Baby Looney Tunes' Eggs-traordinary Adventure is a 2003 American traditionally animated comedy direct-to-video film from Warner Bros. Animation. It is a special based on the television series Baby Looney Tunes. The special follows the main characters from Baby Looney Tunes as they go on a search for the true meaning of Easter. The producers were Gloria Yuh Jenkins and Tom Minton, both of whom had worked on the television series. Korean studio Dong Woo Animation provided the animation. Eggs-traordinary Adventure was released on VHS and DVD formats on February 11, 2003 and on Boomerang in March 2017. It had aired on Cartoon Network on April 11, 2004.
Voice Cast[]
- Japanese
- English
- the late June Foray as Granny
- Sam Vincent as Baby Bugs, Baby Daffy, and Baby Tweety
- Ian James Corlett as Baby Taz
- Terry Klassen as Baby Sylvester
- Britt McKillip as Baby Lola