells her to do so now. As Ichigo expresses surprise, Rukia speeds towards him.

Slashing at Ichigo, who dodges, Rukia attacks him again. Blocking, Ichigo is knocked away. As he regains his footing, Rukia appears behind him and throws her scythe at him. When Ichigo deflects the scythe, she stabs at him with the handle of the scythe several times before uppercutting him with it. Stabbing at him several more times, Rukia slashes at him as Ichigo leaps away. Turning around, she attacks, cratering the ground underneath Ichigo.

As the dust settles, Ichigo tells her to stop this. Continuing to attack him, Rukia leaps into the air and slashes at him. Blocking, Ichigo begs her to snap out of it. As she stares at him, he tells her to try to to remember. As lightning strikes all around the Seireitei and monsters made of ooze attack, ooze envelops another building as Rangiku and Hisagi appear. As the tentacles fire more streams of ooze, Rangiku says the monster will completely swallow the Seireitei at this rate.

Calling out to her, Hitsugaya appears behind them and states they are regrouping. As he asks if they are alright, which Rangiku confirms, Yamamoto, Yoruichi, Chōjirō, Suì-Fēng, Ukitake, Shunsui, and Urahara appear behind him. As the tentacles roar, one of the eyes looks towards them. As Ikkaku and Yumichika run up, Ukitake wonders what the monster is, and Shunsui says he doubts it is here to sign a peace treaty. Walking up to them, Urahara states they have a problem.

Revealing the control lock for the Reishi convergence device which Mayuri created is likely in the enemy's possession, he says all of the terrible things which have happened so far are the result of this device going out of control. As he states he has concluded the only way to stop it is to destroy this device, Shunsui notes the monster is not going to roll over and play dead while they find a way to destroy it. Turning around, Urahara reveals Ichigo and Renji are already inside.

As he states they have to make sure the Reishi does not spread any farther than it already has, Ukitake notes Urahara makes it all sound very simple, and Shunsui says he has always been like this. When a bolt of lightning arcs towards the group, Yamamoto unsheathes his Zanpakutō and blocks it. Taking off his haori, he moves away with Shunpo. Moving towards the monster in midair, Yamamoto releases his Zanpakutō, Ryūjin Jakka, and cuts one of the monster's arms off.

As Ukitake and Shunsui express awe, Yamamoto states he is issuing an immediate order and says everyone is to stop the spread of this Reishi. As everyone but Urahara moves away with Shunpo, Shunsui and Ukitake appear on top of two buildings. As several tentacles begin moving towards them, Ukitake draws and releases his Zanpakutō, Sōgyo no Kotowari, as Shunsui pulls out and releases his Zanpakutō, Katen Kyōkotsu, before leaping forward.

Slashing several tentacles, he lands on a roof as Ukitake appears. Destroying more tentacles, Shunsui and Ukitake vanish as a large tentacle destroys the building they were standing on. Plowing through the ground, the tentacle rises and is cut into shreds as it explodes, revealing Shunsui and Ukitake inside. Elsewhere, as Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng move through the air, Yoruichi asks Suì-Fēng if she is ready. Confirming this, she discards her haori as they move towards a large tentacle.

As the tentacle's mouth opens, Suì-Fēng activates Shunkō and punches the tentacle. As a hole is punched in the tentacle, Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng run along the tentacle towards the creature. As several manta ray-like creatures approach them, Yoruichi moves to each one with Shunpo and destroys them. As they continue to run, Yoruichi looks back and sees a snake emerge from the tentacle and swallow Suì-Fēng.

As Yoruichi calls out to her, Urahara uses Nake, Benihime and cuts the snake in two. As Suì-Fēng falls out of the snake, Yoruichi moves to her with Shunpo and catches her as Urahara cuts the rest of the tentacle into segments. As the segments fall next to Urahara, Suì-Fēng apologizes to Yoruichi and states she lost her concentration. As a blushing Suì-Fēng looks away, Yoruichi laughs. Helping Suì-Fēng up, she says it is okay and states they must move.

