These are regular cartoon shows that have aired in the United States. These cartoons and anime have aired on Toonami from the 1990s up until 2008. I was first exposed to Toonami during the year of 2000. As I had watched the Powerpuff Girls and then Samurai Jack. Then I recall watching Jackie Chan Adventures and Teen Titans. The first anime I saw on Toonami was DBZ. There are a few anime I recall seeing on Toonami such as Dragon Ball. DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Naruto, Zatch Bell, and One Piece. The last time I watched Toonami was in 2009 when Naruto had aired episode 209. The first time I saw Toonami in years was in 2017 for the final season of Samurai Jack. I didn’t see Toonami in the late 90s or in 2012, so I will add a few anime from those timelines. Anyway which is your favorite anime or cartoon from Toonami!!
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