Slogan 1: It’s the weekend and Cartoon Network is heading for you. The Saturday block party. Come spend 3 hours with one of your favorite cartoons. Bring a friend, bring all your friends. And make some noise. It’s the Saturday block party right here on Cartoon Network.
Slogan 2: The cartoon network block party is rolling your way. This week we’re bringing you two full hours of Teen Titans. Raven: Do we get bathroom breaks? And for those bad guys thinking of crashing the party, cyborg: we finished this now! Beast Boy: ah!. I wouldn’t recommend it. Beast Boy: Yeah what she said! It’s two hours of Teen Titans on the next Saturday Block Party. Today from 3 to 5 right here on Cartoon Network!
Slogan 3: This week on the Saturday Block Party. A totally smack down bad guys with the girls of totally spies. Clover: That will teach you to mess with my hair! It’s Totally Spies on the next Saturday Block Party! Saturday at 3 right here on Cartoon Network
Slogan 4: The Cartoon Network Block Party is rolling your way. This week we got 6 all new episodes of Duck Dodgers. Dodgers: Come and get it you desperate pink broradough. 3 hours of Duck Dodgers on the next Saturday Block Party. Today from 3 to 6. This is Cartoon Network
Slogan 5: Dexter’s Laboratory
Slogan 6: The Powerpuff Girls
Slogan 7: Jackie Chan Adventures
Slogan 8: Static Shock
Ok this block on summer vacation was the best back in 2004 to 2005. It felt like I was at a family bbq in the Cartoon Network City Era. I would watch this when it first show Jackie Chan Adventures, The Powerpuff Girls, Totally Spies, Code Lyoko, The Cramp Twins, Duck Dodgers, Johnny Bravo, Teen Titans (2x), Dexter’s Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd N Eddy, and Static Shock. In reality I had watched this block 13 times! I just wish this block could have been on from 3pm to 7pm.
My favorite promos from this block was Jackie Chan Adventures, Teen Titans, Totally Spies, Duck Dodgers and Static Shock. Sadly I can’t recall what the slogan message was for the promo of Static Shock or JCA. But I’m glad YouTube has the promos of Teen Titans, Totally Spies and Duck Dodgers.
What is your favorite tv show from this classic block?
Teen Titans (TV Series) -
Jackie Chan Adventures -
Totally Spies! -
The Powerpuff Girls (Classic) -
Courage the Cowardly Dog
All items (11)