Elsewhere, Hitsugaya tells Hisagi, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and Rangiku to follow his lead. As they all leap forward, multiple streams of ooze approach them. Releasing his Zanpakutō, Hyōrinmaru, Hitsugaya freezes the streams in a large amount of ice. When the streams continue to move, Rangiku releases her Zanpakutō, Haineko, and creates an orb of ash, which destroys the streams on contact. As Hisagi and Rangiku leap into the air, Hisagi releases his Zanpakutō, Kazeshini.

As the streams' heads are cut off, Hisagi catches his kusarigama and lands beside Rangiku as the headless tentacles fall to the ground. A large tentacle creates more tentacles, which attack the Shinigami and lift Rangiku, Hisagi, and Yumichika into the air. As Ikkaku and Hitsugaya call out to them, a tentacle knocks Ikkaku away. Flying through piles of ooze, Ikkaku hits a hard, ooze-covered object. Wondering what he crashed into, Ikkaku looks up and sees Kenpachi's silhouette.

As Ikkaku realizes it is Kenpachi, a large tentacle clamps down on them, knocking Kenpachi's eyepatch off. As the tentacle explodes, a column of yellow Reiatsu extends into the sky, dissipating the clouds above. Trying to hold on, Ikkaku is sent flying away as he calls out to Kenpachi. As his Reiatsu shatters the ooze around him, Kenpachi laughs manically and jumps towards the monster. Cutting one of the tentacles in half, Kenpachi lands on another tentacle.

As he asks if the monster is the one who messed with his head, a giggling 11th Division Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi lands on his back and greets him. Telling her to not fall off, Kenpachi destroys more tentacles before one bites down on him. Yelling, Kenpachi cuts through the tentacle and falls to the ground as he and Yachiru laugh. Meanwhile, a tentacle crashes into Hihiō Zabimaru and is destroyed by the Bankai.

Moving towards the machine, Hihiō Zabimaru destroys several more manta rays. As Renji notes they keep coming, Ichigo continues to fight against Rukia and tells her to stop it. As she continues to attack him, Ichigo leaps away. As blood drips down Ichigo' hand, the girl speaks through Rukia and says she must shear away all of his memories, for once this is done, no one will remember Rukia, prompting the boy to state they will be the only ones in Rukia's life.

Cursing, Ichigo says they cannot take away memories so easily, for they tried this with Renji, but his soul remembered Ichigo. Stating Rukia will remember as well, Ichigo says they will never be able to destroy the memories which bind them all together. As Rukia leaps towards him and slashes at him, Ichigo moves away with Shunpo. Appearing next to him, she strikes at him, enveloping them in a torrent of dark Reiatsu. As Ichigo tells Rukia to fight back, her scythe phases through his sword.

Cursing, Ichigo leaps back. As he expresses shock, the Reiatsu around Rukia separates into strands, revealing Rukia's eyes have turned completely black. Meanwhile, Urahara cuts another tentacle in half and faces the monster. As Yoruichi, Suì-Fēng, Ukitake, and Shunsui appear behind him, Yoruichi asks him how it is going. Stating it is not going well, for the monster is too big, Urahara says they are not going to make any progress until they destroy the device in the lab tower.

As Yoruichi states they cannot get to the lab tower with the monster in the way, yellow Reiatsu flares up near the monster. As Shunsui wonders what this is, Kenpachi laughs manically and destroys more tentacles alongside Ikkaku and Yumichika. As Ukitake notes Kenpachi made it back, Urahara says this is their chance and states they will have to avoid the monster and get to the lab tower. Releasing his Zanpakutō, Senbonzakura, Byakuya creates a tunnel of whirling blades.

As Yoruichi tells him this is a nice move, Byakuya says he is going in first. As Urahara states he is counting on him, he leaps through the tunnel. As the tunnel vanishes, several tentacles burst out of the ground around them. As they dodge, Hitsugaya activates his Bankai, Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, and freezes the tentacles. As Ukitake thanks him, Hitsugaya tells him to not mention it and says they must move, prompting them to run off in different direction.

