Japanese Anime Wiki

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (エドワード・ウォン・ハウ・ペペル・チブルスキー4世),

9 EdFlyBebop2

born Françoise Appledelhi and colloquially known as Radical Edward, was a child prodigy skilled in hacking originally from Earth. Her father was the cartographer Mr. Appledelhi.


Edward was born on the day of January 1, 2058 on Earth. Her father, an eccentric man who was forgetful with anything but his work, left her at a day care center in 2064 and forgot to pick her up. Edward then spent two years in the care of other people before wandering off into an orphanage in 2066. Under the care of Sister Clara, she was quickly part of the family there. Her best friend during her time there was a boy named Tomato who was also passionate about computer science. She named her computer Tomato after him. Having to grown up without parents, she gave herself the name Edward Wang Hwe Pepel Cybulski 4th. In 2068, Ed fled the orphanage for reasons unclear to Clara: perhaps to search for her father, or perhaps out of a desire for freedom.

Edward built a reputation as a hacker, earning the nickname "Radical Edward". Many people had stories of who she really was – an alien, a basketball player, a 3-year old. She was only somewhat aware of her reputation. Edward also learned of a ship called the Bebop and wanted to be a part of its crew. She monitored its movements via the outernet, had several posters as well as a remote-controlled model made with a styrofoam cup and layers of cardboard.




Cowboy Bebop (Anime)[]

Cowboy Bebop (Live Action series)[]

Film Appearance[]

Video Games[]



Spike Spiegel[]

Jet Black[]

Faye Valentine[]

Knownable Relatives[]

  • Unnamed Father


  • In the opening titles to the show, Edward's full name is written as "Edward Wang Hwe Pepel Cybulski 4th". It's unclear whether or not the change to "Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the fourth" in the English subtitles to the original Japanese and the subsequent English dub was a production, pronunciation or mistranslation error.
  • In the English version dub of Cowboy Bebop and its theatrical film, she was sometimes mistaken as a "he" by Faye Valentine.
  • Her name in Japanese means ???.

According to the Databook:

  • Her birthday is ???, and her blood type is ???.
  • Her star sign is a ???.

Voice Actresses[]

  • Japanese : Aoi Tada
  • English : Melissa Fahn
Played by in (Live Action) : Eden Perkins