As Ukitake and Shunsui slash through several manta rays, Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng beat down two other tentacles. Using Ryūsenka, Hitsugaya encases a large tentacle's head in ice. Stating he supposes he had better get serious as well, Urahara uses Chikasumi no Tate. forming a hexagonal barrier in front of him. As a manta ray pushes him away, he uses Kirisaki, Benihime, which fires a barrage of energy bullets from the shield, destroying the manta ray.

Meanwhile, Rukia slashes at Ichigo, who leaps away. Moving to him, she slashes at him again, cutting off part of his shihakushō. When she vanishes, Ichigo looks about in confusion. As Renji tells him she is coming at him from behind, she appears behind him and puts her scythe to his throat. As she grins, Byakuya uses Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō, immobilizing Rukia with six yellow bands and throwing her away.

As she struggles to free herself, Renji asks what is happening. When Rukia asks who Byakuya is, Byakuya recalls Hisana and draws his Zanpakutō. When Ichigo tells him to not do it, Byakuya says he has no choice if what Ichigo says is true. As he states it is his responsibility, Rukia screams as dark Reiatsu surges around her. Telling him to not do this, Ichigo says Rukia is still in there, for he can feel her soul, and states they cannot destroy the connection.

As Rukia continues to scream, Ichigo says he is right here and tells Rukia to try to break through to him. As the bands restraining her begin to shatter, Renji notes her Reiatsu is turning into a Hollow's and states she cannot be saved. As Ichigo expresses disbelief, Kon calls out to Rukia. Turning around, Ichigo sees him encased in ooze. As tears stream down his face, Kon begs Ichigo to save Rukia. As he says Ichigo has to save her, Ichigo recalls Rukia asking him if he wants to save his family.

the past, Ichigo states he does and asks if there is a way. Lifting her sword, Rukia says there is one way and states Ichigo will have to become a Shinigami. As Ichigo expresses surprise, Rukia says she is not sure if it is even possible, but if it is not, they will both die. In the present, as Rukia continues to scream, Ichigo approaches Byakuya and states Rukia sacrificed herself to save his life and the lives of his family. Saying she took a chance on him, Ichigo states this is why he will never give up.

As he says he must save her even if it costs him is life, Byakuya lowers his sword and states Ichigo may do as he wishes, for he understands. As Rukia screams, the remaining three bands shatter, and dark Reiatsu surges from her. As Ichigo readies himself, Rukia says she will shear and kill him. As Ichigo states he is sharing his powers with Rukia this time, blue Reiatsu surges around him. As the two run at each other, Ichigo tells Rukia to come back to them.

In the past, Ichigo introduces himself to Rukia and allows himself to be impaled with her sword. In the present, Tensa Zangetsu impales Rukia through the chest. As Renji wonders what he is doing, an orb of light appears. As a screaming Rukia's dark Reiatsu tries to constrain it, it expands and covers them. Inside, Rukia's white kimono fades, revealing her black shihakushō underneath. As the orb recedes, Rukia's dark Reiatsu disperses.

Emerging from Rukia's body, the parasitic Hollow fades. As Byakuya and Renji approach the machine, Byakuya activates his Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, and destroys the manta rays. As he creates a tunnel of blades, Renji uses Hikōtsu Taihō, which destroys the machine, creating an enormous explosion. As the dust settles, Urahara breathes a sigh of relief and says it looks like they avoided another close call before seeing Ichigo holding Rukia.

As Ichigo lets go of her, Rukia recognizes him, prompting him to smile and greet her. As Rukia notices something, Ichigo turns around to see the boy and girl lying on the ground. As Ichigo and Rukia get up, Ichigo tells her to go help them. Running over to them, Rukia grabs her hand and states she is right here. As the girl asks if this is her, Rukia confirms this and says she is here. As the girl says they were punished because they did not listen to her, the boy reaches out and grabs Rukia's hand.

As he begs her to not hate him and his sister, Rukia looks at them in shock. In the past, as the girl screams for Rukia to help them, Rukia asks where they are as she runs up the hill. Arriving at the top of the hill, she sees the boy and girl being confronted by a Shinigami. Telling the Shinigami to stop it, she runs at him, prompting him to slash at her. Kicking him in the leg, Rukia hits him in the face and asks the boy and girl what is going on.

Bending down and hugging them, Rukia asks if they are alright. When the boy tells Rukia to looks behind her, Rukia turns to see the Shinigami preparing to strike, prompting her to form a ball of Kidō and blast him away with it. As the boy and girl run up to her, Rukia tells them to stay behind her as dark Reiatsu surrounds the Shinigami. As Rukia wonders what he is, the Shinigami gets up and states he wants their Reiryoku. Coiling around him, the parasitic Hollow says this body is useless to it.

As Rukia tells the boy and girl to run, the Shinigami attacks her. Dodging, she attempts to hit him with Kidō again, only for him to catch her arm. As he lifts her up by the throat, Rukia states he is a monster, not a Shinigami. As the parasitic Hollow brings out its tail, the girl calls out to Rukia. As the Hollow puts its sickle in Rukia's mouth, the girl stabs him in the leg with Rukia's Zanpakutō. As the girl tells him to leave Rukia alone, the Shinigami punches her away.

Saying she is in his away, the Shinigami pulls Rukia's Zanpakutō out of his leg and walks towards her. As Rukia's vision blurs and fades to black, the Shinigami cuts down the boy and girl. In the present, Rukia states she remembers and says when she regained consciousness, the boy and girl were gone, but she forgot about it for some reason. As she wonders how she could forget something so important, Urahara states it is not her fault, for the Hollow was able to shear her memory.

Saying there was something else, Urahara reveals the boy and girl possessed a special ability to perform teleportation, and they likely placed the Hollow into their own bodies moments before they died in order to protect Rukia. In the past, the Hollow is torn from the Shinigami's body, which withers and disintegrates. In the present, Urahara states the Hollow did not realize it had become parasitically attached to a dead body, and rushed back to Hueco Mundo.

As he reveals the boy and girl took over the Hollow's consciousness in the process, in the past, the boy and girl's bodies dissipate, and they emerge from a cloud of dust in Hueco Mundo. In the present, as Urahara says their overwhelming desire to see Rukia sustained them and brought them back to her, the girl asks if Rukia remembers now and apologizes for lying to her about what happened, for they did not want her to be upset because they had died.

Stating their lives have not ended, Rukia says death is not an end. Telling them to look at what happened, she states they came back to see her and are a part of her life, which makes her very happy. Saying they wanted to see her again, the girl states Rukia is the only friends they have ever had. Shaking her head, Rukia says they were never alone, for the most important person of all was next to them the entire time.

As the boy and girl look at each other, Rukia states it has all come back to her and she remembers their names. Revealing their names are Homura and Shizuku, Rukia says it means "the two of you shine brightly". As Shizuku and Homura repeat their names, Homura states they are nice names, which are what they wanted to hear. As Shizuku says he is very happy, Homura reaches out to him. Grabbing her hand, Shizuku thanks Rukia. As Rukia begins to cry, Homura states it is time to say goodbye.

As their hands fall from Rukia's grasp, Rukia calls out to them and begs them to not leave her. As it begins to rain, she says it is not fair and begs them to come back to her. As tears stream down her face, she cries out in anguish and sorrow. Later, Rukia holds the letter Homura wrote her and recalls Homura stating she mimicked the drawings Rukia did for her and Shizuku. Hearing someone approaching, she turns around to see Ichigo.

When she asks if he is going back, Ichigo confirms this. Thanking him, Rukia says it appears he has saved her once again. Telling her to not forgot it was her who originally saved him, Ichigo states the first time they met might not have really been the first time if death is not the end, and for all they know, they might have been connected from long before this. Saying a bond cannot disappear once it is formed, he states even if they forget everything, they will be connected again.

As wind blows around them, Ichigo says this will be true for Rukia, Shizuku, and Homura as well. When she agrees, Ichigo states he should head back. When he refers to her as Shinigami, Rukia tells him to not do so and says she is Rukia Kuchiki. As the wind picks up, the letter is torn from her grasp. Later, Kon calls out and asks if anyone is there. Calling for help, he asks if anyone is going to come and rescue him. Asking if Ichigo has forgotten about him, he states Rukia did it and now he has as well. Cursing, he breaks free from the ooze and expresses anger at them forgetting about him.

Video Games

Ikkaku Madarame is a playable character in the following video games:

  • Bleach Blade Battlers
  • Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd
  • Bleach: Soul Carnival
  • Bleach: Soul Carnival 2
  • Bleach: The 3rd Phantom
  • Bleach: Flame Bringer
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul 2
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul 3
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul 4
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul 5
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul 6
  • Bleach: Heat the Soul 7
  • Bleach: The Shattered Blade
  • Bleach: The Blade of Fate
  • Bleach: Dark Souls
  • Bleach GC: Tasogare ni Mamieru Shinigami
  • Bleach: Versus Crusade
  • Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou
  • Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
  • Bleach: Erabareshi Tamashii
  • Bleach: Brave Souls
  • Bleach: Paradise Lost


  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Ichigo, is it? That's a nice name. Men with the word Ichi in their names are often powerful and talented".
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "I just can't understand. Even though there's a fair amount of distance between us, when two people are engaged in a fight, only a rookie would remove a hand from his sword".
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "What are you talking about? We're still fighting! One of us will die before it's over! I, Ikkaku Madarame, 3rd Seat of Zaraki's Division, will never walk away from a fight like a coward!".
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Damn... How could I not die after losing so much blood! What a shame to get saved by the enemy. Damn, if only I could move, I would kill you right now!".
  • (To Tetsuzaemon Iba) "I was never interested in Kido in the first place. Unlike you, my mom didn't make me a do-it-all kind of guy at birth."
  • (To Renji Abarai) "Idiot. I told you long ago when I taught you how to fight, didn't I? That I have no intention of telling anyone besides you and Yumichika, that I have Bankai. If it got out that I can use Bankai, there'd be others besides you telling me to become a captain. I have no intention of becoming a captain. Becoming a captain would mean that I can't fight under Captain Zaraki. If you wish to surpass Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, then I only have one wish. To fight and die under that man's command."
  • (To Edrad Liones) "You sure have a different way of getting down to business. 'To announce your name and rank' is a custom taught to us when we learn how to fight. It's known as the last courtesy. If a person dies in combat, at least you get to know the name of the one that brought death to you. Third Seat of Zaraki's Division, Ikkaku Madarame. As for the lowlifes who ignore this etiquette, I simply kill them after they know who did them in."
  • (To Edrad Liones) "Cut the flattery. You can stop your admiration. It's only natural to show our true levels of Reiatsu. Whether it is worthy of praise is something you will learn after you die."
  • (To Hozukimaru) "What you said about me before...you're right, I am pretty stubborn. But still, I'll stick to the way I do things. I'll fight the way I always do and still tear you apart because when you get down to it, a man's not a man if he can't be himself in battle!".
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "You're too soft, Ichigo. You really think you're gonna win a fight like this without taking any lives? Finish them off properly! That's how you show respect to the enemy who started this battle."
  • (To Moe Shishigawara) "No man's life is worth more than another! If you're gonna put your life on the line, you do it as equals! I don't care if you're brothers, or master and apprentice, or whatever! You should only die for a guy who'd die for you! There's nothing honorable about throwing your life away as though it's nothing! That's just showing off like a kid!".



  • His birthday is November 9.
  • His theme song, as chosen by Tite Kubo, is "Mugen no Kouya" by THE BACK HORN.
  • In the last character popularity poll, Ikkaku came in 22nd. In the 2nd, he placed 22nd, and in the 3rd, 27th.
  • Ikkaku's Hōzukimaru came 13th in the Zanpakuto poll. His Bankai, Ryūmon Hōzukimaru, came in at 27th.
  • He co-authors Manly Silence with Tetsuzaemon Iba, and has his own column titled You're In Luck, You're On A Roll, Seireitei Communication.

Voice Actors

  • Japanese : Nobuyuki Hiyama
  • English : Vic Mignogna

all information on Ikkaku Madarame came from http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Ikkaku_Madarame

